Tal Tel-ar

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      Duty gives my life purpose, Life gives me challenges and Challenges make it all worth while.

Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar

Crew of the USS Astraeus
Tal Tel-ar

  • Serving on the: USS Astraeus
  • Position: Chief Intelligence officer
  • Rank: Commander
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Andorian
  • Spouse: Currently none
  • Family: Ex-wife and 3 children
  • Tel-ar's PNPCs
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Tal Tel-ar at the Academy
  • Full Name: Tal Tel-ar
  • Rank: Commander
  • Position: Chief Security officer
  • Assignment: USS Constitution-B
  • Species: Andorian
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6'4" Counting the antenna he is 6'6"
  • Weight: 250 lbs
  • Eye color: steel gray
  • Hair color: Very short snow white hair
  • Build: Athletic, well muscled
  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • Place of Birth: Unknown


Tal is 6'4" with a very athletic, well defined body that has wide shoulders, a deep chest and a washboard stomach that tends to make him stand out in any crowd. When you add that to his narrow face with a strong jaw, piercing grey eyes and light blue skin he can be an imposing figure. Especially as he almost never smiles and seems to have the inexpressive features of a carven marble statue. He is surprisingly graceful and trains constantly to stay in shape.


Unknown - Tal has no idea who his parents were. Upon his rescue from the primitive planet of Ten-nok VII by a cargo ship of Tellarites and his transfer back to Andor, Tal was given extensive genetic and DNA testing. The results of these tests were puzzling. While his DNA and genetic material was definitely 100% Andorian, no clan or family matches could be found. As a result he has no clan ties or family background. This has made him an outcast on Andor.

Ensign Koriander



Due to his early years spent growing up in an extremely harsh primitive warrior culture Tal has almost no social skills. He tends to avoid people and can be as emotionless as a Vulcan. This has resulted in his being a loner by nature and background.

At the Academy Tal's room mate was a human called Jason Stone. He was probably Tal's first and only friend at the Academy. A cheerful young man with blonde wavy hair, a surfers tan and a friendly easy going manner. Everyone liked him, especially the girls. He was a little wild, loved to surf, swim and sail.

Tal never made any friends while serving aboard the USS Corona, USS Triumphant, USS Trafalgar or the USS Constitution-B.

The same can be said of his time aboard the USS Eagle. However due to his involvement in putting a dent into the Orion Syndicate's smuggling operation on Starbase 118 he was put into the position of having to become room mates with a genetically created female slave now called Koriander. She lived with him in his quarters until she become a Cadet and is now attending classes at Starfleet Academy on Earth. Shortly after this he met Ensign Kincade while still serving on the USS Eagle. This meeting would eventually result in the 2 of them getting married.

Tallis Rhul

It was while he was serving aboard the USS Challenger-A that he met and eventually became friends with a Bajorian named Tallis Rhul.


Tal has had a fairly lackluster romantic life. His first female contact was with a fellow student at the Academy. She was a Bolian and it was his roommate that made the arrangements. This turned out to be more of a physical relationship as neither Tal or Nira had the time or interest in anything faintly romantic.

His next contact was a terran female named Beth Trindel. This occurred while he was still attending the Academy. Tal was volunteered to double date with Jason and the girl he was currently interested in. While they did have a number of interests in common (competitive martial arts) the relationship never went much farther than physical.

It was many years before Tal had any further contact with any female. When he finally did it was with Koriander a genetically created female that due to circumstances beyond his control was forced to become his room mate. While they became friends and did enjoy a physical connection it never even closely resembled anything romantic.

Ex-Wife, Elina

It was not till Ensign Elina Rose Kincade came aboard the USS Eagle that anything even closely resembling romance entered his life. His first meeting with her had them butting heads over getting his back brace repaired. The second meeting was totally different and ended with her asking him to join her for drinks. For some reason he agreed. This was the start of a rather intense, if pecular courtship that resulted in Elina moveing into his quarters after about a month and a half.

A few short months later Tal was transferred off the USS Eagle to the USS Challenger-A. As a result their relation ship was strained. They continued to stay in contact long distance but it was not the same. As a result Elina put in a transfer request and joined the crew of the USS Challenger-A. It took them a while to smooth out the period of separation but when they did they again moved in together. It was soon after this that Tal proposed to her during shore leave on Earth at her families home in Scotland. They were married very soon after before the end of their shore leave.

There were a few minor complications medically during the pregnancy that resulted in the first 3 Andorian/Human hybrids. This was followed by a period of adjustment while they learned to be parents. Unfortunately it was not long after this that Elina became pregnant again but this time she was forced to take a leave of absence and return to Earth for advanced medical treatment due to certain unusual complications during the 2nd pregnancy. At this time it is unknown if she will return to active duty.


After about a year she filed for a divorce and Cmdr. Tel-ar after a quick emergency leave to visit Earth returned to active duty as a single man. Shortly after this a civilian botanist named Sherana joined the crew of the USS Apollo. Her duties were the care and running of the ships Arboretum. This required her to make a number of official requests to Tal as the Chief of Operations. After this they kept running into each other and slowly learned that they had certain things in common.

One of those things was an interest in hand to hand combat as well as ancient weapons. This resulted in the two of them sparring in Tal's quarters and in the heat of the moment after they were finished they kissed. The intensity of the kiss seemed to startle Sherana and she fled from his quarters.

Eventually they ended up taking shore leave together on Izar.


  • Thiri Ross Tel-ar
  • Species: Human-Andorian hybrid
  • Born: 238710.19
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Birth weight: 1.47 kilograms (3.25 pounds)
  • Birth height: .39 meters (15.5 inches)
  • Hair: Sandy brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin: Pale Blue
  • Other features: short, stubby antennae
  • Aleine Lissan Tel-ar
  • Species: Human-Andorian hybrid
  • Born: 238710.19
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Birth weight: 1.69 kilograms (3.7 pounds)
  • Birth height: .42 meters (16.5 inches)
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Eyes: Blue Grey
  • Skin: Pale Blue
  • Other features: short, thin antennae
  • Tarrah Caylan Tel-ar
  • Species: Human-Andorian hybrid
  • Born: 238710.19
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Birth weight: 1.84 kilograms (4.06 pounds)
  • Birth height: .41 meters (16.25 inches)
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Eyes: Blue Grey
  • Skin: Ivory

Medical History

Pre-Starfleet Medical Records

Their are no medical records pertaining to his childhood but an intensive medical exam performed upon his entering Starfleet Academy revealed a incredible number of scars over much of his body. Most of them appear to have been made by various edged weapons. His back was also cover with marks that seem to have been inflicted by a rough material sticking him repeatedly. His bone structure also showed signs of having been subjected to numerous forms of blunt trama. The scars have been removed and any damage to his bones has been repaired.

His medical records from Andor show that Tal has above average strength, endurance, IQ, reflex's and increased sense's. He also has no DNA or genetic material in common with any known Andorian clan or family. Even stranger is the fact that his reproductive system is totally different from that of any other male Andorian. The rest of his Andorian medical records have been sealed and are unavailable by order of the Andorian ruling council.

Starfleet Medical Records

His medical record since entering Starfleet Academy shows that he never took a single sick day. He had a few minor injures as is the norm but took no time off.

While aboard the USS Triumphant Tal was injured while fighting off boarders during a battle with the FTU. His injuries included a dislocated shoulder, second degree burns, knife wounds and mild disruptor burns.

While on an away mission in the Trinity Sector, on a planet called Cart'hen III Tal was arrested and sentenced to death. The cities police beat him almost to death. When he was rescued and returned to the USS Eagle he underwent 4 hours of emergency surgery. Upon arrival at Starbase 118, Tal was transferred to the station's medical facility. They were able to repair most of the damage but Tal was told he would have to remain in a medical hover chair until the damage to his back, spine and legs had healed.

Just over 6 months later the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Eagle, Lt. Commander MacGowan performed a medical examination of Tal. The results showed that his recovery was ahead of schedule. He was told he could now use mechanical leg and lower back braces to walk.

Just over 4 months later when the entire crew took shore leave on Risa, Tal took the time to attend the Kineri Recovery Hospital. He spent his entire leave taking physio therapy sessions, nerve regeneration treatments and muscle reconditioning therapy. As a result he was able to finally stop using the assistant devices and return to complete mobility on his own.

While he was assigned to the USS Apollo he broke all of the bones in both of his hands by repeatedly punching a wall until he shattered the wall. All of the bones in his hands had to be reset and he was required to wear casts while they healed. However as a result of these actions it was determined that he needed to see the ships councilor on a regular basis in order for him to work through the emotional issues that had caused him to do it. It was determined that his unexpected divorce from his wife was the main cause of his illogical actions.

While on shore leave Tal became involved with a terrorist attack on the resort where he was staying. While being held captive Tal shattered the casts on both hands, attacked the terrorists and was shot repeatedly in the process. Following the ending of the crisis he was placed into a medically induced coma until his doctors had determined that he was healthy enough for them to revive.

Tal suffered minor injuries and received medical treatment on Deep Space 10 after he destroyed a civilian operated physical fitness facility that was sub-standard, equipped with faulty equipment and had other obvious safety and health concerns. He was assigned to the USS Mercury at the time.

Upon his return to the USS Apollo Tal converted a shuttle into a flying bomb and flew it right into a Borg cube. The resulting explosion destroyed the cube and Tal was thought to have been killed in the explosion. One of the marine fighters that had been deployed to deal with the second cube that ended up destroying the USS Apollo found his body floating in space. He was transferred immediately to the closest shuttle and then transported to the closest Federation medical facility. While on route he was placed into a medically induced coma to improve his chances of survival. He spent the next six months in a coma and when he was finally brought out of it subjected to another battery of mental and physical tests.

He was allowed to transfer to and serve on the USS Aegis but under medical restrictions that prevented him from taking part in any physical activity or away missions. He was restricted to a purely advisory role and completed another battery of physiological treatment. Once he had completed this he was transferred to the USS Constitution-B.

Physiological Profile

Due to his early years spent growing up in an extremely harsh primitive warrior culture Tal has almost no social skills. He tends to avoid people and can be as emotionless as a Vulcan. This has resulted in his being a loner by nature and upbringing as he never learned to mix or socialize with others.

Every moment of every day of his childhood he was alone, guarding his own back. Because of this his mind set is definitely not that of a typical Andorian. On duty or when faced with danger he thrives but, off duty he makes no effort to mix, make friends or blend in.

This is also reflected in his off duty activities which are usually combat oriented or involve him being alone. His imagination is exceptionally well developed and he has become interested in tales of mythic heroes, creatures and adventure.

While assigned to the USS Apollo Tal started to display some illogical and self destructive activities as a result of his unexpected divorce from his wife. However as a result of these actions it was determined that he needed to see the ships councilor on a regular basis in order for him to work through the emotional issues that had caused him to do it.

Tal then went through a period where he was transferring from ship to ship on a unusual quick basis. During this time he was undergoing physiological assessment and treatment from a number of different councilors and numerous reports were filed regarding his insubordinate and illogical activities. While he never did get charged with anything it came very close in a number of cases and resulted in him transferring off of that ship to another one.

Tal was finally reassigned back to the USS Apollo where his treatment was completed and he was finally given a clean bill of health.

Professional History

Academy Record

  • Date of Entry into Starfleet Academy: 237208.01
  • Date of Graduation: 237707.31
  • Major: Security
  • Major: Tactical

Ensign Tal Tel-ar returned to the Academy for further studies

  • Date of Return to Starfleet Academy: 237808.01
  • Date of Graduation: 238107.31
  • Major: Communications/Operations

Lieutenant J.G. Tal Tel-ar returned to the Academy for further studies

  • Date of Return to Starfleet Academy: 238208.01
  • Date of Graduation: 238307.31
  • Major: Intelligence
Tal Tel-ar
Commissioned on 237707.31
Andrus Jaxx Leo Handley-Page
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus
Tal Tel-ar
Commissioned on 238107.31
Andrus Jaxx Leo Handley-Page
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus
Tal Tel-ar
Commissioned on 238307.31
Andrus Jaxx Leo Handley-Page
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Qualifications and Specialties

Tal is considered an expert on many forms of primitive combat. This is mostly due to his childhood on Ten-nok VII. Here he spent all his time training with a wide variety of hand held weapons and various types of missile weapons as well.

Tal is also an exceptionally well trained hand to hand combat expert. While he had learned a little about this form of combat while still living on Ten-nok VII it was only after he enrolled at the Academy that he truly started to excel at it. He spent a large amount of his free time learning a number of different styles.

Tal also took a lot of extreme survival training. Hostile environments and adverse planetary conditions being one of his interests at the Academy.

Due to his early up bringing Tal had to learn to speak his own language of Andorian. They also instructed him in the common language of the Federation. At the Academy he learned more languages and found he had a knack for picking them up fairly fast. Tal can speak and read, Federation common, Andorian, Klingon, Cardassian, Tellerite, Romulan, Ferengi and all 6 dialects of Ten-nok VII the planet he was raised on.

Previous Assignments

  • 236702.23 - age 14 - Rescued from Ten-nok VII
  • 236808.12 - age 15 - Arrived on Andor - received intensive education
  • 237111.17 - age 18 - Arrived on Earth - received pre-academy training
  • 237208.01 - age 19 - Entered Starfleet Academy
  • 237608.01 - age 23 - Cadet cruise aboard the USS Centris
  • 237707.31 - age 24 - Graduated and posted to the USS Triumphant, Security Department.
  • 237908.01 - age 26 - USS Triumphant decommissioned - Returned to the Academy
  • 238008.01 - age 27 - Promoted to Lt. jg. and transferred to the USS Trafalgar, Tactical Department.
  • 238208.01 - age 29 - Returned to the Academy to further training
  • 238308.01 - age 30 - Promoted to Lt. and transferred to the USS Constitution-B, Tactical Department.
  • 238501.07 - age 32 - Transferred to the USS Eagle, Security Department.
  • 238504.30 - age 32 - Promoted to Lt. Commander and made Chief of Security.
  • 238510.15 - age 32 - Given added responsibility of 2nd officer
  • 238604.01 - age 33 - Transferred to the USS Challenger as a mission specialist.
  • 238605.22 - age 33 - Transferred as a helmsman on the USS Challenger-A.
  • 238607.11 - age 33 - Reassigned as the Chief Operations Officer.
  • 238612.22 - age 33 - Reassigned as the First Officer
  • 238709.12 - age 34 - Reassigned as Second Officer and promoted to Commander
  • 238803.24 - age 35 - Reassigned as the Acting Captain
  • 238808.11 - age 35 - Transferred to Duronis II as Chief Tactical Officer
  • 238902.04 - age 36 - Transferred to the USS Apollo as Chief Operations Officer
  • 238911.28 - age 36 - Reassigned as the Strategic Officer
  • 239008.07 - age 37 - Transferred to the USS Mercury as the Tactical Specialist.
  • 239010.06 - age 37 - Transferred to the USS Avandar as the Chief Tactical officer.
  • 239101.01 - age 38 - Transferred to the USS Apollo as the Chief Operations officer.
  • 239104.05 - age 38 - Reassigned as the Strategic Operations officer.
  • 239105.21 - age 38 - Transferred to the USS Aegis as the Strategic Operations officer.
  • 239108.14 - age 38 - Transferred to the USS Apollo-A as the Strategic Operations officer.
  • 239109.03 - age 38 - Transferred to the USS Constitution-B as the Chief Security Officer.
  • 239202.17 - age 39 - Assigned the duties of Chief Security & Tactical officer.
  • 239204.04 - age 39 - Transferred to the USS Doyle-A as the 2nd officer and Chief Security & Tactical officer.
Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Ship Class Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 237208.01 - 237307.31 Starfleet Academy,
San Fransisco,
Major: Security
Major: Tactical
  Cadet, 3rd Class 237308.01 - 237407.31
  Cadet, 2nd Class 237408.01 - 237507.31
  Cadet, 1st Class 237508.01 - 237607.31
  237608.01 - 237707.31 USS Centris Renaissance class
  Ensign 237708.01 - 237907.31 USS Triumphant Defiant class Security Officer
  Ensign 237908.01 - 238007.31 Starfleet Academy Student Major in Com/Ops
  Lieutenant J.G. 238008.01 - 238207.31 USS Trafalgar Vesta class Tactical Officer
  Lieutenant J.G. 238208.01 - 238307.31 Starfleet Academy Student Major in Intelligence
  Lieutenant 238308.01 - 238501.06 USS Constitution-B Galaxy class Security Officer
  Lieutenant 238501.07 - 238504.29 USS Eagle Intrepid class Security Officer
  Lt. Commander 238504.30 - 238604.01 USS Eagle Intrepid class Chief of Security
  Lt. Commander 238604.01 - 238605.22 USS Challenger Akira class Mission Specialist
  Lt. Commander 238605.22 - 238607.11 USS Challenger-A Sovereign class Helmsman
  Lt. Commander 238607.11 - 238612.22 USS Challenger-A Sovereign class Chief Operations Officer
  Lt. Commander 238612.22 - 238709.12 USS Challenger-A Sovereign class First Officer
  Commander 238709.12 - 238803.24 USS Challenger-A Sovereign class Second Officer/Diplomat
  Commander 238803.24 - 238808.11 USS Challenger-A Sovereign class Commanding Officer
  Commander 238808.11 - 238902.04 Duronis II/USS Thunder Cheyenne class Chief Tactical Officer
  Commander 238902.04 - 238911.28 USS Apollo Achilles class Chief Operations Officer
  Commander 238911.28 - 239108.07 USS Apollo Achilles class Strategic Officer
  Commander 239008.07 - 239010.06 USS Mercury Oracle class Tactical Specialist
  Commander 239010.06 - 239101.01 USS Avandar Luna class Chief Tactical officer
  Commander 239101.01 - 239105.05 USS Apollo Achilles class Chief Operations officer
  Commander 239104.05 - 239105.21 USS Apollo Achilles class Strategic Operations officer
  Commander 239105.21 - 239108.14 USS Aegis Norway class Strategic Operations officer
  Commander 239108.14 - 239109.03 USS Apollo-A Odyssey class Strategic Operations officer
  Commander 239109.03 - 239202.17 USS Constitution-B Galaxy class Chief Security officer
  Commander 239202.17 - 239204.04 USS Constitution-B Galaxy class Chief Security & Tactical officer
  Commander 239204.04 - present USS Doyle-A Luna class 2nd Officer, Chief Security & Tactical officer

Awards and Commendations

  • TOSMA II Award - award retired in 2010
  • Barkley Bead Award - award retired in 2010 - Genesis Award replaced it with altered requirements
  • Sept/Oct Writing Challenge Runner-up - (2009)
  • July/Aug Writing Challenge Winner - (2010)
Award Name Star Date Real Year Type Ship
  TOSMA I Award 238401.15 2007 General USS Constitution
  Natasha Yar Pin Award 238401.15 2007 Duty USS Constitution
  TOSMA II Award 238501.13 2008 General USS Eagle
  Neelix Award 238501.13 2008 General USS Eagle
  Kalendra Award 238501.13 2008 Special USS Eagle
  The B-Plot Award 238603.18 2009 General USS Challenger
  Sarpeidon Award 238603.18 2009 Special USS Challenger
  Barkley Bead Award 238603.18 2009 General USS Challenger
  Data Artistic Award 238701.23 2010 Special USS Challenger-A
  Hobus Heroism Service Ribbon 238701.23 2010 Ribbon USS Challenger-A
  First Contact Ribbon 238803.18 2011 Ribbon USS Challenger-A
  Explorer’s Ribbon 238803.18 2011 Ribbon USS Challenger-A
  Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 238803.18 2011 Ribbon USS Challenger-A
  3-year service pin 238803.18 2011 General Duronis II
  Bajoran Campaign Ribbon 238801.04 2011 Ribbon Duronis II
  Good Conduct Ribbon 238801.04 2011 Ribbon Duronis II
  5-year service pin 238901.13 2012 General USS Apollo
  Purple Heart Ribbon 239008.17 2013 Ribbon USS Apollo
  POW Ribbon 239008.17 2013 Ribbon USS Apollo
  Gateway Ribbon 239008.17 2013 Ribbon USS Avandar
  The Sisko Tactical Cross 239101.02 2014 Duty USS Avandar
  Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 239104.29 2014 Ribbon USS Apollo
  The Silver Palm 239112.22 2014 General USS Constitution-B
  The Sheathed Sword 239112.22 2014 General USS Constitution-B
  Good Conduct Ribbon 239112.22 2014 Ribbon USS Constitution-B



Ushaan Tor

Tal has a great fondness for primitive weapons. He has a large number of them that he has collected and has mastered many as well. These include the Andorian Ushann-tor, Andorian Chaka, Andorian Flabbjellah, Klingon Bat'leth, Ten-nokian Battlestave, Ten-nokian Hornbow as well as many other types of knives, swords, spears, bows, throwing sticks, bolo's, etc.

Tal also has a deep respect for and love of hand to hand combat. He spent most of his free time back at the Academy learning as many different styles as he could from a number of races and cultures. He has mastered a couple and is familiar was a large number of others.


As a child on Ten-nok, Tal was never exposed to sports but his every day struggle to survive in a primitive warrior culture gave him an incredible competitive spirit. While he does not enjoy watching others compete, he does enjoy the challenge of competing himself.

While at the Academy, Tal took the time to compete in various athletic events. These ranged from various types of track and field events to running marathons, martial arts tournaments to believe it or not beach volleyball.

Over the 4 years he spent at the Academy Tal was able to win an impressive number of awards. Most of these are for track and field and martial arts competitions. However Tal and his room mate Jason Stone also have the distinct pleasure of being undefeated at beach volleyball.


It was while Tal was at the Academy that he first became exposed to and developed such a driving interest in legends, myths and heroes. His room mate Jason Stone finally talked him into trying them out in exchange for his help with those class's with which Tal was experiencing some difficulty. Since then he has collected many of these stories and will sometimes spend his holodeck time reliving these adventures.


Tal will eat just about anything. He has no real preference. His survival training at the academy plus his warrior training as a child means he could eat and survive on any thing edible that he might encounter. However he usually sticks to a vegetarian diet with lots of fruits and fruit juice.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Doyle-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Selene Faranfey
Sabrina Holly
Ceciri Hakashri
Mission Spec.
David Cody
Security Ofc.
Aidoann Danara
Security Ofc.
John Nugra
Engineer Ofc.
Cassandra Ezi
Engineering Ofc.
Akeen th'Idrani
Amuro McKnight
Talia Kaji
Chief Medical Ofc.
Alexander Bishop
Brandon Craig
Civilian Nurse
Gewel D'piere
Michelle Tonston
Intel Ofc.
Lan Riel
Chief Tac. Ofc.
Tal Tel-ar
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