Sidney Riley
USS Tiger-A | |||||||||||
Sidney Riley | |||||||||||
Professional · Medical Record · Personal · Family Notable Relationships
Important Events |
Fleet Captain Sidney Riley, a 38 year old Terran/Deltan, is currently serving as commanding officer aboard the USS Tiger-A. She also holds the position of Academy Commandant.
She has served on three ships and a station during her time in the fleet, the USS Wallace, the USS Independence, the USS Tiger and Starbase 118 Ops. She began her career as a medical officer on the USS Wallace. When the Wallace was decommissioned, she was transferred to the USS Independence where she was promoted to Chief Medical Officer. Upon the promotion of Captain Idril Mar and the commissioning of the USS Ronin, Sidney was promoted to First Officer of the USS Independence-A under the command of Rear Admiral Jessa Kyrn Anassasi. On Stardate 238505.04, Commander Sidney Riley was given command of the USS Tiger, a Steamrunner-Wolverine class vessel, which was given a semi-permanent assignment as a support vessel for Deep Space 17 in the Ithassa Region. On Stardate 238612.14, the USS Tiger was ordered to return to her home port, Starbase 118 Operations, as the primary support vessel for the station. Captain Riley and the crew of the USS Tiger were reassigned to Starbase 118 Ops at that time. She was transferred to command the USS Independence-A upon the retirement of Commander David Cody on Stardate 238703.15. With the destruction of the USS Independence-A in the Mirror Universe on StarDate 238811.13, the crew returned to Deep Space 17 without a ship. On StarDate 238811.16 Riley was posted as commanding officer of the USS Tiger-A a Prometheus class vessel assigned to the Ithassa Region.
Biographic Information
- Full Name: Sidney Arlyn Riley
- Nick Name: Sid
- Birthdate: 235007.24 (July 24, 2350)
- Age: 38
- Birth Place: New Orleans, Louisiana, Earth
- Current Rank: Fleet Captain
- Current Postition: Commanding Officer
- Gender: Female
- Species: 7/8 Terran (Half Irish, Half Native American), 1/8 Deltan
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
- Telepathic Status: E-2/T-2 Sidney has been known to exhibit empathic and telepathic abilities. However, at this time, these abilities seem to be extremely limited. To this date, Sidney does not realize her abilities and she can not control them on command. During her relationship with Lieutenant Bron Storos she was able to feel empathy for him and was able in one extreme situation communicate telepathically with him. Since the ending of their relationship, this ability has begun to fade. She also has some healing ability from her Deltan ancestors, however, she is not aware of this ability. She is still developing and realizing the abilities she has from her Deltan ancestors.
- The Pheromone Issue: Sidney has been tested for Deltan Pheromones by Starfleet Medical. While she does have Deltan Pheromones in her system, the level of concentration is not significant enough to cause any issues between Sidney and others. Thus she is not required to take the Deltan Oath of Celibacy. The pheromones in her system do allow her to interact with other Deltans without side effects.
- Hair Color: Auburn (More brown than red)
- Hair Length: Short
- Eye Color: Bright Green
- Height: 5'2"
- Weight: 102 lbs
- Skin Tone: Fair
- Scars: None
- Tattoos: None
- Birthmarks: Small birthmark behind left knee
- Build: Petite
- Tone/Voice: Has a Southern Louisiana accent, which is not always detectible. However, she can exaggerate her accent when she wants to. She can also do a pretty good impression of an Irish accent.
- Presence: Carries herself with dignity and confidence
- Facial Features: Youthful facial features, rosy complexion.
- Handedness: Right Handed
- Off Duty Clothing: Usually something comfortable, most often light flowing fabrics. Usual colors: Green, Blue, Rose or Black
- Shoes: On Duty, regulation boots. Off Duty, usually sandals.
- Father: Ryan Aidan Riley (Terran, Irish, Engineer in Starfleet, Deceased)
- Birth-Mother: Raven Lightfoot (3/4 Terran, Native American, 1/4 Deltan)
- Adoptive-Mother: Cheyenne Lee Riley (Terran, Native American, Biological Research Scientist, Resides on Vulcan)
- Step-Father: Tarvik (Husband of Cheyenne, Vulcan, Instructor of Astronomy at the Vulcan Science Academy)
- Siblings: Shannon Alyce Riley (Identical Twin Sister), Maharet Lightfoot (Half Sister, Medical Student on Earth), Tavik (Vulcan, Step-brother, Vulcan Astronomer), Soria (Vulcan, Step-sister, Student at Vulcan Science Academy)
- Spouse: None
- Children: Belleau Dioron Adopted 238703.13 Tirzah Adopted 238807.05 (Both currently live on Earth with Sidney's half-sister Maharet and her daughter.)
- Pets: Andy, Stravinsky
General Personality
Mannerisms and Other Information
- Habits: Very thorough and hardworking and has a tendency to overwork sometimes. Tugs her uniform jacket into place without thinking about it from time to time.
- Mannerism: Good natured and graceful. She smiles a lot and usually wears her emotions on her sleeve.
- Former Quarters on the USS Tiger: On Deck 2 of the USS Tiger. Sidney's quarters are moderate to her taste. The items that adorn the room as things that are important to her. She keeps many memories of her past.
- A Gold and Purple Blanket with a Tiger on it that can usually be found draped across the back of her couch.
- The flute her father gave her on a book shelf
- A wooden box filled with real paper sheet music from Earth and Vulcan that she collected while in the Federation Youth Symphony
- Two data tapes from her father that he left before he disappeared kept in a special case on her book shelf.
- Various pictures of family members: her father in his Starfleet uniform, her birth mother, Shannon, Maharet, Ben, The Riley's in New Orleans, Tavik and Soria, and a picture of Sidney, Maharet, and Eilis in New Orleans as children, a photo of the Vulcan Youth Symphony and the Federation Youth Symphony from when Sidney was a member
- Former Quarters on Starbase 118 Ops: Sidney's quarters were located in the New Orleans neighborhood in the commercial sector of the station. She shared a courtyard with her friend Eilis Eete and her sister Shannon, who also had apartments there.
- Former Quarters on USS Independence-A: Sidney keeps things in her quarters that are important to her. She keeps many things that remind her of important memories.File:BelleauPaintingA.jpgGeometry by Belleau Dioron
- A Gold and Purple Blanket with a Tiger on it that can usually be found draped across the back of her couch.
- A Vulcan IDIC pin, given to her in a gift exchange on the USS Tiger.
- The flute her father gave her on a book shelf
- A wooden box filled with real paper sheet music from Earth and Vulcan that she collected while in the Federation Youth Symphony
- Two data tapes from her father that he left before he disappeared kept in a special case on her book shelf.
- Various pictures of family members: her father in his Starfleet uniform, her birth mother, Shannon, Maharet, Ben, The Riley's in New Orleans, Tavik and Soria, and a picture of Sidney, Maharet, and Eilis in New Orleans as children, a photo of the Vulcan Youth Symphony and the Federation Youth Symphony from when Sidney was a member.
- A photo album (on her coffee table) containing pictures from her childhood.
- A painting called "Geometry" by Belleau hangs on the wall near the replicator.
- She usually keeps a single Deltan Rose on her dining table in a crystal vase.
- Sidney keeps the flute Alleran Tan gave her during their whirlwind romance in its case, under her bed. It bears the inscription: "When the dark times seem endless, please play this and think of me. I will be with you always... my little potato. -- Alleran Tan, 238710.07". She also keeps the last message he sent her upon his leaving on a small data tape, in the case.
- Quarters on USS Tiger-A: Sidney keeps things in her quarters that are important to her. She keeps many things that remind her of important memories.
- A Gold and Purple Blanket with a Tiger on it that can usually be found draped across the back of her couch.
- A Vulcan IDIC pin, given to her in a gift exchange on the USS Tiger.
- The flute her father gave her on a book shelf.
- A wooden box filled with real paper sheet music from Earth and Vulcan that she collected while in the Federation Youth Symphony
- Two data tapes from her father that he left before he disappeared kept in a special case on her book shelf.
- Various pictures of family members: her father in his Starfleet uniform, her birth mother, Shannon, Maharet, Ben, The Riley's in New Orleans, Tavik and Soria, and a picture of Sidney, Maharet, and Eilis in New Orleans as children, a photo of the Vulcan Youth Symphony and the Federation Youth Symphony from when Sidney was a member. Pictures of Belleau and Tirzah.
- A photo album (on her coffee table) containing pictures from her childhood.
- A painting called "Geometry" by Belleau hangs on the wall near the replicator.
- A small clay turtle-like creature made by Tirzah in school sits on her book shelf.
- She usually keeps a single Deltan Rose on her dining table in a crystal vase.
- She keeps a bottle of Terran Spiced Rum and a box of pralines in a locked cabinet.
- Hobbies: Music, Reading, Horseback Riding, Sailing, Swimming, Driving Antique Terran Cars.
- Favorite Foods: Red Beans and Rice, Beignets with Cream Cheese and fresh Strawberries, Terran Steak and Baked Potato, Deltan Fruit Salad, Terran Ceasar Salad.
- Favorite Fruit: Strawberries, Blueberries
- Favorite Drinks: New Orleans style Coffee with Chicory and Cream, Vulcan Spiced Tea, Terran Spiced Rum, K'tarian Merlot, Saurian Brandy, Samarian Sunset
- Favorite Desserts: New Orleans Style King Cake, Terran Cherry Cobbler, Deltan Dark Chocolate Spice Cake
- Favorite Flower: Deltan Rose
- Favorite Color: Kelly Green
- Favorite Animal: Deltan Tiger
- Likes: Classical Music, Playing the Flute, Reading Ancient Classic Earth Literature, Water
- Dislikes: Violence (believes in diplomacy), anger and upset, not having choices in a situation
- Spirituality: A mixture of ancient Earth beliefs. Is very spiritual. Power Animal: Eagle(Usually shows up in her dreams).
- Goals: Wants to become the best Commanding Officer she can be. Wants to know each member of her ship on a personal level.
- Phobias: None that she will admit to.
Important Personal Belongings
- Silver Terran Flute: Given to her by her father when she was six years old.
- Multi-colored Deltan Rose: In a stasis cube, this rose will last forever. It was given to her by Lieutenant Bron Storos after her injury in Operation Bright Star.
- Deltan Jewelry: She has several pieces of Deltan Jewelry that belonged to her birth mother. A pair of Deltan crystal earrings, a gold arm band accented with Deltan crystal butterflies, and two gold necklaces.
- Jewelry: A heart shaped emerald ring, earrings and necklace given to her by Belleau and Tirzah for her 38th birthday.
- Data Tapes: Special tapes her father made for her before he disappeared.
- Raven Black 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback GT500: Restored by her great grandfather on her dad's side, and left to her by her dad, the car is in the care of her half-sister Maharet on Earth.
Personal Holodeck Programs
- Home in New Orleans
- Sailing on Earth
- Horseback Riding Trail
- Symphony Orchestra
- Camelot
Misc. Notes
Sidney is fluent in the following languages:
Terran Languages
- English
- Irish
- French (includes some Cajun words and phrases)
- German
- Italian
- Latin
Non Terran Languages
- Vulcan
- Deltan
- Klingon
Member Of...
- UFOP: SB-118 Training Team, Commandant
- UFOP: SB-118 Captain's Council
- UFOP: SB-118 Executive Council
- UFOP: SB-118 Top Sims Coordinator 2387,2388
- UFOP: SB-118 Awards Committee Chair 2387, 2388
NPC Listing · Tiger-A Staff Roster · Crew History |
CO: Flt Cpt Sidney Riley · XO: Lt Cmdr Darius Clack MSp: Lt Cmdr Ian Lane West |
CE:Lt Cmdr Alex Blair · EO: Ens Francis Logan EO: Ens Rocko Stevens CTO: Lt Brayden Jorey · TO: Ens Samuel Braddock CoS: Lt Brayden Jorey · ACoS: Lt JG Chloe Mannin Sec: Lt Francis DeMarc |
CSO: Lt T'Mihn Ah'mygahn · Sci: Ens Bowrapiquis Jetseen MO: LtCmdr T'Pen · MO: Lt JG Gabriel Warwick Coun: Lt JG Zinna |
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