House of Mirrors (Amity)

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House of Mirrors (Amity)

  • Episode: S1E6 (2399)
  • Stardate 239906-239907

Act 1


The Defiant class vessel is presumed stuck in an unusual gravity well located on the outer reaches of the Barossa Nebula. The USS Kitty Hawk is attempting recovery.

The Galaxy-class USS Kitty Hawk, captained by Roshanara Rahman, was initially delayed from launching on its first scientific exploration as part of its three-year ongoing mission. Ambassador Niarivi Vataix and her staff on Amity Outpost volunteered its primary support vessel the USS Independence-B to chart ahead for the Kitty Hawk and scout the greater reaches of the Barossa Nebula.

At the prearranged rendezvous point the Kitty Hawk’s crew encountered a gravity well. While it was not large enough to trap the ship, Acting Chief Science Officer Lt. Kivik surmised that it was likely the that the smaller Independence-B was not so fortunate.

Crew on the Kitty Hawk have experienced phenomena produced by the gravity well. These include tightly packed “bundles” of tachyon particles with unusual and as yet understood subspace attributes. These bundles have caused sickness in many of the crew, some causing vivid temporal hallucinations. Affected crewmen experience short moments of a possible alternative timeline.

“I experienced two hallucinations after I became sick from the gravity well’s effects,” said bubbly and enthusiastic science officer Ens. Finsen. “While the details of my hallucinations are personal and something I’d rather not share, they were ghastly and nightmarish. I wouldn’t wish them upon even my worst enemy!”

Capt. Rahman has launched a Class-6 probe into the gravity well to make an attempt to contact the USS-Independence-B. The probe split into multiple temporal versions of itself as it entered the well. It returned garbled information that science officers are trying to decode. Amity’s newest Starfleet addition Ens. Rhylan Ward along with Lt Kivik have created a treatment to protect the crew from the well’s effects. This will allow the Kitty Hawk to get closer to the gravity well so that Rahman and her crew can attempt a rescue of the Independence-B.

Act 2 & 3


The USS Kitty Hawk successfully rescued Amity Outpost’s support vessel from a gravity well, while Ambassador Vataix was hunted by a Hirogen on a candidate colony planet.

A spatial anomaly with unusual properties, located inside a gravity well at the far reach of the Barossa Nebula, proved strong enough to pull in and trap the Independence-B (NCC-1776-B). In the hours after their entrapment, the crew of the Defiant Class vessel affected repairs to the stricken ship, restoring systems including sensors.

The crew were shocked to discover that the lifeless, void-like anomaly contained hundreds of duplicate, “reflection” versions of their ship. Each reflection existed within its own temporal “bubble” and was not contactable via standard methods of communication.

With no apparent way out of the anomaly, the assigned Commanding Officer LtCmdr. Wil Ukinix took a shuttle to visit two of the reflection Independence-Bs for assistance. The crew encountered versions of themselves, each encounter disrupting that reflection ship’s timeline and changing their temporal experience forever.

Outside the anomaly, the USS Kitty Hawk, captained by Roshanara Rahman, sent in a Class-6 probe to attempt contact with the Independence-B crew. However, the probe ”split” into hundreds of reflections of itself, causing the probe to malfunction and target the hulls of reflection vessels – sometimes fatally. Ens. Nathan Richards was hit by a probe during an operation on an outer hull of a reflection ship, resulting in his arm having to be amputated and replaced with an emergency prosthetic.

The Independence-B managed to escape the anomaly when the Kitty Hawk’s runabout craft Kwando fired an anti-graviton beam into the anomaly, allowing Amity’s support vessel to tractor itself out. “One’s training kicks in and you focus on the tasks required to fix your vessel and escape,” shared helm officer Lt. JG David Flint of the experience. “But the horror lingers and, in the quiet moments, makes you question your sanity.”

The rescue was not without cost. Ukinix, still inside a shuttle in the anomaly emitting antimatter pulses at the anti-graviton beam to ensure successful escape, was transported out using the experimental “MST project”, Starfleet technology designed to beam an entire ship from one point of space to another.

After initial failure, it fell back to identifying Ukinix’s hybrid Human/Betazoid DNA for a lock but materialised two versions of him – Human and Betazoid. There is no confirmation from Starfleet of whether the split is temporary or permanent.

B Plot


Meanwhile, Ambassador Niarivi Vataix visited a candidate Betazoid colony planet known as Fana 6519-G, a mostly tropical planet with attractive beaches. During her personal inspection of the world in tandem with Betazoid government mediator Tani Lekasa, secretly planted sensors were triggered, alerting an unknown lone Hirogen hunter of their presence. Vataix’s assigned Starfleet security detail were killed by the hunter, leaving Vataix and Lekasa to fend for themselves. Fortunately, time was on their side, as they were able to wait out on the planet until Amity’s fleet of the auxiliary craft were able to arrive, disturbing the Hirogen which fled the planet.

“The appearance of a Hirogen hunter in the sector was unexpected as the Hirogen have been unresponsive to our overtures since Amity’s opening,” said Ambassador Vataix. “We are reaching out to the Hirogen to begin a dialogue, and we remain committed to reaffirming peaceful relations between our two peoples, renewing the truce established by Admiral Janeway over twenty years ago.”



First Appearances

(Edit Listing)

Season 1 (2398-2399)

"Amicitia Vera Illuminat" · "Providence" · "1x03" · "An Eye for an Eye" · "Means to an End" · "House of Mirrors" · "Pieces" · "Protocols" · "1x09" · "Nostalgia" · "1x11"

Season 2 (2400)

"Worthy Prey" · "2x02" · "Dark Roses" · "2x04" · "It's Always Sunny in the Delta Quadrant" · "2x06" · "Toxicity"

Season 3 (2401)

"3x01" · "Bless This Home" · "3x03" · "Frontier Day" · "3x05" · "Time Gone By"

Amity Mission Archive