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'''LT Jg Thomas Gregory''' is currently serving as a Helm/Communication/Operations Officer aboard the ''[[USS Ronin]]''.
'''LT Jg Thomas Gregory''' is currently serving as the Assistant Chief Helm/Communication/Operations Officer aboard the ''[[USS Ronin]]''.


Revision as of 23:40, 6 March 2010

LT Jg Thomas Gregory is currently serving as the Assistant Chief Helm/Communication/Operations Officer aboard the USS Ronin.


  • Name: Thomas Nathan Gregory
  • Age: 27
  • Place of Birth: Scientific Orbiter, Planet Uranus
  • Date of Birth: 2360.08
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Terran
  • Height: 6’1
  • Weight: 188
  • Hair: Short Dirty Blonde
  • Eyes: Light Green
  • Skin: Caucasian
  • Hobbies: Physical Fitness, Basketball, Singing, 20th Century Music, Phonographs
  • Personality: Calm, Charismatic, Quick Thinking, Devious, Cynical, Intelligent
  • Voice: Moderate Tone, Calming with a tough/cynical self assuredness
  • Handed: Ambidextrous
  • Achievements in Life: Participated in a recreation of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
  • Disappointments in Life: Much of his extended family, along with his twin sister disappeared near a system being devoured by a singularity.
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Parents:
    • Father: Patrick Gregory (61)
    • Mother: Mary Nathan (59)
  • Siblings: Harriet (Deceased)

Biographical Information

Thomas was born on the Omega Platform Orbiter, which circles the gas giant Uranus acting as a long distance tracking station and research lab. From his birth to age 15 he lived there often, amusing himself while his parents conducted experiments on the 7th Planet. At age 21 Thomas took part in a recreation of the Apollo 11 moon landing sponsored by the Cape Canavral Memorial Association, using a Saturn 5 Rocket and successfully landing on the moon. The entire event was made to be as historically accurate as possible and preserved for posterity in the Starfleet Archives. From age 15 to 22 Thomas studied at Queen’s University on Earth and joined Starfleet Academy upon completion. He graduated 9th in his class majoring in Temporal Physics. Thomas is the caretaker of one cat “Mittens” and one goldfish “Harold”. As a result of an isolated upbringing Thomas has developed Enochlophobia and wears an artificial visor when outside.

History of Service

Thomas graduated summer of 2386 from Starfleet Academy. Upon completion of training aboard the USS Centris, Gregory was ordered to the USS Ronin for assignment.

238608-238610: Named H/C/O officer aboard the Ronin, Took part in war games simulation. 238610-238612: First Away Mission to the FTS Trade Winds. 238701-238702: Named Assistant Chief H/C/O aboard the Ronin. Took part in a drive test using a new engine.


Gregory's Personal Log: "Much has happened since I arrived aboard the USS Ronin. After just a few weeks of shakedown via the USS Centris I was given my orders. I've met several of the Commanders including Ryan who is my Chief in H/C/O. As Mittens and I were getting settled down the Ronin took part in a war games excersize. The Captain and First Officer managed to show us up using the nearly decommissioned USS Polk. I feel good about where things are headed. There have been a few minor problems dealing with my family tree since I've arrived but so far I've managed to keep under the radar..."


Gregory's Personal Log: "My condition has finally stablized since my discharge from Sickbay. It seems I suffered a mild stroke and have been restricted to light duty until shoreleave has been completed. My time aboard the FTS Trade Winds provided a shock to my system. Our teams Doctor was lost quickly and I got hit by some kind of dart. I was drugged and eventually ended up in a jeffries tube with my suit depressurizing. Thank my lucky stars that LT Cmdr Maria was there to rescue me. We eventually met up with the Captain and found our way to Engineering. After those problems were dealt with we were able to salvage the new drive chasis from the Trade Winds. For my efforts during the mission I was promoted to the rank of LT JG. After my time on board the derelict ship I can safetly say I never want to be a Free Trade Merchant Officer..."


Gregory's Personal Log: "For the last little while I have been walking in circles. Temporal Vortex's opened at random intervals all over the ship starting on Deck 15. I must have displaced myself in time a half dozen times. Teller managed to stablize everyone and soon we discovered via our analysis that the new drive system - although disengaged primarily - had been feeding energy all over the ship that was resulting in those nasty effects. After the drive test was completed I was contacted by Intellegence. It's clear to me now that my easy ride aboard the Ronin is over. I'm going to have to be more careful about my actions..."



"B Plot Award"

"TOSMA-One Award"

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
Karrod Niac
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian OConnor Ensign.png
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
T'fearne ENS.jpg
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Marty Tucker LtJG.png
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Engineering Officer
Keneth Nakada
Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
USS Ronin-logo.png
Luxa action.png
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Sybil nemes wm v2.png
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck LtJG.png
Quentin Beck
Chief Surgeon
V'Len Kel
Alyndra Syrex 4.png
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
USS Ronin-logo.png
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