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Ensign Lucien Landau is a Tactical Officer aboard the USS Independence-A.


  • Full name: Lucien Landau (Born: Lu-Shen)
  • Age: 24 (236112.11)
  • Origin: Landau Province, Mirada
  • Species: Miradorn
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Yellow
  • Height: 6'6
  • Body Type: Bulky, mostly muscle.


  • Parents:
    • Father: Tu-Shen, deserted Mirada at the outbreak of the Dominion War, after trying and failing to start a rebel faction opposed to the pact with the Dominion. After several years of aimlessly traveling through space scavenging, applied for asylum at Starbase 118 when Lu-Shen was accepted into the academy. Tu-Shen is one of the 10% of Miradorn born without a telepathically-linked twin.
    • Mother: Shen-Jae, was a humble seamstress on Mirada before the Dominion War broke out.
  • Siblings:
    • Jaeron Landau (Born: Ju-Shen), telepathically-linked twin brother. Killed by an unknown Jem'Hadar during his family's flight from Mirada.
  • Spouse:
    • None as yet.

Chronological History

  • 236112.11: Lu-Shen and his twin Ju-Shen are born in Landau Province, Mirada.
  • Late 2373: Tu-Shen, upon hearing of the proposed non-aggression pact between the Dominion and the Miradorn and realizing what it effectively means for his race, attempts to organize a rebellion. This falls flat on its face and he and his family are forced to vacate the planet. Before they're able to board their father's trading vessel, the twins are both struck by Jem'Hadar energy weapons. Although Lu-Shen survived a relatively minor wound to the ship, Ju-Shen was struck in the back of the head and killed instantly.
  • 2374-2380: Over the following six years, Tu-Shen and his family travelled through the beta quadrant, trying to stay out of the way and scavenge - but not steal - goods for trade. Unlike most Malkonii (Miradorn who lose their link-brothers), who generally become wholly fixated on revenge and avenging their fallen sibling, Lu-Shen became deeply depressed and unsociable for several years. Perhaps a combination of the anonymity of his brother's actual killer removing the lightning-rod for his wrath, combined with his young age (12 at the time) and his father's lack of experience to guide him through the difficult time he faced (he didn't have a twin, so couldn't fully comprehend the significance of losing one) made Lu-Shen's teenage years more difficult than most.
  • Circa 2378: At some point during his later teenage years, Lu-Shen begins hearing his brother's voice again, telepathically. He is unable to ascertain whether these are phantom thoughts created to paper over the huge hole in his life left by his brother's death - a sort of invisible friend, as it were - or if some part of his brother still lives inside him. Lu-Shen decides to keep this development to himself, to avoid being labelled insane, however this could be difficult in the federation, with Betazoids and other telepaths and empaths around him.
  • 238103.21: Upon arrival at Starbase 118 to sell goods Lu-Shen, now 20 year sold, applies for a place at Starfleet Academy under the assumed name Lucien Landau, citing a need for stability and direction in his life. His decision to change his name stems from a wish to disassociate himself with his Miradorn roots, shunning their violent and quarrelsome reputation, just like his parents.
  • 238104.13: Upon their son's acceptance, Lu-Shen's parents apply for asylum at Starbase 118, and are now happily living out their time as the proprietors of Shen's Clothing Emporium, selling Shen-Jae's home-made clothing.

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