Devinon system

This star system is located approximately 20 lightyears from Deep Space 17, near the border of the One Kingdom.

Ithassa Region
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Devinon system Star  · I  · II  · III  · IV  · Belt  · V  · VI  · VII  · VIII

It is in orbit of a class V, type K4 (Orange Dwarf) star called Devinon. The other objects in this star system are

  • 1)a small gas giant, it's orbit is approximately 49 million km
  • 2)a small gas giant, it's orbit is approximately 94 million km
  • 3)a rock ball of a planet, it's orbit is approximately 135 million km, diameter of 14,947.2 km (9,342 miles).
  • 4)a small gas giant, it's orbit is approximately 183 million km
  • 5)an asteroid belt, it's orbit is approximately 212 to 243 million km
  • 6)a greenhouse planet, it's orbit is approximately 271 million km, diameter of 13,291 km (8,307 miles). It is home to a Vaadwaur colony and a small Federation Marine outpost.
  • 7)a class M planet (Devinon VI), it's orbit is approximately 315 million km, diameter of 19,478.4 km (12,174 miles). It is the homeworld of the Mantra.
  • 8)a small gas giant, it's orbit is approximately 379 million km
  • 9)an icy rock ball of a planet, it's orbit is approximately 437 million km, diameter of 8,547 km (5,342 miles)