Harrison Kiani

The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Crew of Amity Outpost


Ensign Harrison Kiani

Dr. Harrison Kiani is a Human/Al-Leyan Medical Officer/Medical Scientist serving aboard Amity Outpost. He was born bearing the name Laime Pergalen on the auspicious day of "Komunceco Vivo" (Communion with Life), marking the end of winter and beginning of spring. The Ensign has long since forsaken any association with his birth culture, spending most of his formative years on the USS Curie and later Tarola'n, Alpha Centauri IV.


Basic Stats

  • Full Name: Harrison Kiani
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Human/Al-Leyan
  • Date of Birth: 237305.14
  • Place of Birth: Sez Toural, Leya-I
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 183cm (6')
  • Weight: 82kg (180lbs)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Brown - Amber | **Note: As a result of Harry's unique Al-Leyan genetics, he has inherited what is called the Tapetum Lucidum, a mirror-like structure at the back of the eye which causes an Al-Leyan's eyes to glow in dark environments when light is shone into them.
  • Portrayal: Nikesh Patel


  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Parents: Isobel Ryce & Aquila Kiani
Taken at the inauguration of the Aquila Kiani Wildlife Sanctuary, at Tarola'n. Circa 2395.

Dr. Aquila Kinai
Birth Mother, Age 68 | Human

If Dr. Aquila Kiani had to be assigned an epitaph on her headstone, no man could argue against highlighting her ceaseless dedication to her profession. They would only be half right in doing so though, for despite her aloofness, there was a part of her that desperately wanted to be close to her family. She could be warm, kind and even loving at times, making these moments of vulnerably doubly cherished by those who loved her in turn - whether due to obligation or through some genuine unexplained fondness.

Aquila was born in Lahore, on Earth, but unlike most Terrans she was desperate to leave. She had always had a particular love for plant life, and when given the chance to train in Botany at the prestigious University of Betazed, she hopped on the first liner off-world. This would mark the beginning of a long and storied career in the field. Culminating in the synthesis of a novel strand of food crop varieties which were particularly resistant to a myriad of climatic conditions and would regularly guarantee high yields. The breakthrough resulted in a marked improvement in quality of life for colonists with limited access to energy. For her work Aquila has been awarded multiple commendations and honours from various institutions. But, the closest to her heart remains the renaming of the Exrenitii Conservatory in Tarola'n to the Aquila Kiani Wildlife Sanctuary.

Taken at a cocktail party on Earth. Circa 2398.

Isobel Ryce
Mother, Age 42 | Centauran

In obvious contrast stood Isobel Royce, once a teacher aboard the USS Centris, now working as an independent artist and critic with her own studio. To Harry she'd started off as Miss Royce and somewhere down the line turned into a mother. It was obvious that she doted on the boy. Whenever he'd send a bauble or souvenir from wherever in the cosmos he'd decided to perch, it was to her that the messages were addressed. With an addendum attached inquiring about his mother's health, as any dutiful son must. It was she who stood by him when Harry announced his intention to join Starfleet, and it was from her that he'd inherit his love for holophotography. For outsiders, the pairing seemed bizarre, but on that count Harry had no doubts. Despite the numerous spats and disagreements, the duo had managed to form a silent partnership whose foundations never seemed to crumble.

Aspect, Interests & Mannerisms


  • Quarters: On most occasions his quarters are maintained with an almost military precision; sheets neatly folded, possessions ordered and alphabetised.
  • Temperament: Harry has a genial and approachable nature. And can chat about differential equations just as easily as he can about the chances of your favourite team winning the Parrises Squares Championship.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: While he does not believe that there is any benefit to metaphysics as a subject of inquiry, he has a certain degree of appreciation for the moral teachings of certain Earth religions. Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism have been of particular interest, but he has also made a cursory study of the polytheistic Betazoid religious system.
  • Personality:


Professional History

NPC Listing   ·   Amity Outpost Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Chief of Mission
Rivi Vataix
First Officer
Wil Ukinix
Chief Sci Ofc. & 2O
Robin Hopper
Jr. Science Officer
Niev Galanis
Jr. Science Officer
D'Cyra Varati
Chief Counselor
John Carter
Chief of Operations
Nathan Richards
Asst. Chief of Ops
Scotty Reade
Chief of Staff
Keehani Ukinix
Vaje Kizat.png
Dep Chief of Mission
Vaje Kizat
Second Secretary
Civilian Sci. Liason
Samantha Richards
Chief Medical Ofc.
Jansen Orrey
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Medical Student
Ikaia Wong
Chief of Sec/Tac
Rebecca Iko
Sec/Tactical Ofc.
Kaito Moore
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