Cayden Adyr

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Cayden Adyr is currently serving as the First Officer aboard the USS Arrow.

Crew of the USS Arrow


Cayden Adyr


  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Executive Officer
  • Ship: USS Arrow
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Trill

  • DoB: 236312.29
  • Weight: 135
  • Height: 5’6’’
  • Eye color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Birthplace: Trill

Secondary of Kalianna Nicholotti

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Character Information

  • Full Name: Cayden (Kaze) Adyr
  • Race: Trill (Joined)
  • DoB: 236310.16
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 135
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Skin: Tanned
  • Build: Athletic


  • Father: Loren Kaze
  • Mother: Jazlyn Kaze
  • Siblings: N/A

The Lives of Adyr

Rodan Adyr


Rodan Adyr, born Rodan Liyrn, was a renowned musician and widely recognized composer on Trill. Specializing in stringed instruments of all sorts, Rodan was responsible for some of the most monumental pieces of music since long before the age of information.

As the first host to the symbiont, Rodan did not have the benefit of knowledge that his successors would have, but he did provide a very strong start to a symbiont that would come to be highly sought after.

Eliza Adyr


Eliza Adyr, born Eliza Toran, was considered one of the great scientists of her time. Her work on molecular biology and nanotechnology advanced the Trill civilization and helped cure many of the common health issues of the day. She was a strong willed woman who was rarely wrong. If she didn't know the answer, she would find it before putting herself on the line.

With a love for discovery, Eliza provided the Adyr symbiont with a very unique host. This knowledge and the experiences gained from her life have come in handy many times over the years since.

Alaryc Adyr


Alaryc Adyr, born Alaryc Ilyan, was a lifetime Starfleet officer. He was one of the first Trill to climb through the ranks and become a Captain of his own ship. Unlike previous hosts, Alaryc chose to go a more military route, believing that Starfleet was doing good in the galaxy, and he wanted to help.

Alaryc was joined at the age of 20 with the Adyr symbiont. It was upon his completion of the program, and the subsequent joining of the two, that he decided to apply to Starfleet academy. His four years took him many places on Earth, but one of them was a list of potential future command officers. He lived up to the compliment, and excelled out in the field.

Following an attack on the Valor by Dominion forces scouting his location just before the war broke out, Alaryc suffers a mortal wound and is killed. With little choice, the Adyr Symbiont is passed to the only possible candidate other than a human; Jazra - the daughter of a joined Trill officer who also dies in the attacks. Because Adyr is deemed more important, the symbiont in the other officer is allowed to perish in the chaos.

Because of the sensitive knowledge that Starship captains are privy to, a block was placed on the symbiont so that subsequent hosts do not have access to any secret information, however, basic knowledge and command experience is retained in the current host.

Jazra Adyr


Jazra Adyr, born Jazra Keyler, was the host that lived the shortest life. She applied for and was accepted to the University of Betazed in Medara shortly before the Dominion war began. The daughter of Starfleet Officers killed aboard the USS Valor, she received the Adyr symbiont following an attack on the Valor that took both her parents, the Captain, and other members of the crew. Asking to be dropped off on the planet following the tragedy, she put everything she had into her studies and new life there, leaving as much of the Valor behind.

Jazra began work on her psychology degree, excelling both in and out of the classroom. Having met a close group of friends, she could often be found with them both in and out of the classroom. It was here that she met Andrus Jaxx, and his fiance Saraa, who would become one of her closest friends.

These were two of the people she was with on the day that the Dominion invaded Betazed. It was a bloody day, and she watched her friends fall one by one against the invading forces. Perhaps it was the day in whole, or perhaps it was watching as her best friend was fatally wounded. Either way, Jazra made the decision at the moment when her friend's eyes closed for the last time to stand by what was left of her friends and fight. Jaxx, Jazra, and others retreated to the underground, where they became resistance fighters against the ever widening invading force.

It might have seemed like the resistance fighters were only throwing away their lives, but the truth was that they were living every moment to the max. Desperate, and growing more and more organized by the minute, what began as a small force soon flourished despite the lack of mercy that embodied the enemy. Jazra worked with the leaders of the resistance and helped to coordinate many tactical strikes throughout the city and beyond. Though it was soon after the death of her friend, Jaxx and Jazra grew close, and from the ashes began to forge what would be a relationship that would meet a quick end. It was only days later that Jazra would find herself in the same position as Saraa had been months earlier.

Wounded during an attack, she had been unable to escape with the other resistance fighters. Convincing them to leave her behind, she was captured by the Jem'Hadar. Already fatally wounded, she spent the remainder of her days fading in and out of consciousness.

The days that followed were a blur to her and the Adyr symbiont. Fading in and out of an awakened state, she was barely aware of her surroundings. On the third day of her captivity, she noticed changes around her. Shortly thereafter, she found herself in a medical center, where her remaining friends were on hand to say goodbye. Trill had sent a replacement host as soon as Jazra had been rescued by a mission that she would later find out was spearheaded by Jaxx himself. With wounds that would kill her, and a new host on hand, Jazra spoke her last words to her friends, but was never able to say what she wanted to Jaxx. Fearing that the circumstances would effect him for the rest of his life, she vowed to one day find him and really say what she had meant to that day.

Norah Adyr


Norah Adyr, born Norah Sytar, is the fifth host for the Adyr symbiont. He was a special case in that he was older than normally allowed in the symbiosis program. Norah, as a highly successful diplomat, had been requested for joining rather than having applied for it. He was older - 65 to be exact - but the knowledge he could imprint onto the symbiont was well worth the risks of joining the same symbiont too often throughout the course of time. In 2375, Norah is brought to Betazed under the relative safety of the diplomatic corps, where he is joined to the Adyr symbiont before leaving the world once again.

Norah served as a diplomat for 8 years before suffering heart failure and dying on Trill with his family. His successor, Cayden, was already prepared. The joining was uneventful and the new host soon acclimated to the symbiont.

Cayden Adyr


Cayden Adyr, born Cayden Kaze, is the sixth host for the Adyr symbiont and was mentored by Sanah Tyx. She is a young trill with no specific career path. After having the experiences of the past lives, Adyr has decided that roaming the galaxy and learning about the many species around her is a good calling. She can often be found in Starfleet lounges, as she enjoys the familiarity of Starfleet coupled with the variety of people and stories that populate such areas.

The nightmares of the events on Betazed haunted her, but they also gave the overly young looking woman a perspective that she would not have otherwise had. It is this ability to see so many different perspectives that makes her a good listener and source of advice. Though she looks young, she has the experiences and knowledge of over 250 years to draw on.

In between jobs, Cayden found herself on Starbase 118 for a short period of time during which she learned of the Victory. She wasn't sure if she had been looking for it, or if it had just appeared, but she stopped when her eye caught the name. Jaxx. Acting captain of the Victory. With a quick smile, she decided to find a way aboard. Applying for a civilian position, she was quickly accepted and sent to meet with them. Taking only a few things with her, she felt a renewed fervor. She needed to say something, and it was already way past due.

Though unsure of herself in the first few days of the assignment on the Victory, Cayden soon settles into her job as the owner and operator of 'The Retreat'; the Victory's lounge and relaxation spot for many of the officers aboard the ship. Throughout her time there, she offers good food and friendship, along with an open ear to those who just needed to talk. As time goes on, she finds herself close to many of the members of the senior staff, but one more than the others. Following a short trip to Luna with a group of officers, Cayden finds herself pulled towards one of them; the Chief of Security, Liam Frost.

The crew finds themselves soon stationed on Starbase 118, where Cayden makes plans to open up a new version of The Retreat in a small area of the commercial sector near a window to the outside realm of space. The restaurant is short lived, however, as Cayden finds out Liam will have to leave for the USS Apollo shortly after shore leave on Echevarria. To his surprise, she wholly agrees on following him to the Apollo, not knowing that Starfleet Command wants her there.

En route to her new home, currently docked at Utopia Planitia, Cayden encounters a face from the symbiont's past. The current Captain of the USS Alabama, and a former XO of Alaryc Adyr, tells Cayden of Starfleet's request for her to serve as a civilian advisor about the Apollo. Captain Alaryc Adyr spent many years within the Typhon Expanse aboard his own command and Starfleet feels that it would be important to have his memories available to the crew of the Apollo. Because the Expanse is so strange and somewhat deadly, Cayden reluctantly agrees.

As part of the deal, Starfleet agrees to remove the block that kept sensitive command level information from the current host so that all of Alaryc's memories are available as needed. Cayden experiences the resurfacing of memories as if she had been just joined, though most of these memories came from Alaryc's time aboard starships. Some memories are good, but many of them give Cayden a sense of both urgency as well as the feeling of being chased by shadows.

Following her fundamental role in resolving the crisis with the Borg scout ship, Captain Jaxx tells Cayden she has been recommissioned as a full Lieutenant in Starfleet. She is in no position to refuse, and Jaxx doesn't take no for an answer, so she reluctantly agrees to the new position for her same role. Struggling with the newness of the technology around her, she struggles to find her place in the modern Starfleet world.

Content to serve as an advisor to various Starfleet captains, Cayden never intends on climbing the rank ladder again. Alaryc speaks to her too frequently for her to seek that out, and yet, the universe seemed to have other ideas when, after serving aboard the Resolution, Excalibur - A, and Arrow, she is reassigned as Executive officer of the Arrow. Though her first instinct is to decline, Alaryc speaks again and she holds her opinions to herself - for now.

Personal History and Notes


Jackson Miller: Current day Captain of the USS Alabama. An older officer, Jack once served as First Officer under Alaryc and took command of the Alabama when Alaryc was reassigned elsewhere. Presents Cayden with new 'orders' from Starfleet Command while en-route to the USS Apollo.

Cory Reese: Tactical officer aboard the USS Skipjack, Andromeda, Alabama, and Valor. The first person Alaryc met upon reporting to his first assignment. Best friend to Alaryc well before he was Captain. Sent to his death by a seemingly inconsequential order given by Alaryc on the USS Valor.

Natalie Reese: Wife of Cory Reese. Alaryc officiated their wedding ceremony in 2360 aboard the USS Valor.

Andrus Jaxx: Current Captain of the USS Apollo. Once leader of a cell of the Betazoid Resistance and close friend to Jazra during her time there. After the death of his fiance, the two became even closer eventually becoming a couple despite the carnage and death around them. Sent Jazra on the mission where she would die, but ensured that she was rescued despite her fatal wounds.

Saraa: Jaxx's fiance and Jazra's best friend. Killed during a Dominion attack on Betazed.

Liam Frost: Current First Officer of the USS Apollo. Following some time where Cayden and Liam worked, and played together (including a trip to Lake Armstrong on Luna and sharing quarters on Starbase 118), the two find that they've been steadily falling for each other culminating in the kiss and their night on Echevar that would decisively change both of their paths and eventually lead them to the USS Apollo together.

Viktor Lanius: Apollo's Intel Officer and Second Officer. In many ways, he tends to remind Cayden of things she saw in Cory, as many of Alaryc's memories surfaced. They share many past experiences and have built a kind of silent support system and a bond of friendship stronger than most.

Chronological History

  • 2174: Rodan is born.
  • 2198: Rodan is joined.
  • 2245: Eliza is born.
  • 2268: Rodan dies from natural causes.
  • 2268: Eliza is joined.
  • 2295: Alaryc is born.
  • 2313: Alaryc is joined
  • 2317: Alaryc assigned to the USS Skipjack.
  • 2320: Alaryc assigned to the USS Andromeda.
  • 2324: Alaryc's first run in with the Borg.
  • 2348: Alaryc becomes Captain. Assigned to USS Alabama.
  • 2359: Alaryc takes command of the USS Valor.
  • 2371: Cory Reese dies. Details still classified.
  • 2373: Alaryc dies aboard the USS Valor following a Dominion attack.
  • 2373: Jazra is joined.
  • 2375: Jazra is killed in a Betazoid resistance operation near Medara (with Jaxx).
  • 2375: Norah is joined.
  • 2384: Norah dies.
  • 2384: Cayden is joined.
  • 2389: Cayden re-employed by Starfleet. Symbiont block removed.
  • 2400: After serving in various capacities across the fleet, Cayden is assigned as first officer of the USS Arrow

Service Record

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Civilian 238902.04 - 238905.08 USS Apollo Civilian Command Advisor
  Lieutenant 238905.08 - Present USS Apollo Mission Specialist/Command Advisor
  Lieutenant Commander 239009.30 - 239408.12 USS Apollo Intelligence Officer/Command Advisor
  Lieutenant Commander 239408.12 - 239501.09 Andaris Task Force Intelligence Officer
  Lieutenant Commander 239501.09 - 239506.15 Andaris Task Force First Officer
  Lieutenant Commander 239506.15 - 239707.16 CLASSIFIED Intelligence Operative
  Lieutenant Commander 239707.16 - 239808.01 USS Resolution Advisor
  Lieutenant Commander 239808.01 - 239902.25 USS Excalibur-A Engineering Assistant
  Lieutenant Commander 239902.25 - 240009.14 USS Arrow Engineering Assistant
  Lieutenant Commander 240009.14 - Present USS Arrow First Officer

NPC Listing   ·   USS Arrow Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
R. Shayne
First Officer
N. Hobart
Mission Specialist
C. Waters
Chief Engineer
C. Dewitt
Engineering Officer
L. Michaels
Chief of Security
Security Officer
E. Zerva
Chief Medical Officer
T. Ohnari
Medical Officer
R. El'Heem
J. Ayement
R & D Specialist
M. Rodan
Chief of Intelligence
A. MacKenna
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