Randal Shayne

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USS Darwin-A
Shayne, Randal.png
Randal Shayne
Position Helmsman
Rank Lieutenant
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 236602.20
Age 35
Birthplace Chicago, Earth
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Purple Heart
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Captain's Commendation
Good Conduct Ribbon

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg

Sheathed Sword
B-Plot Award
1-year Member

Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 9.png
20th Annual Awards Attendee
Badge 1.png

“Your past must not dictate your future.”

co-opted by Randal Shayne, helmsman of the USS Darwin-A

Basic Statistics

  • Full Name: Randal Shayne
  • Preferred designation: Shayne
  • Race: Terran
  • Born: 236602.20
  • Place of Birth: Chicago, Earth (Sol III)
  • System of Origin: Sol System
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Starfleet Serial Number: EG- 166-768
  • Medical Record
Shayne's birthplace- Chicago, Illinois, United States of America, United Earth.
Sol System, circa 2366.


  • Height: 5'11
  • Hair: Brown
Shayne's meditation robes.
  • Length of Hair: Dignified, clean cut.
  • Facial Hair: Clean-shaven
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin: Caucasian.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Arms: Average length, with tanned forearms and decent musculature.
  • Legs: Decent musculature- nothing too impressive.
  • Weight: 121 kg
  • Scars/Body Marks: Small birthmark on lift-front of neck, deep scar on left foreleg, multiple scars on hands and arms, perpetual burn on back of left hand.
  • Build: Heavyset, muscular.
  • Preferred Hand: Right.
  • Carriage.: Practiced steadiness.
  • Taste in dress: Prefers to wear his uniform at almost all times. On the rare occasion that he does don something more informal, he prefers either the utilitarian simplicity of a t-shirt and jeans, or, during meditation, wears thick, heavy robes that seem to envelop him.
  • Shoes: Starfleet- issue boots, or meditation slippers.



Shayne - Father
Eric Shayne.jpg

A retired Starfleet admiral himself, Eric has always had a strong bond with both of his sons. There is an implicit trust present, and though that might be expected for a father and son, events that have transpired between them have made them realize just how fragile a relationship can be. Regardless of the problems Eric and Randal have had, nothing could ever cause them to stop caring about one another.

Eric's concern for his son nearly prevented him from supporting Randal's admission into the Academy. Being a retired admiral, he understood the trials and dangers that lay with a career in Starfleet. But they shared a common dream of the stars, and Randal wouldn't have it any other way. In a sense, the service was an escape for both men.

Eric now works for a civilian-based institution working to create non-lethal weaponry for implementation on board Starfleet vessels, instillations and personnel. In his free time, he has begun recording his exploits and experiences in a historical anthology.

Shayne -Mother

Heidi served as the chief medical officer of Starbase 912 for Eric's entire command. Originally an occupational therapist, her extreme competence and dedication earned her a position as CMO of the massive Starfleet instillation. With the change in position came the chance to expand her horizons and her practice. After years of hard work, she received her Ph.D in Psychology and Medicine. From there, the sky was the limit. Her experimental work regarding the Telurian Plague was instrumental in eventually finding a cure, although she never deigned to boast about the noteworthy achievement. Retiring later than her husband, she now resides with him on Earth, and is the co-author of Eric's historical book.

Shayne -Brother


Varaan -Friend


Isabel Pond - Signficant other



Born on star date 236702.20, Chicago, Earth. Accepted into Starfleet Academy at age 18 on star date 238507.14. Studied medicine for one year before switching career tracks and beginning training as an engineer. Graduated ninth and eleventh in his class respectively. Described as brilliant but troubled, Shayne had few friends at the Academy. His behavior, while never out of line or dangerous, was termed as erratic by his councilor and instructors. Often finding unconventional solutions to problems posed in curriculum, Shayne excelled at classes such as temporal logic, problem solving and ethics, but often struggled with more concrete subjects like physics and mathematics, specifically subspace calculations.


Shayne is extremely self-doubting and consistently questions his worth. Nevertheless he is dedicated to the crew he serves with and to Starfleet. Very secretive, he usually tries to avoid crowd settings, but is capable of eloquence and grace when called for. Shayne suffers terribly from anxiety and panic attacks, and has tried several medications meant to suppress these emotions, but he is on none now. Instead, meditation is his go-to. He is extremely gentle, occasionally gruff but never hurtful. He is devoted to the ideals of Starfleet, and shows excellence at the helm. Shayne plays the flute in his spare time.


Many of Shayne's habits are responses to his overwhelming anxiety. He consistently picks and bites his fingernails, often to the point of bleeding. Often he will chew on his bottom lip. His hair, usually uncooperative, compels him to push it out of his eyes ad nauseam. Clumsy normally, but able to exhibit grace at crucial moments, Shayne stubs his toe constantly.

There is a burn on the back of his left hand that never seems to heal. This is a side effect of the salt he puts on it daily. For some unfathomable reason, it soothes Shayne. The relief he gains from ingesting the salt is worth the pain of the burn. Shayne fears the day the burn becomes known by his superiors.


Shayne's first ship was the USS Gemini. A Dakota- class starship, she was not the biggest or the best-armed, but she was close to his heart. When Starfleet made the decision to decommission her, Shayne was extremely unhappy. Nobody forgets their first ship and crew, but it was somewhat different for him. While Shayne remains a highly reclusive and sheepish individual, he has improved immensely from his first mission aboard the Gemini, when he was so shy he could barely speak. Under Commander (now Captain) Liam Frost, Shayne learned to develop slightly more confidence in himself.

                                                   The Starship Gemini
The Dakota Class USS Gemini

While onboard the Gemini, Shayne participated in the hunt for a rogue Starfleet vessel, the investigation at Prometheus Station, and other missions. It was with some reluctance that he accepted his transfer to the USS Apollo (NCC-71669-A), along with several Gemini crewmembers. Before he had a chance to really settle in, transfer orders moved him to the USS Darwin-A's escort vessel, the Triumphant (NCC 75692). After a mission to retrieve a highly sought-after criminal ended, Shayne accepted a posting on the Darwin as her chief helmsman and has remained ever since.

The Shayne Maneuver

Fresh out of the Academy, Shayne was assigned to the Starship Gemini. Arriving during a crisis, the brand new ensign was required to take the helm of an unfamiliar ship at the worst of times. The Gemini was in pursuit of the rogue USS Spartan. The Spartan had started to attack vessels and instillations belonging to the Klingon Empire. While the Gemini was tracking the Spartan to deliver the Captain to authorities, a Klingon vessel, the IKS Su'wamh hunted the rogue vessel, intending to destroy it. Eventually both ships arrived near the Spartan, and a transporter tug-of-war began. The Gemini and the Su'wamh simultaneously activated transporters targeted at Captain Clarkson of the Spartan. Both were equally matched in power, and neither vessel was willing to let their captive go to the other side. The two transporter beams on Clarkson began to kill him. Still neither ship let go.

As both starships wrestled for control over the traitorous Clarkson, it became abundantly clear that one starship would need to release their quarry, or Clarkson would perish. That's when Shayne got a flash of inspiration. By sending a modified stream of antiprotons through the Gemini's angular confinement beam and then using Clarkson as a jump point, Shayne was able to lock onto the transporter room of the Su'wamh and literally rip it out of the ship. The explosive decompression that resulted from the violent removal of the transporter pad rendered the Su'wamh powerless as Clarkson was beamed aboard the Gemini, which then retreated to Federation space. The term "Shayne Maneuver" was given by Engineer Konstava when Shayne explained exactly what he had done. Due the unconventional and dangerous nature of this strategy, it has not been tried again since.

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Sheathed Sword 2392
USS Darwin-A
Presented to those to decide to inflict injury on their character, and then dive into the resulting emotions and choices in a realistic manner.
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
B-Plot Award 2393
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot.
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member 2393
USS Darwin-A
For those who have been members continuously for one year.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2389
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 2392
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 2392
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to a person who has saved a life in the line of duty
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 2393
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to a person for exemplary service and/or honorable actions performed in the course of his/her duties, when that service is deemed worthy of formal recognition by his/her commanding officer. (For actions on the surface of Turisan II.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 2393
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species. (Turisan II)
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 2393
USS Darwin-A
The Purple Heart is a general service ribbon awarded to anyone who sustains injury in the line of duty.(Broken nose X 2)
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 2393
USS Darwin-A
The Legion of Merit is a gallantry & heroism service ribbon awarded to a person who has distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. (For actions during the incident on Planet PR-652.)
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 2393
USS Darwin-A
The Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal is a campaign service ribbon awarded to a person who participates in a conflict against the Borg. ("Awakening")
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 2393
USS Darwin-A
The Explorer's Ribbon is a general service ribbon awarded to a person who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species. (Nanite Swarm in "Awakening".))
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 2392
USS Darwin-A
Awarded to Shayne for piloting the Darwin in extremely hazardous conditions.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 4th Class 238808.08-238906.21 Starfleet Academy Engineer
Cadet 3rd Class 238908.08-239006.21 Starfleet Academy Engineer
Cadet 2nd Class 239008.08-239106.21 Starfleet Academy Engineer
Cadet 1st Class 239108.08-239106.21 Starfleet Academy Helm Operations
Ensign 239202.03 - 239206.02 USS Gemini HCO
Lieutenant JG 239206.02 - 239207.11 USS Gemini HCO
Lieutenant JG 239207.11-239209.23 USS Apollo-A HCO
Lieutenant JG 239209.23-239212.17 USS Darwin-A HCO
Lieutenant JG 239212.17-239302.10 USS Darwin-A Helmsman
Lieutenant 239302.10- USS Darwin-A Helmsman

The USS Gemini


Randal Shayne
Commissioned on 239202.02
Andrus Jaxx Tyler Kelly
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Notable Sims

Lieutenant J.G Shayne: Decompression

A recent mission to save a Talaxian colony has been carried out with lackluster results. Shayne must cope with the emotional blowback resulting from the affair.

Ensign Shayne: Confidence Afterglow

Shayne attempts to explain his unorthodox strategy to the chief of engineering.

Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
Edit/View Key

Varaan WIP.jpg
John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook.png
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Ren Rennyn.png
Rendal Rennyn
Shayne, Randal.png
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas.png
Kael Thomas