Esa Kiax

Revision as of 15:52, 1 October 2019 by Esa Darkkdust (talk | contribs)

Lieutenant Esa Kiax (Darkkdust) is currently serving as a Com/Ops Officer aboard the USS Atlantis. Esa is the 7th Host of the Kiax Symbiont.

USS Atlantis
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Esa Kiax (Formerly Darkkdust)
Position Communications/Operations Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Joined Trill
Gender Female
DOB 237009.16
Age 31
Birthplace St Thomas' Hospital - London, UK
Writer ID A239511ED0
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost VoyagerMedallionAward 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Voyager Medallion

25th Anniversary
Badge 1.png
History Team Member
Badge 1.png
Player Achievements
A face for the name
Data hound
Take a deep breath for me
Detail oriented
It takes two
Subspace Communicator
Press F to Honor


  • Height: 5' 8" (172.72cm)
  • Weight: 152.1 lbs (69.0 kgs)
  • Hair colour: Dyed Ocean Blue (Naturally Brown)
  • Length of Hair: Shoulder Length
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Build: Average
  • Telepathic status: T0
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): Often slouches when sat down, except in the presence of superiors; When standing, she often favours one leg or the other, most likely due to her muscle atrophy.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Can be found in a wide variety of light, patterned summer dresses. If it gets too cold, then a pair of tight fitting denim jeans and a long sleeved blouse & cardigan.
  • Shoes: Shin high leather boots. Variety of colours and styles to fit almost any ensemble.
  • Voice: Smooth, well-spoken. Upper-Middle Class british accent. Vocal range:- Soprano C4 (261Hz) to A5 (880Hz) (Think Keeley Hawes' portrayal of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider: Legend)
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous


  • Marital Status: Married
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Celeg Darkkdust (Joined Trill)
    • Mother: Zahara Darkkdust (Née Sartoris)
  • Siblings
    • Elder: Christoph Darkkdust (30)
    • Elder (In Law): Hannah Striker (30)
    • Younger: Erin Striker (24)


Esa met Maddi during the early days of their tenure at the Academy. The two formed a solid bond of friendship throughout this time and were overjoyed to be posted together on the USS Atlantis, hoping that they could make a real difference to the crew of their new ship. After an accident that endangered Maddi's life, she and Esa finally revealed their true feeling for each other. After several months of being together, the pair decided to take things to the next level and proposed marriage to each other. Despite being separated for over two months, first due to Esa's return to Trill for her joining, then because they were assigned to separate away teams to investigate a series of Chon outpost stations, they finally tied the knot and were wed in a ceremony performed by Captain Brell, shortly before his departure for the Embassy of Duronis II.

Esa and Natalya were acquainted way back in 2391, when a 20-year-old Esa was still in two minds about signing on with the Academy. After a particularly informative chat about Engineering, Esa was influenced to tender her academy application on the Engineering track. The pair were unexpectedly reunited almost 5 years later in Poseidon's.

Events surrounding the trial of Kiliak Jo put a strain on their once friendly relationship, but after Esa was attacked with a memory blanking drug, she lost all recollection of their animosity.


Esa was born on Earth while her father was working on assignment to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on the Intrepid-Class Development Project. Naturally, the family decided to stay put in the Sol system during her early developmental years, eventually leading up to her schooling in London.

While at school, Esa met Erin Striker, who quickly became one of her best friends. Through this friendship, both families grew close, with Esa’s older brother eventually marrying Erin’s older sister. Sadly, mere weeks after the wedding, Erin’s parents were killed in an accident on the starship they were serving on. Heartbroken, Erin sought refuge in the comfort of her newly extended family, asking to be adopted into the Darkkdust family, who accepted without hesitation.

Aged 18, Esa graduated from Secondary Education with qualifications in Information Systems Development, Electronics and Physics. She had become quite adept at computer programming and electronics, feeding off of the knowledge of her father, and sought to follow his footsteps into Starship Design and Construction. Under encouragement from her parents, Esa tendered her application to Starfleet Academy, where she was accepted to Major in Starship Operations, and minor in Engineering under the Programming discipline. While at the Academy, she found a passion in marksmanship, and ended up representing the United Kingdom in the 2392 London Olympics. From this, she made several successive attempts to beat the academy Advanced Phaser Training Programme record, sadly never succeeding. Despite this, she excelled in LCARS Programming and Systems Architecture and Design, and graduated with a respectable 3.19GPA (2:1) in Communications/Operations and Engineering Programming.

Her Academy training cruise was certainly an eventful one, initially featuring her as the Bridge HCO Officer, however after an accident where one of her fellow cadets was rendered unconscious, she was transferred to the Engineering Station until the mission's conclusion.

Personality & Mannerisms

  • Quarters: Sparsely decorated, but a large LCARS programming console built into a desk runs perpendicular to the room's orientation that serves to divide the living area from the bed. Sofas and large squashy beanbags occupy the remaining space. Opposite her bed is a replica 21st Century Pearl Reference acoustic drum kit, which serves to keep her entertained when she's off-duty.
  • Favorite Room: Astrometrics. The fact that there's a massive wall spanning map of the galaxy in there is just so cool.
  • Habits: Bites fingernails when thinking hard about things.
  • Mannerisms: Quite often known to over-gesticulate when explaining something. Will unintentionally use quite complicated words when doing so, sometimes in the wrong way, which can confuse those she's talking to.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: While not particularly religious in any sense of the word, she does think that the Bajoran devotion to the Prophets is a neat idea. Having some higher being watching over you can be a comfort in those most difficult of times.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Sitting in trees in Hyde Park with a padd or two, programming some new subroutine to make her life easier. Playing along to any number of 20th/21st Century Musical Theatre tracks on her drum kit.
  • Likes: All things Cake related; Vanilla Ice-Cream Floats; Things coloured blue; 20th & 21st Century Musical Theatre.
  • Dislikes: Opera; Bitter foods and drinks.
  • Ambitions and Goals: One day hopes to make her way to Chief Operations Officer, but more than that, desires very strongly to become Joined, like her father.
  • Achievements in Life: Silver Medal for Team GB in Women's Skeet at the 2392 London Olympics; Played Elle Woods at high school in her final year production of Legally Blonde.
  • Disappointments in Life: Not being there enough for her younger sister, who sadly washed out of the Academy. Esa blames herself for her sister's failure.
  • Temperament: Calm and Collected, though can have a tendency to become unaware of her surroundings when working on a particularly difficult task.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Irrational fear of dying from asphyxiation.
  • Physical Limitations: Slight muscle atrophy in her legs. Makes lifting heavy objects difficult. If left untreated may lead to the loss of motor functions.

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet, Fourth Class 239109.01
Starfleet Academy
Com/Ops Major
Cadet, Third Class 239209.01
Com/Ops Major
Engineering Programming Minor
Cadet, Second Class 239309.01
Cadet, First Class 239409.01
Starbase 118
USS Centris-A
Ensign 239511.20 - 239605.30 USS Atlantis
Communications/Operations Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239606.01 - 239608.27
Lieutenant 239608.28 - Current

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Voyager Medallion 239606.30
USS Atlantis
Lieutenant JG Esa Darkkdust the Atlantis' Trill operations officer has since coming aboard has shown a dedication to a role that is not always easy to be sure just what it is you should be doing. Be it managing power levels, assigning crew quarters, or overseeing the installation schedule of a replacement warp nacelle, Darkkdust embodies what is is to be an operations officer.

Those little details about their job and what it entails are common in their sims adding depth and sense of reality into our game. Being able to imagine the day to life onboard Atlantis is enriched with nearly every sim Darkkdust posts. For these reasons and many more it is my distinct pleasure to present Esa Darkkust with The Voyager Medallion.

Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Explorer's Ribbon 239608.28
USS Atlantis
Awarded to all members of the away teams who boarded several ancient Chon space stations looking for clues to bring back the missing Deep Space 26.
Legion of Merit 239606.01
USS Atlantis
Awarded to Esa for showing exceptional thinking and dedication to her duties in the chaos of Deep Space 26 being stolen.
Innovation Ribbon 239602.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded to Esa for her quick thinking in using the Initial Programming mode to prevent a dangerous virus from spreading through the computer core.
Legion of Merit 239602.03
USS Atlantis
Awarded to the entire crew for going above and beyond the call of duty in ensuring that the Atlantis made it back to Deep Space 26 safely.
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239511.19
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

USS Atlantis
Sim Title Description Links
The Defence of Kiliak Jo In 2396, Esa acted as a defence attorney for fellow shipmate Kiliak Jo, while on trial for suspected treason. Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
2392 London Summer Olympics: Women's Skeet Qualifiers In 2392, Esa was competing for Team GB in the Earth Olympics in London. Her performance in the qualifying round was one to be matched, but all was not perfect... Part 1
Part 2

USS Atlantis Crew Roster

NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
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