Nemitor Atimen

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Nemitor Atimen


  • Awards
TOSMAThe B-Plot Award
5 Year MemberThe B-Plot Award

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Nemitor Atimen is currently the Chief of Security aboard USS Tiger.


  • Full Name: Nemitor Joshua Atimen
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 235512.24
  • Age: 30
  • Place of Birth: North America, Earth
  • Gender: Male


  • Height: 190 cm
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue


  • Spouse: None.
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Samuel Atimen
    • Mother: Elizabeth Atimen
  • Siblings: Steven Atimen

Personal History

Born in 2355 on Earth, Nemitor Joshua Atimen had a rich childhood. Known as ‘Josh’ for the first part of his life, he grew up surrounded by technology. His father, Samuel Atimen, owned and operated a small engineering firm specializing in the design and manufacture of various parts for Federation ships and fighters. While other children played Parrises Squares, a young Nemitor spent his time looking over the shoulders of engineers and fooling with prototypes. From the day he first accidentally launched a thruster through the roof, he was hooked.

Soon enough the time came for him to consider his life and future career. Already knowing what field he wanted to work in, he applied to Starfleet Academy, hoping to get to work on the ships whose blueprints he often got to glance over. His father, however, was not pleased and hoped to have his son attend a civilian institute. After hearing that Nemitor had accepted his admittance to the Academy, there was a falling out between father and son. Samuel Atimen was furious with his son’s decision, and severed communication. Although Nemitor still talks with his mother, his brother Steven sides with their father. What started out as a small argument grew and grew and divided the family.

Atimen worked hard at the Academy, majoring in Engineering with a minor in Security. His education wasn’t all studying, and he gained many friends, most of which he still maintains contact with. Once he passed eighteen, Atimen began to receive cash from the various patents he applied for before his acceptance to the Academy. To this day, his portfolio continues to grow and bring in supplemental income.

Shortly before graduating he was visited by Starfleet Intelligence, who thought he could be an asset. He declined an invitation to join their ranks, tempted more by working in the outskirts of the Ithassa sector as an engineer. As such, he was sent out to the USS Kodiak under Admiral Hollis. This would be his first step into the Ithassa sector which would become Atimen’s home for nearly a decade. Atimen served longest on the USS Triumphant, moving up to the rank of Second Officer. However, all good things must come to an end, and when the Triumphant was decommissioned he was transferred to the USS Independence. Shortly after settling into the much larger vessel, Atimen was transferred once more, however this time to Utopia Planitia Shipyards, where he was to oversee an engineering division operating on a new class of starship. A few months in he requested a leave of absence, which resulted in him going around various engineering companies and taking some much needed time off. After three months he returned to Starfleet, where he was once again assigned to Ithassa, this time to the USS Tiger. While on the Tiger he bounced around from Engineering to Security and back before the Tiger and all her staff were transferred to Starbase 118, where he serves today.

Professional History

  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Current Assignment: Starbase 118 Ops
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security
Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign 238210.25- 238301.11 USS Kodiak-B Engineering Officer
01-Ens-Gold.png 238301.11 - 238303.12 Acting Chief Engineer
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant JG 238303.05 - 238401.04 USS Triumphant Chief Engineering Officer
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant 238301.11 - 238405.17
Awards: 238401.04 TOSMA I, Data Artistic
03-Lt-Red.png Lieutenant 238405.17 - 238407.06 USS Triumphant Second Officer
& Chief Engineering Officer
03-Lt-Red.png 238407.06 - 238408.30 Second Officer
& Chief of Security
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant 238409.04 - 238410.03 USS Independence-A Chief of Security
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant JG 238510.21 - 238512.20 USS Tiger Engineering Officer
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant 238512.20 - 238608.22 Chief of Security
& Chief Tactical Officer
04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lt. Commander 238608.22 - 238612.14 Chief Engineer
04-LtCmdr-Gold.png 238612.14 - Present Starbase 118 Ops Chief of Security

Awards & Commendations

  • The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1: 238401.04
  • Data Artistic: 238401.04


  1. 238210.25: Assigned to USS Kodiak-B as Engineering Officer
  2. 238301.11: Promoted to Acting Chief Engineering Officer
  3. 238303.05: Assigned to USS Triumphant
  4. 238303.12: Promoted to Chief Engineering Officer and Lieutenant Junior Grade
  5. 238401.04: Promoted to Lieutenant.
  6. 238401.04: Awarded the "TOSMA I" and "Data Artistic" Awards
  7. 238405.17: Promoted to Second Officer
  8. 238407.06: Assigned to Chief of Security
  9. 238408.30: Decommissioning of the USS Triumphant
  10. 238409.04: Transferred to the USS Independence-A
  11. 238410.03: Transferred to Federation Research (Utopia Planitia), subsequent Leave of Absence
  12. 238510.21: Assigned to the USS Tiger, Demoted to Lt. JG, Assigned as Engineering Officer
  13. 238512.20: Promoted to Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer
  14. 238601.06: Promoted to Lieutenant.
  15. 238608.22: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and Chief Engineering Officer
  16. 238612.14: Transferred to Starbase 118 Operations, and Chief of Security


Telepathic Status

In 2084, Atimen fell into a coma, during which his mind 'split', forming two distinct conciousnesses. One of these was the original, the other his unconscious. As his mind healed, it re-solidified back into its original form, albeit with a different structure. Although there were no major changes, an unexpected side-effect was that Atimen was no longer readable to Telepaths and Empaths. To them, his mind was 'static'.

By 2387 he has returned to being fully readable to Empaths, and mostly readable to Telepaths.

Important People

  • Kal'thor: A Klingon freighter captain. Studied with Atimen at the Academy as a foreign exchange student.
  • Hank Colton: Terran owner of an engineering firm headquartered on Earth. Studied with Atimen at the Academy, and was assigned to Utopia Planitia until he was allowed to retire from the fleet.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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