Alexander Richards/Professional History

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Alexander has served on many vessels during his short time in Starfleet. He has resigned his commission once and witnessed the destruction of one of the vessels he has served upon.
Lt. Commander
Alexander Richards
STO LtCommander Blue.jpg
Science Officer
USS Gemini

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Born: 236111.06
Age: 40
Birth Place: Tycho City, Lunar Colonies

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Current Assignment

Alexander Richards is currently the Acting Chief Science officer (ACSO) of Starbase 118 Operations.

  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Acting Chief science officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain William Rogers
  • Stardates: 239010.09 -> Present

Soon after taking over control of Starbase 118 operations from her former staff, the crew find themselves under attack by four mysterious creatures which the senior staff have deemed elementals. Alexander finds himself in Strategic operations hoping to help prevent any further disasters from occurring on the station although both he and his crewmates know they are in a race against time.

Previous Assignments

Owing to various circumstances, Alexander Richards has served upon many different vessels during his short career. These assignments run from earliest to most recent.

Starfleet Academy

Alexander majored in Operations opting to take his minor in Engineering.

  • Rank: Cadet
  • Duty Post: Student
  • Commanding Officer: Starfleet Academy Commandant, San Francisco and Starfleet Academy Commandant, Starbase 118.
  • Stardates: 238309.01 -> 238807.04

San Francisco
Year One Year Two
Semester Course Semester Course
One Administration: StarFleet Operations One Survival: Starship Emergencies
Administration: Chain of Command and General Protocol Survival: Environmental suits and Zero-G training
Engineering: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces Tactics: Combat, unarmed
Engineering: LCARS Programming 1 Tactics: Combat, Small Weapons
Two Diplomacy Two Xenobiology: Concepts
Language: Federation Standard Xenology: General
Engineering: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks Physics: Concepts
Engineering: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems Piloting: Runabouts and Shuttles
Three History: Federation Three Medicine: First aid and field medicine
Language: Klingon (level 1) Language: Romulan, level 1
Law: Federation General Language: Cardassian, (level 1)
Mathematics: Concept Language: Ferengi, (level 1)
Starbase 118
Year Three Year Four
Semester Course Semester Course
One Engineering: LCARS Programming 2 (minor) One Diplomacy: Hostile species (major)
Engineering: Introduction to Warp Systems (minor) Engineering: Operations and Command functions (major)
Engineering: Warp Drives (minor) Engineering: Life support systems (major)
Engineering: Colossal failures in Engineering (minor) Engineering: Deflectors, weapons and Security systems (major)
Two Engineering: Impulse Systems (minor) Two Engineering Base-Mode operations (major)
Engineering: Advanced Warp Systems (minor) Language: Klingon, level 2 (major)
Administration: Starfleet Bases and Outposts (major) Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedoes (major)
Administration: Starfleet Starships (major) Tactics: Combat: Introduction to Starship Combat (major)
Three Administration: Deployment (major) Three Tactics: Small units (major)
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships Sublight (major) Tactics: Strategy of battle 1 (major)
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Warp speed (major) Tactics: Strategy of battle 2 (major)
Astronomy: Astrophysics, General (major) Tactics: Leadership (major)

USS Independence A

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Chief Communications Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Sidney Riley
  • Stardates: 238807.04 -> 238811.16

Alexander Richards spent the first four months of his career serving on board the USS Independence A until her destruction in November 2388. He was reassigned with the crew to the USS Tiger A later that month.

The only mission Alexander participated in during his short stay on the ill fated vessel was during the period which ended with Bajor's acceptance into the Federation as a member world. Please see the archive for mission logs and information.

USS Tiger A

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Chief Communications Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Sidney Riley
  • Stardates: 238811.16 -> 238901.14

The next two months of Alexander Richards career were spent onboard the USS Tiger A or rather, docked at Deep Space 17. The crew had a long shore leave period during this time which featured a team building exercise on the holodeck in Camelot.

The only mission Alexander participated in during his short stay on the Starbase was a drill perpetrated by Starfleet Intelligence. Alexander promptly resigned from Starfleet upon learning this information Please see the archive for mission logs and information.

USS Mercury

  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Tactical Officer/Acting Chief Science Officer/Chief Science officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Aron Kells
  • Stardates: 238910.19 -> 239006.17

Alexander Richards spent nearly nine months onboard the USS Mercury. The first mission he was involved in saw the crew of the Mercury on a race against time to save some of the senior staff who had been taken hostage during the Klingon skirmish that had erupted that year. During the climax of that mission Alexander opened fire on the Klingons who he was sure were going to kill the rescue party. The skirmish that followed resulted in several casualties and the demotion of Alexander's friend, Eyas Wulfantine to the rank of Lieutenant. It also resulted in Alexander's first (and so far only) command evaluation (listed below.)

After a long shore leave on Starbase 118, the USS Mercury set out to Deep Space 10 to check on the progress being made by the Starfleet Core of Engineers bringing the ancient abandoned station up to code. When they arrived, they found the station eerily quiet and once again abandoned. Whilst investigating this strange occurrence, Alexander triggered the bases ancient defence systems and was paralyzed from the waist down. The young man was lucky to escape the station with his life.

Soon after the mission to Deep Space 17, the majority of the senior staff were called away on an urgent matter leaving Alexander as the highest ranking member of the senior staff onboard and thus, in command. Not long after the senior staff's departure, the USS Mercury received a distress signal and Alexander ordered the undermanned vessel to investigate as per standard Starfleet protocol. The mission, although successful was a complete mess. But for the skilled actions of the ships new Caitian pilot the USS Mercury would have been lost with all hands. Alexander saw the mission as a learning experience but found himself in no hurry to command a star ship of his own.

Alexander's final mission on the USS Mercury involved the ship investigating an ancient library. Owing to the adverse conditions created by the planetary systems star and having been temporarily made the ships acting chief engineer, Alexander found himself modifying the ship and her systems to be able to withstand the phenomenon they might encounter. Towards the end of the mission, Alexander was ordered to lead an away team to rescue a ship that had been caught by a defensive weapon protecting the library. The away mission was nearly a catastrophe with Alexander's arrogance getting in the way of operating procedures. Thankfully for his sake, the surviving crew were rescued although the ship was lost. Please see the archive for mission logs and information.

USS Drake

  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain William Rogers
  • Stardates: 239006.17 -> 239010.08

Soon after the incident onboard the USS Mercury, Alexander put in a transfer request to command and was promptly transferred to the USS Drake. He never got the opportunity to serve on the vessel as his one and only mission assigned to the Drake was an infiltration mission to prevent a terrorist act against the Federation which didn't require her.

Before the mission Alexander was asked to join the Defence counsel of Captain Rogers during an investigation by Temporal investigations. Alexander along with Lieutenant Junior Grade Kendall Washburn managed to clear the Captain of all charges. Soon after the hearing, the command staff were approached by FedSec who required the 'talents' of the USS Drake crew.

The crew of the USS Drake acquired the services of two civilian vessels and proceeded with their black ops missions. The crew with the help of a band of Orion pirates managed to thwart the plans of Atherton Tomic but, at a great cost. A member of the Drakes crew lost their life in a heroic sacrifice to prevent Tomic's weapon from destroying the refinery. In the mean time, Alexander helped to prevent a dilithium store on the refinery from destroying the entire complex. Upon the crews return to Starbase 118 they were notified of the USS Drakes retirement for use as a training vessel at Starfleet Academy, San Francisco. Please see the archive for mission logs and information.

Command Reviews

Alexander has so far received only one command review in his career following an incident whilst serving on the USS Mercury

Assessment: Captain Aron kells

((OOC: The following assessment is written by the player and not by Captain Aron Kells himself , for the actual sim this is based off please see the archive ))

Report: Assessment re: Alexander Richards. Classification: Bravo One, Eyes only.

Alexander Richards is an intelligent young officer with a fiery passion and a lot of ambition. However, at present he seems to lack a proper grasp of the chain of command and the importance of it. The importance of the CoC was spelled out to Mister Richards and explanations were provided to all his questions. With his new posting as the assistant chief of science, it is hoped that he will not only adhere to the CoC but regain some confidence in himself and his fellow officers.

Disciplinary Log

Alexander has had no disciplinary action taken against him to date.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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