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USS Astraeus

Sevantha Saa Ensign.png

Ensign Sevantha Saa

“We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in.”

Earnest Hemmingway
USS Astraeus-logo.png

Ensign Sevantha Saa is currently serving as a medical officer aboard the USS Astraeus.

Personal Profile

  • Nicknames: Sevan
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'2" (157 cm)
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Build: Petite Athletic
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Length of Hair: Chin length, layered blonde hair that is growing out currently.
  • Eyes: Black
  • Skin Tone: Healthy warm tone
  • Voice: Soft and breathy, somewhat stilted at times, telepathically her voice is still soft but flows more fluidly.
  • Languages Spoken: Betazoid (Native), English (Fluent), Vulcan (Conversational)
  • Scientific Proficiencies: Medicine, Xenobiology, Neurobiology


Sevantha is a fairly quiet, reserved and professional individual when people first meet her. Her image is carefully cultivated, she thinks before she speaks, but like most culturally raised betazoids she is honest to a point that seems rude to most cultures. Still most people will find it rare to see Sevantha expressing herself freely, a precaution that comes with Sevantha’s struggle to stop her abilities from permeating any environment she is within. It’s all too easy for her to feel the emotions of others and take them onto herself. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to be around others, in fact she rather enjoys feeling the joy of others but has been fairly cautious due to the events of Ohmallera’s destruction which caused a cultural grief that left her developmentally regressive for much of her youth.

When Sevantha does open up, she is curious, inquisitive, and likes belonging to a group. As infectious as others emotions can be, her joy or grief are some of her strongest projections. As a doctor she is dedicated, caring, and determined. In her sport hobbies she can be even a little competitive. It takes time to get her to open up but when she does, she’s a good friend to those around her, even if it’s difficult for her to verbalize it. She actually prefers talking telepathically to those she is close to due to she finds herself more articulate in her mind then when she tries to speak.


  • Quarters::Sevan's space is rather minimalistic currently and is kept relatively clean. Her space is shared with Gwen'ora Tasen as they're both Ensigns. Plants of Gwen's collection have inevitably invaded her side of the room which she has little complaints of. There are some Betazed homeages in the room, primarily imagery of flowing waterfalls with sounds often filling the room to help her meditate with incense and candles, which unintentionally enhances the naturalistic aspect of the room.
  • Favourite Room: On the Astraeus Sevantha is very fond of trying to schedule time on the Holodeck, she has a program of a meditation garden with waterfalls and a starry night sky above where she loves to just relax in.
  • Temperament: Sevantha is quiet, unobtrusive most of the time, and speaks softly even when she is mad or annoyed, she tries to present intentionally neutral in tone until she warms-up to people in which she is more comfortable being more expressive of her emotions.
  • Mannerisms: Sevantha stands with her hands clasped infront of her, she struggles with eye contact with strangers when speaking but if she is comfortable will focus heavily on that individual due to how her focus affects how potent her telepathy is.
  • Habits: Sevantha sometimes stares distantly while listening or feeling the emotions of those around her.
  • Favourite time of Day: Night Time, she loves the colors of the skies and stars when there is no light pollution blocking them out.
  • Favourite Food: A hybridization of Kimden Rolls with the Terran food Kolaches. She loves blended Betazed and Terran foods. Breakfast is her favorite meal time.
  • Favorite Drink: Jestral Tea and Raktajinos


  • Dancing: She has long enjoyed dance as a personal hobby, she does not enjoy performative, she just enjoys moving to music as it helps her mind relax and sharing the experience mentally with others she finds a satisfying intimate experience.
  • Martial Arts: Sevantha is a well studied practitioner of Betazoid Martial Arts, specifically Tassa'Akai, having used it to develop discipline for her abilities. She has interest in learning more and likes to take up anything that allows her to practice with actual partners and not holodeck studies.
  • Meditation: As an important part of Betazoid culture, Sevantha enjoys exploring other cultures' traditions of Meditation. She has recently started delving into Vulcan methodology after recommendation of a Lorian, a Vulcan Security Officer, who she worked with during her intern rotations.
  • Movies: Attending the academy on Terra Sevantha was exposed to the more narrative style of story-telling movies offer. She enjoys anything with martials arts involved or detective stories or actions movies, but doesn't like movies that conjure lots of emotions due to she likes turning her mind off.
  • Music: She is a fan of soothing music and sounds, they help her relax and keep her emotions in check. The hobby tends to mix her enjoyment of dancing and meditation.
  • People: Her predestined path was to be a counselor and even though she was unable to pursue it, understading people is something that has never left her heart despite her struggle with her overactive empathy many people find invasive. Understanding how they work, they think, sharing experiences is important to her as a Betazoid despite her more anti-social nature.
  • Studying: Sevantha is a forever student type, she loves reading, she loves studying, investigating things she doesn't understand. Her favorite subjects of interest being Xenobiology, Neuroscience, and Xenoarcheology. If she has a chance to learn from someone more skilled in the field she happily takes the opportunity to hear them out.

Chronological History

  • Born in February of 2374, Sevantha was born on Betazed, in the city of Ohmallera, the Saa family worked in service to the Seventh House but not part of the noble class. She would be the second child of the coupling, her older brother, Velaan being five years her senior.
  • 2374 the Dominion launch an assault and occupy Betazed for four months.
  • At age 5, Sevantha’s empathy and empathic projection abilities would begin developing, which began to cause confusion early on in the childhood as she was unable to discern her own emotions from others. Her parents believed this meant she was bound to be a wonderful counselor in the future.
  • . Sevantha was enrolled in formal training to help develop her ability alongside of developing her emotional intelligence, like many Betazoids she develops an introverted and somewhat shy personality.
  • Tesslana has Sevantha join her brother in T’assaAkai study to help her learn to focus her mind before she enters proper schooling.
  • . Age seven she entered an alternative schooling with other children who developed their abilities young for specialized attention development. Here she met Romi Unaa, a child of a family in service to the Fourth House, and Atrios Taile, a non-house child who would become her best friends and both her first crushes.
  • In 2388, at age 13, Sevantha and her parents depart Ohmellera for a small vacation while her brother stays behind to complete his med-school application, he is amongst the casualties in the 1.2 Million along with her school mates. The collective grief of her parents, herself, and her community caused an emotional regression and brief issues in her developing telepathy.
  • The family would relocate to Medara where she would continue with more intensive focus and influences to help her gain better control of her talents, as well find a new purpose for her parents to hope for. Sevantha would be socially reclusive during the remainder of her schooling, working only with her mentors to curb her abilities.
  • . Sevantha would eventually recover, though she’d remain introverted, somewhat socially awkward and always trying to parse through the ‘noise’ of the world around her and not let her emotions inadvertently influence it.. She would take up her brother's path having felt like she lost her own, applying and pursuing a Pre-Medicine degree at the University of Betazed in Medara. Her specialty is biology.
  • Sevantha takes an extra year of courses for a minor in Genetics
  • At age 23, she would proactively apply to enter Starfleet Medical Academy to the surprise of her parents, Sevantha would never explain her decision and chose to attend the Academy on Terra to have exposure to more cultures than just her own, a place where not everyone was aware of her emotional turmoil or at time special needs.
  • At age 25, she would enter clinical rotations within the Medical Academy, her chosen electives of interest were further Neuroscience to understand her own mind's development and further Aerospace Medicine studies due to her desire to work on a ship.
  • Age 27 in 2401, Sevantha entered her final exam with several fellow Cadets


Family ⮟
Tesslana Saa.png
Mother, Betazed, Medara

Born as a 6th generation vassal of the 7th House, Tesslana Saa is someone who holds the establishment of the Houses in high regard and places a great deal of importance on the role her family has served to the 7th house. Like her mother before her, she has methodically planned the continuation of her line, and planned the lives out of her children. Sevantha and her mother have a strained relationship, Tesslana’s attempt to create invaluable resources to the 7th House have fallen through with the loss of her son and Sevantha’s joining Starfleet. Even at a distance, Tesslana tries to gather what information she can on her daughter, much to Sevantha’s dismay. Sevantha wants to keep distance as long as she possibly can to avoid the weight of expectation falling onto her shoulders, expectations she has never wanted nor intends to follow.

Peirse Saa.png
Father, Betazed, Medara

Peirse is a lucky man who won the genetic lottery. Born to parents with no status, his excessive neurotransmitters allowed him to develop telepathic and empathic gifts that made him highly valuable to clients, especially in business. Caught up in the game of the Houses, eventually, he climbed his way into the top suitors of 7th House vassal Tesslana Saa. Peirse has settled into an easy life with his wife, though knows better than to cross her. Still he’s not entirely heartless and that’s evident in his fondness for his children. When Sevantha developed her abilities early, he was the one who sat with her when she had to be institutionalized, as he believes it was his genetics at fault. The two only grew closer following her brother’s death and now seems to take opportunities to cover for her when needed from her mother.

Velaan Saa.png
Brother, Betazed, Deceased

Sevantha’s older brother, first child of Tesslana and Peirse, and at one point Sevan’s closest companion. It was rare the two ever verbally spoke to one another, strictly communicating in one another’s minds, often to the point they’d get chided for being rude. Despite their age gap, Velaan was Sevantha’s partner in crime. As a male, he didn’t bear the weight of the family like Sevantha did and decided to pursue being a Doctor to avoid the mess of the Houses. When his family went on vacation, he decided to stay back in Ohmallera to finish his application process and interviews for schooling. This decision led to him becoming one of the 1.2 million victims of the USS Constitution-B hijacking. Sevantha was devastated by her brother’s loss.

Friend ⮟
Gwen'ora Tasen Ensign.png
Science Officer, USS Astraeus

The two initially met in their final exam at Starbase 118 and reunited in a roundabout on the way to the USS Astraeus at the tail end of a shoreleave. Sevantha and Gwen ended up assigned to the same quarters which kept Sevan from entirely isolating herself as introverted as she is, because Gwen is an extrovert. Their opposite personalities bring a nice balance to their environment. The Ba’Ku’s curiosity about other cultures has also allowed Sevantha to communicate telepathically with her regularly, which has created a comfortable environment for her to settle into. Much like with her brother, Sevan has a habit of talking telepathically to Gwen’ora even when outside the room, which she has to remind herself is rude in regular company. Plus Gwen has been trusted with a few aspects of her history that Sevan is particular embarrassed about speaking of.

Character Page: Gwen'ora Tasen

Security Officer, USS T’Kumbra

A half-Vulcan Security Officer working out of Starfleet Academy for a time after putting in a request to be close to his human father’s home. Sevantha and him met on field medicine training with him serving as her escort on multiple occasions. Due to their telepathic abilities, the two were fascinated by one another, and eventually formed a deep friendship turned romantic. Lorian proposed to Sevantha before receiving approval from his parents. His mother remarried on Vulcan to a far more traditionalist instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy and after a return home, Lorian found himself struggling with acceptance for his human self or embracing logic fully that Sevantha was an unfortunate threat to with her empathic connection to him. The final straw would come with his step-father arranging a marriage with a fellow professor’s daughter, T’Vel, a skilled engineer on board the T’Kumbra. Lorian torn between parents and Sevantha, made what he deemed the logical choice, and broke the engagement off with Sevantha to appease his parents as well as requesting a transfer to the USS T’Kumbra to prove his dedication. He broke Sevantha’s heart, she wants to be angry with him, despite his efforts to remain friends. She still cares about him and his happiness but she’s still too raw from their break-up.

Wyatt Ral.png
Engineering Officer, USS Astraeus

Their friendship formed under rather dire circumstances and fairly fast. After an explosion in Strategic Operations, Sevantha latched on to his thoughts of falling asleep and reached out to wake him up. During the events of Frontier Day the two used their connection as a means to ensure one another were safe. It’s been nice to find another Betazoid comfortable with telepathic communication for her to speak to, and she’ll admit, he’s the fastest friend she’s ever made.

Character Page: Wyatt Ral

Colleagues ⮟
HCO Officers , USS Astraeus

The Bynars are officers she has only recently met in the crisis of Frontier Day, primarily 000, who was a very disoriented Borg. Their biology & neurobiology helped Sevantha realize the Borg activation had to be based on development.

Character Page: 001100010011000000110001_(001100000011000000110000)

Charles Matthews LtJG.png
Acting Security Chief, USS Astraeus

One of the first people Sevantha met on ship, having recruited her into a holodeck adventure with Cadfael Peters. Sevan finds herself somewhat awkward around Charles due to his tendency to have a very active thought process that she can hear and sometimes struggles to differentiate when he is speaking mentally and when he is speaking verbally. It isn’t a problem for her personally but she is very aware that he likely isn’t aware nor wants her hearing his internal dialogue. She is aware he seems to have some sort of trauma, she hasn’t tried to approach it, though she is fairly curious.

Character Page: Charles Matthews

HCO Officer, USS Astraeus

Sevantha and Chris have really only met in passing in the Pagrati Lounge for the holodeck adventure planning. He was pleasant enough to give Gwen and Sevan a few idea of where to explore.

Character Page: Christopher Caldwell

Divya Tam Ensign.png
Security Officer, USS Astraeus

Sevantha met Ensign Tam during Frontier Day during their first shifts on the Bridge. Throughout the experience she's run into Tam and wants to get to know one of the other ensigns on the ship.

Character Page: Divya Tam

Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Chief of Operations, USS Astraeus

Sevantha and Esa met for the first time in the aftermath of the Stragetic Operation explosion and had to chase down a changeling attempting to assassinate Esa during an operation conducted by Sylvie Doucet. Sevan is immensely worried about Lt. Commander Kiax following the loss of her hand but adovcated to have her return to the bridge instead of staying in sickbay.

Character Page: Esa Kiax

Kris Fianna Ensign.png
Medical Officer, USS Astraeus

Dr. Fianna is a very dedicated woman who is driven to work even when she herself is suffering. The two are very different individuals but Sevantha respects her work and her area of expertise in their occupation. Currently she is terribly concerned about her fellow Medical Officer's mental health following her assimilation into the borg and immediate need to return to work.

Character Page: Kris Fianna

Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
First Officer, USS Astraeus

Sevantha met Commander Rosek-Skyfire during the Strategic Operations explosion after she shortly come aboard. Sevantha treated her directly and caught a near misstep of her own after seeing the Commander's complicated medical history. With their start and her new position as First Officer, Sevan is a little bit intimidated by her presence.

Character Page: Lael Rosek-Skyfire

Meikonda 2022.png
The Captain, USS Astraeus

First time Sevantha saw the Captain was on the Bridge at the beginning of Frontier Day. Its the first time he wasn't a mythical creature to her. Upon seeing him, she tends to remember the stories Atrios used to tease her about Caitian's history of hunting Betazoids. In Frontier Day he has proven to be a surprsie, suggesting unorthodox methods to handle their less then ideal situation as well as taking all of the responsibility. So far she remains impressed with the Captain of the Astraeus and is dedication to keeping his crew safe.

Character Page: Mei’konda

LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Science Officer, USS Astraeus

They have only recently met. Sevantha was appreciative of him helping her stay safe in the Science Labs during the initial Borg incursion. She looks forward to getting to know him.

Character Page: Timothy Alentonis

Slav Shewytch.jpg
Science Officer, USS Astraeus

A Science officer who assisted Sevantha hide in the Stellar Cartography lab and followed her over into Sickbay. His extensive knowledge of science proved invaluable in helping rescue 000.

Character Page: Slav Shewytch

Starfleet ⮟
Morro Caras Ensign.png
Engineering Officer, USS Octavia E. Butler

Sevantha and Morro met at Sevan’s absolute rock bottom at the Academy. Unknowingly she took up his offer to comfort her invoking his previous job as a member of the Pleasure Seekers. Running late to exams the next morning she left without a word. Up until recently she thought of it as a romantic encounter before she learned that Morro believed her to be in his debt and wanted her to help him keep an embarrassing situation he’d gotten himself caught in. She is frustrated with him, a little disappointed at his interpretation of their evening, but also accepting he’s kind of an idiot who really hasn’t experienced a world outside the Orion Syndicate. He seems to mean well. She may get a friend out of him yet

Character Page: Morro Caras

Captain, USS Chin’toka

Information Loading…

Character Page: Serala

Sylvie Doucet Ensign.png
Medical Officer, USS Chin’toka

Sylvie was the first Doctor to really talk to her on the Astraeus and help break her into the space socially. Both are children of tragedy and went into the field helping others. During her time aboard the USS Astraeus, Sylvie served as acting CMO and Sevantha was more than willing to support and learn from her holding the position.

Character Page: Sylvie Doucet

The Girl Who Won, USS T’Kumbra

T’Vel is a brilliant engineer in Starfleet aboard the USS T'Kumbra, an almost all Vulcan vessel. When Lorian’s parents sought a new match for him, they sought her family as she was a fellow Starlfeet officer which was more likely to persuade Lorian to make the logical choice. He did. T’Vel is aware of the complexity of the situation, she does not gloat or hold pride at securing the marriage with Lorian over Sevantha… but logic does not allow the expression of remorse for the situation when it benefits both her family and her immensely. Sevan’s feelings about her are complicated, she’s beautiful, cold, and everything she couldn’t be.

Service History

Saa Astraeus ID Card.png
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet4 blue.png
Cadet 240105.20 Starfleet Academy
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Ensign SD 240105.20 - Present USS Astraeus
Medical Officer

Awards & Service History

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240105.20
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png
Commanding Ofc.
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Divya Tam Ensign.png
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Wyatt RalLT.jpg
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Sulok Art.png
Science Officer
Alix Astraeus JG.png
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
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