Makayla Riordan

Makayla Riordan, a female Brekkian, is currently in an undisclosed location.

Makayla Riordan
Position None
Rank Blank
Species Brekkian
Gender Female
DOB 237104.18
Age 30
Birthplace Casperia Prime


  • Full Name: Makayla Riordan
  • Race: Brekkian
  • Date of Birth: 237104.18
  • Place of Birth: Casperia Prime
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T3/E0


  • Height: 4ft 9in
  • Weight: 101.3lbs
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Common Brekkian bridge above the nose.
  • Build: Small frame, lightly toned
  • Face: Oval faced with a delicate nose
  • Eyes: Almond
  • Mouth: Small, full bottom lip, smaller top lip
  • Arms: Not muscular, but slightly fit
  • Legs: Smaller than average
  • Carriage: Carries herself openly, but not flamboyant or overly eccentric
  • Poses: Has a tendency to twirl her hair.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Casual wear, but does not mind dressing up for the occasion.
  • Shoes: Prefers sandals or flats
  • Voice: Like honey
  • Handedness: Left-Handed


  • Quarters: A bit messy
  • Favorite Room: Recreational area
  • Habits: Always wears her fractal rose bracelet
  • Mannerisms: Has the ritual of leaving just a little bit of drink in her cup
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Polytheistic, although is eager to hear about others beliefs
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Arm-Wrestling, but had a tendency to lose
  • Likes: Blueberry pie
  • Dislikes: Dislikes men or women making an obvious move on her
  • Ambitions and Goals: To serve drinks before a Vulcan ambassador
  • Achievements in Life: When she managed to live on her own
  • Disappointments in Life: Finding how hard it was to work to live on her own
  • Temperment: Has a long fuse, but beware when its blown. For the most part flirtatious and easygoing.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Eremophobia, Fear of being oneself or of loneliness.
  • Physical Limitations: Due to her size, she is unable to lift very much weight


  • Marital Status: Single, Just got out of a relationship
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Jer'tol Hyarden
    • Mother: Tabananica Riordan
  • Siblings
    • Brother: Ya'Akov Riordan
    • Sister: Lleucu Riordan


Makayla has posession of three miniature humanoid robots which include:

These robots help her serve drinks and clean up behind the bar, as well as get into their own sort of trouble.

Personal History

  1. 236403.16: Makayla graduates from elementary school with high marks and plans on going to the prestigious Vulcan Science Academy when she reaches that age.
  2. 236703.12: After years of hard work, the Brekkian barely passes to graduate from high school. Finding that she would never make it into the Vulcan Science Academy, she never submits an application and applies for a part-time bartending job.
  3. 236802.20: Makayla tells her parents she wants to travel and will leave the following week to be a full time bartender. Her parents are disappointed in her decision, but give her three dolls to remind her of them.

Awards & Commendations

None as of yet

NPC Listing   ·   USS Doyle-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Selene Faranfey
Sabrina Holly
Ceciri Hakashri
Mission Spec.
David Cody
Security Ofc.
Aidoann Danara
Security Ofc.
John Nugra
Engineer Ofc.
Cassandra Ezi
Engineering Ofc.
Akeen th'Idrani
Amuro McKnight
Talia Kaji
Chief Medical Ofc.
Alexander Bishop
Brandon Craig
Civilian Nurse
Gewel D'piere
Michelle Tonston
Intel Ofc.
Lan Riel
Chief Tac. Ofc.
Tal Tel-ar
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