Ayiana Sevo/Starfleet Records

< Ayiana Sevo
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Crew of the USS Gorkon


Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo

Current Assignment

U.S.S. Gorkon

U.S.S. Gorkon

Full Article: Service Record: U.S.S. Gorkon
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Duty Post: Research Coordinator
  • Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds
  • Stardates: 239207.15 - Present

Previous Assignments

U.S.S. Victory

U.S.S. Victory

Full Article: Service Record: U.S.S. Victory
  • Rank: Ensign to Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Science Officer to Chief Science Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Nugra
  • Stardates: 239109.01 - 239207.15

Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Academy, Trill Campus

Full Article:
  • Rank: Cadet
  • Major: Physics (Quantum Mechanics & Subspace Mechanics)
  • Minor: Astronomy
  • Stardates: Graduated 239105.10
Service and Conduct

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 1st Class 239105.10 Starfleet Academy, Trill Campus Graduated
Ensign 239109.01 - 239111.04 U.S.S. Victory Science Officer
Lieutenant JG 239111.04 - 239205.20 Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant 239205.20 - 239207.15
Lieutenant 239207.15 - 239305.10 U.S.S. Gorkon Chief Science Officer
Lt. Commander 239305.10 - 239501.06
Lt. Commander 239501.06 - 239511.25 First Officer
Lt. Commander 239511.25 - Present Research Coordinator

Awards and Commendations

Awards and Commendations
Award Name Stardate Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239109.01 For successfully completing Starbase 118 training.
Genesis Award 2391 / (2014) For officers who show conspicuous effort in improving their simming skills.
The Scotty Cross 2392 / (2015) Given to an officer who shows extreme creativity while solving a plot dilemma or in character plot twist.
The Russ Bar The Russ bar is awarded to a writer whose knowledge of Trek lore is extraordinary. Named for Tim Russ, the actor who played Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, who was already a dedicated Star Trek fan before securing the role on the show.
1-Year Member For those who have been members continuously for one year.
TOSMA 2393 / (2016) The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class (TOSMA) given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities.
Khan Award 2395 / (2018) The Khan Award is awarded to a simmer who thoughtfully develops a three-dimensional villain over the course of a mission or more; in this case writing for Leelou who plagued the Gorkon for years.

Service Ribbons

Service Ribbons
Ribbon Name Stardate Posting Presented By Citation
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239201.25 U.S.S. Victory Captain Nugra For repairing his EVA suit and saving the life of Cmdr. Eerie during first contact with the Sunak.
The Purple Heart Injured and rendered comatose during away mission to the Sunak ship Unama.
First Contact Ribbon First Contact with the Sunak.
Explorer's Ribbon For exploring Orthica's Bane and discovering the Sunak.
Prometheus Ribbon 239204.13 U.S.S. Victory Captain Nugra Encountered subspace anomaly related to the Prometheus Incident at Luxis III.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239205.20 U.S.S. Victory Captain Nugra Saved the life of Sergeant Brooks Gwinnett.
Good Conduct Ribbon For exceptional work in the rescue of Ensigns Rosek and Tarna from captivity.
Innovation Ribbon 239210.21 U.S.S. Gorkon Captain
Quinn Reynolds
Developing a way to detect interference fields and disabling phasers.
Good Conduct Ribbon Saved the life of Captain Quinn Reynolds and her away team.
Medical Science Ribbon Helped to cure a previously untreatable infection of sarpedionital gondii parasites.
Innovation Ribbon 239301.18 U.S.S. Gorkon Captain Quinn Reynolds Creatively rescued hostages in Astrofori One's Cardassian Embassy.
Department Chief Ribbon 239305.10 U.S.S. Gorkon Captain Quinn Reynolds Exemplary performance as a department head for no less than 6 months.
Innovation Ribbon Created a way to disrupt enemy sensors in the midst of a battle.
Distinguished Service Ribbon Surviving and emerging victorious against a superior Dominion force.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award Working with the crew of the U.S.S. Triumphant of an alternate reality.
The Purple Heart 239310.12 U.S.S. Gorkon Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds Gravely injured while defending the ship from Jem'Hadar boarding parties.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon Participated in missions that took place in an alternate reality.
Extended Service Ribbon Spent over a year away from home base.
Legion of Merit For surviving and surpassing incredible odds during the year trapped in an alternate reality.
Distinguished Service Ribbon
The Purple Heart 239401.21 U.S.S. Gorkon Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds Injured while investigating Orion Syndicate activity on Palanon.
War of Shadows Ribbon Participated in missions that involved the War of Shadows during 2393.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal Participated in a conflict against the Orion Syndicate.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239409.09 U.S.S. Gorkon Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds Fought off an Orion Syndicate attack.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal Fought off an Orion Syndicate attack.
Explorer's Ribbon 239409.09 U.S.S. Gorkon Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds Discovering the strange planet of Leutra IV.
First Contact Ribbon Discovering the robotic Keepers of Leutra IV.
Explorer's Ribbon 239412.13 U.S.S. Gorkon Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds Exploring the dangerous Roman Nebula.
Captain's Commendation Managing contact with the Seraphim.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239503.31 U.S.S. Gorkon Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds Came into conflict with the Orion Syndicate aboard Starbase 173
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239601.27 U.S.S. Gorkon Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds Rendered unconsious and trapped in the Dream of Skarbek.
Explorer's Ribbon 239604.27 U.S.S. Gorkon Vice Admiral Quinn Reynolds Exploring the dangerous "Crab" Nebula on board the USS Njörðr.
Purple Heart Injured aboard the USS Njörðr.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239507.25 U.S.S. Gorkon Vice Admiral Quinn Reynolds Came into conflict with the Orion Syndicate on Nassau.
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon Carrying the comatose body of Trellis Vondaryan through Nassau, with the help of Tali Namura.
Silver Star Carrying out a dangerous infiltration to the pirate haven of Nassau.

Disciplinary Log

For details, see:


Personal Logs

Duty Logs

Medical Records

For details, see:

REV SD 239706.14