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'''USS Eagle Deck List'''
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
| colspan="2" | [[File:Intrepid-class_Starship_Specs.png|600px|center]]
!colspan=2 style="background:aliceblue;"|Highlighted Locations
! scope="col" style="background:aliceblue; width:100px;" |Deck
! style="background:aliceblue; width:600px;" |Facilities
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 1'''
* [[Intrepid Bridge|Main Bridge]]

Decks 1-5 are fully located within the primary hull. The primary hull is also known as the saucer section or the upper hull.
{{bluebox|The USS Eagle has some minor modifications, including:
* The changing of the [[Intrepid_class/Operations_bridge_station|OPS Station]] into a [[Intrepid_class/Science_bridge_station|Science Station]].
'''Deck 1'''
* The configuration of the [[Intrepid_class/Conn_station|Helm Station]] to serve as a [[HCO_Officer_Simming_Guide|HCO Station]] as needed.}}
*Captain's Ready room
<gallery widths="100px" heights="150px" align="center">
*Briefing Room (also known as conference room/ready room).
File:Bridge_from_science.jpg|The bridge of the Eagle|As seen from the science station|alt=Eagle Bridge
*Turbolift shaft (caps).
*Externally: upper sensor platform.
*Escape pods
*EVA lockers
*Aft Bridge airlock
'''Deck 2'''
*Mess Hall
*Officers' quarters
*Laboratories 1 and 2, and storage.
*Primary Sensor gear.
*Escape pod access.
*Power Systems relays
*First Officer's Office
'''Deck 3'''
*Captain's quarters.
*Officers' quarters
*V.I.P. quarters. (One only)
*Quantum torpedo trackers and equipment.
*Escape pod access
'''Deck 4'''
*Aft Quantum Pulse Fire Torpedo Launchers
*Aft Quantum torpedo Magazine and storage
*Lower Cargo bays 1 and 2.
*Transporter rooms 1 and 2.
*Phaser maintenance.
*Sensor gear.
*Escape pod access.
*Phaser array
'''Deck 5'''
*Main Sickbay
*Surgical Suite
*CMO's Office
*Medical laboratory
*Morgue/Forensics Lab
*Medical storage facilities
*Counselor's Office
*Sensor gear.
*Escape pod access.
*Cargo bay 3 (Medical) 
Decks 6-9 span both the primary hull and the secondary hull. The primary hull is also known as the saucer or as the upper hull. The secondary hull is also known as the engineering hull or as the lower hull.  
'''Deck 6'''
*Holodecks 1 and 2.
*Externally: auxiliary deflector
*Primary hull: Auxiliary computer core, (Decks 6 and 7).
*Primary hull: Escape pod access.
*Secondary hull: Deuterium (matter) processing
*Secondary hull: Consumables re-supply connectors
*Forward Quantum Pulse Fire Torpedo launchers
*Quantum torpedo Magazines and storage
*CTO’s office
'''Deck 7'''
*Primary hull: Auxiliary computer core, (Decks 6 and 7).
*Primary hull: Upper cargo bays 1 and 2.
*Primary hull: Laboratories.
*Primary hull: Escape pod access.
*Primary hull: RCS (reaction control system) thrusters and access.
*Secondary hull: Deuterium tanks.
*Secondary hull: Warp engine core injector access.
'''Deck 8'''
*Primary hull: Deuterium processing.
*Primary hull: Port and starboard/forward docking ports.
*Primary hull: ODN (optical data network) and EPS (electroplasma system) main trunks.
*Primary hull: Lower cargo bays 1 and 2.
*Secondary hull: Deuterium tanks.
*Secondary hull: Warp engine core. (Decks 8 -13).
*Secondary hull: Aft workbee storage. (x 4)
*Secondary hull: Science/Engineering laboratories.
*Secondary hull: Astrometrics laboratory.
'''Deck 9'''
*Primary hull: Main Cargo bay loading doors.
*Primary hull: Aerowing shuttle dock.
*Primary hull: Laboratories.
*Security Personnel Quarters
*CoS Office
*Secondary hull: Upper main shuttle-bay. (Accessed via Deck 10.)
*Secondary hull: Warp engine core. (Decks 8 to 13).
*Cargo bay 4
Decks 10-15 are wholly comprised within the secondary hull. The secondary hull is also known as the engineering hull or as the lower hull.
'''Deck 10'''
*Main shuttle bay (aft access 2 x type 9, and 2 x type 11)
*Main computer core. (Decks 10 and 11).
*Warp engine core. (Decks 8 to 13).
*Reserve (auxiliary) warp engine core. (Decks 10 to 14).
*Main Navigational Deflector. (Decks 10, 11 and 12).
*Primary long-range sensors located immediately behind the main navigational deflector.
*Crew Quarters
'''Deck 11'''
*This is known as "wing"-level, i.e. level with the warp nacelle and associated main hull structure (presumably when not raised for warp speed).
*Main Engineering 
*Deflector control
*Life support including artificial gravity controls
*Chief Engineer's office.
*Warp core. (Decks 8 to 13).
*Reserve (auxiliary) warp engine core. (10 to 14).
*Main computer core. (Decks 10 and 11).
*Main Navigational Deflector. (Decks 10, 11 and 12).
'''Deck 12'''
*Antimatter storage.
*Warp engine core. (Decks 9 to 13).
*Reserve (auxiliary) warp engine core. (Decks 10 to 14).
*Navigational controls.
*Environmental controls.
*Main Navigational Deflector. (Decks 10, 11 and 12).
*Escape pod access.
*Crew quarters
*Labs 4 and 5
'''Deck 13'''
*Warp engine core.  (Decks 9 to 13).
*Reserve (auxiliary) warp engine core. (Decks 10 to 14).
*Aft tractor beam emitter
*Engineering Crew quarters.
*Engineering Laboratories.
*Escape pod access.
*Secondary ODN (optical data network) and EPS (electro-plasma system) Trunks
'''Deck 14'''
*Antimatter processing.
*Reserve (auxiliary) warp engine core. (Decks 10 to 14).
*Escape pod access.
*Ground Hover Footpad Systems
*Structural Integrity Field Generator
'''Deck 15'''
*Antimatter loading port.
*Forward Tractor Beam Emitter
*Plasma relay room
*Ground Hover Footpads (Landing Struts)
*Reinforced hull

* [[USS_Eagle_Ready_Room|Captain’s Ready Room]]
* [[Intrepid Briefing|Conference Room]]
* [[USS Eagle Intel Lab Crypto|Crypto Intel Suite and Intel Ready Room]]
* Head (x2)
* Systems Maintenance
* [[Escape pod, Intrepid|Escape Pod Access]]
* Aft Bridge Airlock
<gallery widths="100px" heights="150px" align="center">
File:IntrepidDeck1.jpg|Deck 1|alt=Deck 1
File:Intrepid_class_-_Briefing_Room.jpg|Briefing Room|Where Briefings Happen|alt=The Briefing Room.
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 2'''
* [[Intrepid class/Mess hall|Officer's Mess]]
* Captain's Private Dining Room
* [[Eagle's Nest]] (starboard)
* [[Intrepid Mess Hall|Mess Hall]] (port)
* Public Head (x3) (starboard)
* Public Head (x3) (port)
* [[USS Eagle Deck Listings/First Officer's Office|XO's Office]]
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Senior Officers and VIP Quarters]]
** [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|XO's Quarters]]
***[[Tomas Falt]]
** [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|VIP Quarters]]
* [[Intrepid_class/Science_lab|Science Labs 1 & 2]] (with offices)
* Subspace Transceiver Control / Battery Access (2)
* Aft Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Suite
* Escape Pod Access
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 1, 2)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 3'''
* [[Media:Voyjanewaysquarters.jpg|Captain's Quarters]]
** [[Kali Nicholotti]]
* Diplomatic Office
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Officers' Quarters and VIP Quarters]] (14)
** [Room Nr] - [Crew Name]
* Equipment Storage
* Testing Isolation Chamber
* Turbolift Maintenance
* Emergency Transporter Room 1
* Airlock (Upper Hull Access)
* Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
* Public Head (x6) (port centerline, aft)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 4'''
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Officers' Quarters]] (12)
** [403] - [[Drex]]
* Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
* Crew Lounge/Rec Center with Head (x3) (x2, port/starboard)
* Dorsal Phaser Maintenance
* Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Beta
* Escape Pod Access
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 3,4)
* Battery Access
* Aft Torpedo Launch Bay
* Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
* EPS Distribution Node Control (Primary Hull)
* Holodeck Support Systems
* Cargo Bay 1
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 5'''
* [[Intrepid Sickbay|Sickbay Complex]]
** Chief Medical Officer's Office
** Morgue
** Medical Lab
** Medical Supplies/Storage
* [[Eagle Counseling Suite|Counsellor's Suite]]
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Crew quarters]] (48)
* Gymnasium
* Holodecks 1 & 2 (Upper Section)
* Sensor Gear
* Escape Pod Access
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 5,6)
* Water Storage
* Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Alpha
* Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 6'''
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Crew quarters]] (60)
* Chief Science Officer's Office (port)
* Chief of Operations's Office (starboard)
* Chief Tactical Officer's Office
* Aux Deflector Control
* Aux Computer Core (Upper Level)
* Escape Pod Access
* Deuterium (Matter) Processing
* Consumables Resupply Connectors
* Holodecks 1 & 2 (Main Level - Entrances)
* Replicator Controls 1 & 2
* Waste De-assembler Bays 1 & 2
* Aft Torpedo Loading Port Bays 1 & 2
* Umbilical Connection Bay ''(Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)''
* Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
* Public Head (x3) (port/starboard midship)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 7'''
* Aux Computer Core (Main Level)
* [[Intrepid_class/Science_lab|Science Labs 3 & 4]] (with offices)
* [[Intrepid_class/Science_lab|Science Lab 5]] (Aquatics, including Cetacean Tank)
* Escape Pod Access
* Deuterium Tanks (Upper Section)
* [[Intrepid Crew Quarters|Crew quarters]] (44)
* Main Battery Compartment
* Main Horizontal Jefferies Tube Network
* Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
* Umbilical Connection Bay ''(Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)''
* Public Head (x5) (port/starboard midship fore)
* Public Head (x7) (port/starboard midship aft)
* Cargo Bay 2
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 8'''
* Deuterium Processing
* Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
* RCS Tankage, Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
* Ventral Phaser Maintenance
* Maneuvering Thrusters' Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
* Airlock and Docking Ports (x3) (forward/port/starboard)
* Cargo Bay 3 (Upper Level)
* Hazardous Cargo Holds 1 & 2
* Deuterium Tanks (Main Section)
* Aft Work Pod ''(Workbee)'' Storage
* Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
* Warp Core Deuterium Injector Access
* Main Life Support Control
** Emergency Life Support (Decks 7, 8, 9A)
* Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
* Antigrav Landing Thruster Control
* Transporter Transceiver Control
* Docking Ports (port & starboard)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 9A'''
* Security Complex
** Brig & Monitoring Room (x3)
** Security Office
** Armory
** Training Holodeck
** Briefing Room
** Locker Room
* Cargo Bay 3 (Main Level)
* Ventral Forward Observation Lounge
* External Ventral Hull Access
* AeroShuttle Docking Bay
* Cargo Conveyor Hatch Access Bay
* AeroShuttle Docking Control
* Public Head (x2) (starboard forward)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 9B'''
* Shuttlebays 1 & 2 (Upper Level)
** Shuttlebay Systems & Operations Control
* Forward Torpedo Loading Port Bays
* Umbilical Trunk & Distribution Bay
* Replicator Raw Material Storage
* [[Intrepid_class/Science_lab|Science Lab 7]]
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 10'''
* Shuttlebay 1 (Main Level)
* Shuttlebay 2 (Main Level)
* Aft EV Access Airlock
* Engineering (Upper Level)
* Forward Torpedo Launch Bays
* Reserve Warp Core Storage (Upper Section)
* [[Intrepid SOS Lab|Astrometrics]] (port)
* [[Intrepid_class/Stellar_Cartography_lab|Stellar Cartography Lab]] (starboard)
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 9B, 10)
* Main Computer Core (Upper Section)
* Petty Officer Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (starboard)
* Enlisted Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (port)
* Public Head (x4) (port/starboard forward)
* Warp Core
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 11'''
* Warp Core (Matter / Antimatter Reaction Assembly)
* [[Intrepid Engineering|Main Engineering]] (Main Level)
* Chief Engineer's Office
* Reserve Warp Core Storage (Mid Section)
* Main Computer Core (Mid Section)
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 11, 12)
* Shuttle Parking Bay
* Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Upper Section)
* Ventral Fantail Phaser Maintenance
* Warp Nacelles
**Bussard Collectors
* Public Head (x8) (port/starboard forward)
* Public Head (x3) (starboard aft)
* Aft Staff Lounge
* [[Black Hole Bar]]
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 12'''
* Warp Core
* Environmental Systems Control
* Antimatter Containment Bay
* Main Deflector Control Systems
* Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Main Level)
* Cryogenic Cooling Systems Control
* Engineering Substation
* EPS Distribution Node (Secondary Hull)
* Navigational Systems Control
* Warp Plasma Distribution Control
* Public Head (x5) (port/starboard forward)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 13'''
* Warp Core Coolant Storage
* Main Deflector Control
* Tractor Beam Access
* Environmental Controls
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 14'''
* Antimatter Processing
* Engineering Labs 1 & 2
* Offices (4)
* Crew Lounges (4)
* Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
* Damage Control Command
* Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
* Escape Pod Access
* Access to Landing Strut Ladder
* Warp Core Antimatter Injector Access
* Emergency Life Support (Decks 13, 14, 15)
* Public Head (x1) (port/starboard midship fore)
! scope="col" style="text-alignment:center" |'''Deck 15'''
* Antimatter Generator Bay
* Ventral Midship Phaser Maintenance
* Forward & Aft Tractor Beam Emitters
* Tractor Beam Subsystems
* Plasma Relay Control
* Landing Struts
* Warp Core Ejection Hatch
* Reserve Warp Core Storage (Lower Section) & Ejection Hatch
* Battery Access
* Transporter Pattern Buffer Access
* Escape Pod Access
''Important Note: The features listed are not an exhaustive account of all facilities/components installed.''

{{Intrepid Class}}
{{Intrepid Class}}
[[Category:USS Eagle| ]]
[[Category:USS Eagle| ]]

Latest revision as of 21:16, 14 January 2025

Important Note: The features listed are not an exhaustive account of all facilities/components installed.

Intrepid-class Starship Specs.png
Highlighted Locations
Deck Facilities
Deck 1
The USS Eagle has some minor modifications, including:
Deck 2
Deck 3
Deck 4
  • Officers' Quarters (12)
  • Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
  • Crew Lounge/Rec Center with Head (x3) (x2, port/starboard)
  • Dorsal Phaser Maintenance
  • Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Beta
  • Escape Pod Access
  • Emergency Life Support (Decks 3,4)
  • Battery Access
  • Aft Torpedo Launch Bay
  • Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
  • EPS Distribution Node Control (Primary Hull)
  • Holodeck Support Systems
  • Cargo Bay 1
Deck 5
  • Sickbay Complex
    • Chief Medical Officer's Office
    • Morgue
    • Medical Lab
    • Medical Supplies/Storage
  • Counsellor's Suite
  • Crew quarters (48)
  • Gymnasium
  • Holodecks 1 & 2 (Upper Section)
  • Sensor Gear
  • Escape Pod Access
  • Emergency Life Support (Decks 5,6)
  • Water Storage
  • Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Alpha
  • Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
Deck 6
  • Crew quarters (60)
  • Chief Science Officer's Office (port)
  • Chief of Operations's Office (starboard)
  • Chief Tactical Officer's Office
  • Aux Deflector Control
  • Aux Computer Core (Upper Level)
  • Escape Pod Access
  • Deuterium (Matter) Processing
  • Consumables Resupply Connectors
  • Holodecks 1 & 2 (Main Level - Entrances)
  • Replicator Controls 1 & 2
  • Waste De-assembler Bays 1 & 2
  • Aft Torpedo Loading Port Bays 1 & 2
  • Umbilical Connection Bay (Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)
  • Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
  • Public Head (x3) (port/starboard midship)
Deck 7
  • Aux Computer Core (Main Level)
  • Science Labs 3 & 4 (with offices)
  • Science Lab 5 (Aquatics, including Cetacean Tank)
  • Escape Pod Access
  • Deuterium Tanks (Upper Section)
  • Crew quarters (44)
  • Main Battery Compartment
  • Main Horizontal Jefferies Tube Network
  • Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
  • Umbilical Connection Bay (Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)
  • Public Head (x5) (port/starboard midship fore)
  • Public Head (x7) (port/starboard midship aft)
  • Cargo Bay 2
Deck 8
  • Deuterium Processing
  • Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
  • RCS Tankage, Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
  • Ventral Phaser Maintenance
  • Maneuvering Thrusters' Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
  • Airlock and Docking Ports (x3) (forward/port/starboard)
  • Cargo Bay 3 (Upper Level)
  • Hazardous Cargo Holds 1 & 2
  • Deuterium Tanks (Main Section)
  • Aft Work Pod (Workbee) Storage
  • Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
  • Warp Core Deuterium Injector Access
  • Main Life Support Control
    • Emergency Life Support (Decks 7, 8, 9A)
  • Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
  • Antigrav Landing Thruster Control
  • Transporter Transceiver Control
  • Docking Ports (port & starboard)
Deck 9A
  • Security Complex
    • Brig & Monitoring Room (x3)
    • Security Office
    • Armory
    • Training Holodeck
    • Briefing Room
    • Locker Room
  • Cargo Bay 3 (Main Level)
  • Ventral Forward Observation Lounge
  • External Ventral Hull Access
  • AeroShuttle Docking Bay
  • Cargo Conveyor Hatch Access Bay
  • AeroShuttle Docking Control
  • Public Head (x2) (starboard forward)
Deck 9B
  • Shuttlebays 1 & 2 (Upper Level)
    • Shuttlebay Systems & Operations Control
  • Forward Torpedo Loading Port Bays
  • Umbilical Trunk & Distribution Bay
  • Replicator Raw Material Storage
  • Science Lab 7
Deck 10
  • Shuttlebay 1 (Main Level)
  • Shuttlebay 2 (Main Level)
  • Aft EV Access Airlock
  • Engineering (Upper Level)
  • Forward Torpedo Launch Bays
  • Reserve Warp Core Storage (Upper Section)
  • Astrometrics (port)
  • Stellar Cartography Lab (starboard)
  • Emergency Life Support (Decks 9B, 10)
  • Main Computer Core (Upper Section)
  • Petty Officer Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (starboard)
  • Enlisted Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (port)
  • Public Head (x4) (port/starboard forward)
  • Warp Core
Deck 11
  • Warp Core (Matter / Antimatter Reaction Assembly)
  • Main Engineering (Main Level)
  • Chief Engineer's Office
  • Reserve Warp Core Storage (Mid Section)
  • Main Computer Core (Mid Section)
  • Emergency Life Support (Decks 11, 12)
  • Shuttle Parking Bay
  • Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Upper Section)
  • Ventral Fantail Phaser Maintenance
  • Warp Nacelles
    • Bussard Collectors
  • Public Head (x8) (port/starboard forward)
  • Public Head (x3) (starboard aft)
  • Aft Staff Lounge
  • Black Hole Bar
Deck 12
  • Warp Core
  • Environmental Systems Control
  • Antimatter Containment Bay
  • Main Deflector Control Systems
  • Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Main Level)
  • Cryogenic Cooling Systems Control
  • Engineering Substation
  • EPS Distribution Node (Secondary Hull)
  • Navigational Systems Control
  • Warp Plasma Distribution Control
  • Public Head (x5) (port/starboard forward)
Deck 13
  • Warp Core Coolant Storage
  • Main Deflector Control
  • Tractor Beam Access
  • Environmental Controls
Deck 14
  • Antimatter Processing
  • Engineering Labs 1 & 2
  • Offices (4)
  • Crew Lounges (4)
  • Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
  • Damage Control Command
  • Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
  • Escape Pod Access
  • Access to Landing Strut Ladder
  • Warp Core Antimatter Injector Access
  • Emergency Life Support (Decks 13, 14, 15)
  • Public Head (x1) (port/starboard midship fore)
Deck 15
  • Antimatter Generator Bay
  • Ventral Midship Phaser Maintenance
  • Forward & Aft Tractor Beam Emitters
  • Tractor Beam Subsystems
  • Plasma Relay Control
  • Landing Struts
  • Warp Core Ejection Hatch
  • Reserve Warp Core Storage (Lower Section) & Ejection Hatch
  • Battery Access
  • Transporter Pattern Buffer Access
  • Escape Pod Access

Intrepid Class Modules
Bridge Stations
Command Chairs  ·  Helm  ·  Operations
Engineering  ·  Tactical  ·  Science
Command Modules
Bridge  ·  Briefing Room  ·  Ready Room
XO's Office
Operations Modules
Main Engineering
Crew Quarters  ·  Mess Hall
Science and Medical Modules
Sensor Operations Stations Lab