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Much like any Starfleet ship or base of operations, the Consitution has a number of support craft to be utilized by her crew.
Much like any Starfleet ship or base of operations, the Consitution has a number of support craft to be utilized by her crew.

==Personnel Shuttles==
==Type-9 Personnel Shuttlecraft==
*'''Complement:''' Five
*'''Type:'''  Medium long-range warp shuttle.
*'''Accommodation:'''  Two flight crew, two passengers.
*'''Power Plant:'''  One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
*'''Dimensions:'''  Length, 8.5 m; beam, 4.61 m; height 2.67 m.
**'''Mass:'''  2.61 metric tonnes.
*'''Performance:'''  Warp 6.
*'''Armament:'''  Two Type-VI phaser emitters.
:The Type-9 Personnel Shuttle is a long-range craft capable of traveling at high warp for extended periods of time due to new advances in variable geometry warp physics.  Making its debut just before the launch of the Intrepid-class, this shuttle type is ideal for scouting and recon missions, but is well suited to perform many multi-mission tasks.  Equipped with powerful Type-VI phaser emitters, the shuttle is designed to hold its own ground for a longer period of time.  Comfortable seating for four and moderate cargo space is still achieved without sacrificing speed and maneuverability.  As is standard by the 2360’s, the shuttle is equipped with a medium-range transporter and is capable of traveling through a planet’s atmosphere.  With its ability to travel at high-warp speeds, the Type-9 has been equipped with a more pronounced deflector dish that houses a compact long-range sensor that further helps it in its role as a scout.  The Type-9 is now being deployed throughout the fleet and is especially aiding deep-space exploratory ships with its impressive abilities.

===Type 7===
==Type-11 Personnel Shuttlecraft==
*Length : 8.5 m7
*Beam : 3.6 m8
*'''Complement:''' Six
*Height : 2.7 m8
*Decks : 1
*'''Type:'''  Heavy long-range warp shuttle.
*Mass : 3.969 metric tons
*'''Accommodation:'''  Four flight crew, six passengers.
*Crew : 1, plus 6 passengers in standard model.
*'''Power Plant:'''  One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
*Armament : Shields only, total output 200 TeraWatts
*'''Dimensions:'''  Length, 16 m; beam, 9.78 m; height 4.25 m.
*Defence Systems : Standard shield system, total capacity 27,000 TeraJoules
**'''Mass:'''  28.11 metric tones.
*Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull.
*'''Performance:'''  Warp 6.
*Low level Structural Integrity Field
*'''Armament:'''  Four Type-V phaser emitters, two micro-torpedo launchers (fore and aft), aft-mounted veritable purpose emitter.
*Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 1.5 Maximum Cruise : 1.7 Maximum Rated : 1.759 for 489 hours.
:With an ultimate goal towards creating a useful all-purpose shuttlecraft, the designers of the Type-11 Personnel Shuttle set out to create a craft that was equipped with all the systems of a starship within the shell of a relatively small shuttle.  Allocation of the larger Danube-class runabout to starships in the field proved too costly, and with the expressed need by the Sovereign-class development team for a capable shuttle, the Type-11 was born.  Its overall frame and components are a meshing of lessons learned in both the Type-9 and Danube-class vessels.  Impressive shielding, several phaser emitters, micro-torpedo launchers and a capable warp propulsion system makes this shuttle capable of performing a multitude of tasks.  Both the ventral and dorsal areas of the shuttle feature a new magnaclamp docking port that is capable of linking up to other ships similarly equipped.  A two-person transporter and a large aft compartment with a replicator adds to the shuttle’s versatility.  The end hope is that these all-purpose shuttles will replace the more specific-purpose crafts already stationed on starships, reducing the amount of space needed for shuttle storage in already-cramped bays.  The Type-11 is now seeing selective deployment outside the ''Sovereign''-class to further assess its capabilities in the field.
*Strength Indices : (Galaxy class = 1,000) Beam Firepower : 4
* Torpedo Firepower : -  
* Weapon Range and Accuracy : -

===Type 8===  
==Sphinx Workpods==
*Length : 6 m3
*Beam : 4.4 m4
*'''Complement:''' Two
*Height : 2.7 m5
*Decks : 1
::Sphinx 01: EQ1
*Mass : 3.384 metric tons
::Sphinx 02: EQ2
*Crew : 1. plus 6 passengers in standard model, 2 in diplomatic model 
*'''Type:''' Light industrial maintenance vehicle
*Armament : 2 x Type V phaser bank4, total output 200 TeraWatts
*'''Accommodation:''' Two flight crew
* Defence Systems : Standard shield system, total capacity 13,500 TeraJoules, Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull. Low level Structural Integrity Field
*'''Power Plant:''' Two RCS thrusters
* Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 2.6 Maximum Cruise : 3 Maximum Rated : 3.26 for 36 hours.
*'''Dimensions:''' Length 6.2 m; beam, 2.6 m; height 2.5 m.
*'''Performance:''' Thrusters only
*'''Armament:''' Unarmed
:A light maintenance vehicle with room for two. The Sphinx workpod is used primarily for extraship repairs and is a common sight in any large shipbuilding facility. Sphinxes are never intended to stray far from their parent ship or facility. They are more varied and versatile than Workbees, but can be more difficult to maneuver for close work.

===Type 9===
*Length : 9.17 m4
*Beam : 3.8 m
*'''Complement:''' Three
*Height : 2.95 m5
*Decks : 1
::Workbee 01: EQ3
*Mass : 1.85 metric tons
::Workbee 02: EQ4
*Crew : 16, plus 2 passengers 
::Workbee 02: EQ5
*Armament : 2 x Type IV phaser banks 1 x Type IV phaser bank, total output 200 TeraWatts 2 x Micro photon torpedo tube with 60 rounds
*'''Type:''' Light industrial maintenance vehicle
*Defence Systems : Standard6 shield system, total capacity 13,500 TeraJoules
*'''Accommodation:''' One pilot/operator
*Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull.
*'''Power Plant:''' Two RCS thrusters
*Low level Structural Integrity Field
*'''Dimensions:''' Length 4.5 m; beam, 2.2 m; height 2.4 m.
*Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 3 Maximum Cruise : 3.4 Maximum Rated : 4 for 3 hours.
*'''Performance:''' Thrusters only
*'''Armament:''' Unarmed
:The workbees have a longer operational time (80 hours) than their Sphinx counterparts, though you wouldn’t want to be stuck in one for that full time. They are essentially hybrids between EVA suits and shuttlecraft: Built for one, but with the tools of a maintenance vehicle for ship repairs. A pair of robotic manipulator arms is folded beneath the main housing, and allows for work to be done through pilot-operated controls. Each Workbee is capable of handling a cargo attachment that makes it ideal for transferring cargo around large starbases and spaceborne construction facilities.

===Type 11===
==''Danube''-Class Runabouts==
*Length : 14.6 m
*Beam : 3.2 m
*'''Complement:''' Two
*Height : 4.5 m
*Decks : 1
*'''Type:'''  General-purpose interstellar vehicle
*Mass : 27.2 metric tons
*'''Accommodation:'''  1 - 4 crew. 40 person evacuation limit for short duration flights
*Crew : 1, plus 10 passengers 
*'''Power Plant:'''  One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
*Armament : 3 x Type IV phaser bank, total output 175 TeraWatts. 2 x Micro photon torpedo tube with 60 rounds. Defence Systems : Standard2 shield system, total capacity 67,500 TeraJoules. Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull. Low level Structural Integrity Field
*'''Dimensions:'''  Beam, 13.7 m; height 5.40 m.
*Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 5 Maximum Cruise : 5.5 Maximum Rated : 6 for 3 hours.
**'''Mass:'''  158.7 metric tonnes.
**'''Normal Cruise:''' Warp 4
**'''Maximum Cruise:''' Warp 5
**'''Maximum Rated:''' Warp 5.2 for 12 hours
*'''Armament:'''  Six type-IV phaser arrays (total output 750 terawatts), two micro-photon torpedo tubes (24 torpedoes, though up to four full-size photon or quantum torpedoes may be carried); defensive shield system, total capacity 56,700 terajoules
:The ''Constitution'', as the lone ship in an unexplored region, carries three autonomous runabouts for long-range missions. They are fully warp-capable and armed well for small craft and may be deployed to investigate when the ''Constitution'' is needed elsewhere. The runabouts currently assigned are the [[USS Iaonaiae]], and two others

==Cargo Shuttles, Pods, Runabouts and others==
==Captain’s Yacht==
===Type 10 Cargo Shuttles===
*'''Complement:''' One
*Length : 9.6 m
*Beam : 5.8 m
*'''Type:''' ''Galaxy''-class integrated diplomatic/exploration craft
*Height : 3.3 m
*'''Accommodation:'''  Up to 7 officers, 3 flight crew, 4 passengers
*Decks : 1
*'''Power Plant:''' One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
*Mass : 19.37 metric tons
*'''Dimensions:'''  Length, 18 m; beam, 10 m; height 8 m; 2 decks
*Crew : 12  
*Armament : 2 x Type IV phaser bank2, total output 150 TeraWatts. 2 x Micro2 photon torpedo tube with 60 rounds. Defence Systems : Standard2 shield system, total capacity 27,000 TeraJoules. Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull. Low level Structural Integrity Field .
**'''Normal Cruise:''' Warp 4
*Warp Speeds: Normal Cruise : 4 Maximum Cruise : 4.5 Maximum Rated : 5 for 3 hours.
**'''Maximum Cruise:''' Warp 5
**'''Maximum Rated:''' Warp 6 for 3 hours
*'''Armament:'''  Two type-V phaser arrays; auto-modulating shield systems
*'''Deck Layout:'''
**'''Deck 1:'''
:Cockpit, staterooms (2), flight crew bunks, galley
**'''Deck 2:'''
:Propulsion systems, deployable warp nacelles (2), landing gears (2), aerodyne flight motors for atmospheric flight, maintenance access

===Type 18 Shuttle Pods===  
==Valkyrie Mark II class Fighter==
*Length : 4.5 m
*Beam : 3.1 m
*'''Complement:''' One
*Height : 1.8 m
*'''Officer in charge:''' [[T'Aven]]
*Decks : 1
*'''Accommodation:''' One (Can accommodate 3)
*Mass : 1.21 metric tons  
*'''Type:''' Heavy Fighter/Escort
*Crew : 1 + 1
*Armament : 2 x Type IV phaser banks, total output 2 TeraWatts
**'''Length:''' 24 meters
*Defence Systems : Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull. Low level Structural Integrity Field
**'''Beam:''' 16 meters
*Impulse only : Max Impulse Speed : acceleration 0.2 m/s/s Atmospheric Cruise (Mach) : 5 Atmospheric Max (Mach) : 12
**'''Height:''' 6 meters
*'''Mass:''' 140 metric tons
**'''Normal Cruising Speed:''' Warp 4
**'''Maximum Cruising Speed:''' Warp 6
** Four Type-8 phaser emitters
** Two duel burst micro-torpedo launch system with 25 micro-quantum torpedoes
*'''Defensive Systems:'''
**[[ma:Ablative armor|Ablative Armour]]
**Regenerative Shielding

===Danube Class Runabouts x 2===
== Argo Class Shuttle ==
[[File:Argo shuttle and buggy.jpg|250px]]
* Length : 23.1 m19
*'''Complement:''' 6
* Beam :   14 m
* '''Crew:''' 4
* Height : 5.4 m1
* '''Length:''' 14.50m
* Decks : 1
* '''Beam:''' 8.80(including wingspan)
* Crew: 1 (40 evacuation limit)
* '''Height:''' 6.10m
* Armament: 6 x Type IV phaser arrays23, total output 750 TeraWatts, 2 x Micro photon torpedo tube 2 with 24 rounds
* '''Decks:''' 1  
* Sheilds: Standard shield system, total capacity 56,700 TeraJoules, Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull. Low level Structural Integrity Field
* '''Armaments:''' 2 Type VI phaser banks, 1 Micro-photon torpedo tubes with 20 torpedoes
* Warp: Normal Cruise : 4 Maximum Cruise : 5 Maximum Rated : 5.2 for 12 hours.
* '''Deflectors:'''  6 symmetrical subspace graviton field grids
* '''Hull:''' Single light Duranium/Tritanium
=== F 150 Fighter ===
* '''Warp Speeds:'''  Cruising 5Maximum 7.5 (sustainable for 6 hours)
* '''Other:''' Each Shuttle Includes a Buggy
=== Gypsy Legend ===
* Crew: Pilot and one passenger)
* Sublight: 4.8. m/s/s
* Delta-V: 35,000 m/s
* Warp speeds: Max warp 1, emergency warp 1.5 for 12hrs
* Weight: 2.9 metric tonnes
* Length: 6.5 m
* Height: 2.3 m
* Span: 8m (3.6 m W/Folded wings)
* Armament: 2 x Type VIII phaser cannons, total output 2,800 TeraWatts, 2 x Micro-torpedo missile launchers each with 12 rounds, Ion Emitter Cannon (high-output EMF emitter)
* 1 Deck
* Enhancements: Upgraded RCS, IDF, added hardpoints for additional Micro-torpedo missile launchers
* Originaly a Bajoran Raider, this fighter/bomber was extensively upgraded by Lt Keely
* Personal property of [[Yladro, Victoria|Victoria Yladro]]

[[Category:USS Constitution-B|C]]
[[Category:USS Constitution-B|C]]

Latest revision as of 03:33, 5 December 2024

Much like any Starfleet ship or base of operations, the Consitution has a number of support craft to be utilized by her crew.

Type-9 Personnel Shuttlecraft


  • Complement: Five
  • Type: Medium long-range warp shuttle.
  • Accommodation: Two flight crew, two passengers.
  • Power Plant: One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
  • Dimensions: Length, 8.5 m; beam, 4.61 m; height 2.67 m.
    • Mass: 2.61 metric tonnes.
  • Performance: Warp 6.
  • Armament: Two Type-VI phaser emitters.
The Type-9 Personnel Shuttle is a long-range craft capable of traveling at high warp for extended periods of time due to new advances in variable geometry warp physics. Making its debut just before the launch of the Intrepid-class, this shuttle type is ideal for scouting and recon missions, but is well suited to perform many multi-mission tasks. Equipped with powerful Type-VI phaser emitters, the shuttle is designed to hold its own ground for a longer period of time. Comfortable seating for four and moderate cargo space is still achieved without sacrificing speed and maneuverability. As is standard by the 2360’s, the shuttle is equipped with a medium-range transporter and is capable of traveling through a planet’s atmosphere. With its ability to travel at high-warp speeds, the Type-9 has been equipped with a more pronounced deflector dish that houses a compact long-range sensor that further helps it in its role as a scout. The Type-9 is now being deployed throughout the fleet and is especially aiding deep-space exploratory ships with its impressive abilities.

Type-11 Personnel Shuttlecraft


  • Complement: Six
  • Type: Heavy long-range warp shuttle.
  • Accommodation: Four flight crew, six passengers.
  • Power Plant: One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
  • Dimensions: Length, 16 m; beam, 9.78 m; height 4.25 m.
    • Mass: 28.11 metric tones.
  • Performance: Warp 6.
  • Armament: Four Type-V phaser emitters, two micro-torpedo launchers (fore and aft), aft-mounted veritable purpose emitter.
With an ultimate goal towards creating a useful all-purpose shuttlecraft, the designers of the Type-11 Personnel Shuttle set out to create a craft that was equipped with all the systems of a starship within the shell of a relatively small shuttle. Allocation of the larger Danube-class runabout to starships in the field proved too costly, and with the expressed need by the Sovereign-class development team for a capable shuttle, the Type-11 was born. Its overall frame and components are a meshing of lessons learned in both the Type-9 and Danube-class vessels. Impressive shielding, several phaser emitters, micro-torpedo launchers and a capable warp propulsion system makes this shuttle capable of performing a multitude of tasks. Both the ventral and dorsal areas of the shuttle feature a new magnaclamp docking port that is capable of linking up to other ships similarly equipped. A two-person transporter and a large aft compartment with a replicator adds to the shuttle’s versatility. The end hope is that these all-purpose shuttles will replace the more specific-purpose crafts already stationed on starships, reducing the amount of space needed for shuttle storage in already-cramped bays. The Type-11 is now seeing selective deployment outside the Sovereign-class to further assess its capabilities in the field.

Sphinx Workpods


  • Complement: Two
Sphinx 01: EQ1
Sphinx 02: EQ2
  • Type: Light industrial maintenance vehicle
  • Accommodation: Two flight crew
  • Power Plant: Two RCS thrusters
  • Dimensions: Length 6.2 m; beam, 2.6 m; height 2.5 m.
  • Performance: Thrusters only
  • Armament: Unarmed
A light maintenance vehicle with room for two. The Sphinx workpod is used primarily for extraship repairs and is a common sight in any large shipbuilding facility. Sphinxes are never intended to stray far from their parent ship or facility. They are more varied and versatile than Workbees, but can be more difficult to maneuver for close work.


Workbee small.jpg

  • Complement: Three
Workbee 01: EQ3
Workbee 02: EQ4
Workbee 02: EQ5
  • Type: Light industrial maintenance vehicle
  • Accommodation: One pilot/operator
  • Power Plant: Two RCS thrusters
  • Dimensions: Length 4.5 m; beam, 2.2 m; height 2.4 m.
  • Performance: Thrusters only
  • Armament: Unarmed
The workbees have a longer operational time (80 hours) than their Sphinx counterparts, though you wouldn’t want to be stuck in one for that full time. They are essentially hybrids between EVA suits and shuttlecraft: Built for one, but with the tools of a maintenance vehicle for ship repairs. A pair of robotic manipulator arms is folded beneath the main housing, and allows for work to be done through pilot-operated controls. Each Workbee is capable of handling a cargo attachment that makes it ideal for transferring cargo around large starbases and spaceborne construction facilities.

Danube-Class Runabouts


  • Complement: Two
  • Type: General-purpose interstellar vehicle
  • Accommodation: 1 - 4 crew. 40 person evacuation limit for short duration flights
  • Power Plant: One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
  • Dimensions: Beam, 13.7 m; height 5.40 m.
    • Mass: 158.7 metric tonnes.
  • Performance:
    • Normal Cruise: Warp 4
    • Maximum Cruise: Warp 5
    • Maximum Rated: Warp 5.2 for 12 hours
  • Armament: Six type-IV phaser arrays (total output 750 terawatts), two micro-photon torpedo tubes (24 torpedoes, though up to four full-size photon or quantum torpedoes may be carried); defensive shield system, total capacity 56,700 terajoules
The Constitution, as the lone ship in an unexplored region, carries three autonomous runabouts for long-range missions. They are fully warp-capable and armed well for small craft and may be deployed to investigate when the Constitution is needed elsewhere. The runabouts currently assigned are the USS Iaonaiae, and two others

Captain’s Yacht


  • Complement: One
  • Type: Galaxy-class integrated diplomatic/exploration craft
  • Accommodation: Up to 7 officers, 3 flight crew, 4 passengers
  • Power Plant: One 400-cochrane warp engine, two 800-millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
  • Dimensions: Length, 18 m; beam, 10 m; height 8 m; 2 decks
  • Performance:
    • Normal Cruise: Warp 4
    • Maximum Cruise: Warp 5
    • Maximum Rated: Warp 6 for 3 hours
  • Armament: Two type-V phaser arrays; auto-modulating shield systems
  • Deck Layout:
    • Deck 1:
Cockpit, staterooms (2), flight crew bunks, galley
    • Deck 2:
Propulsion systems, deployable warp nacelles (2), landing gears (2), aerodyne flight motors for atmospheric flight, maintenance access

Valkyrie Mark II class Fighter


  • Complement: One
  • Officer in charge: T'Aven
  • Accommodation: One (Can accommodate 3)
  • Type: Heavy Fighter/Escort
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 24 meters
    • Beam: 16 meters
    • Height: 6 meters
  • Mass: 140 metric tons
  • Performance:
    • Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 4
    • Maximum Cruising Speed: Warp 6
  • Armament:
    • Four Type-8 phaser emitters
    • Two duel burst micro-torpedo launch system with 25 micro-quantum torpedoes
  • Defensive Systems:

Argo Class Shuttle

Argo shuttle and buggy.jpg

  • Complement: 6
  • Crew: 4
  • Length: 14.50m
  • Beam: 8.80(including wingspan)
  • Height: 6.10m
  • Decks: 1
  • Armaments: 2 Type VI phaser banks, 1 Micro-photon torpedo tubes with 20 torpedoes
  • Deflectors: 6 symmetrical subspace graviton field grids
  • Hull: Single light Duranium/Tritanium
  • Warp Speeds: Cruising 5, Maximum 7.5 (sustainable for 6 hours)
  • Other: Each Shuttle Includes a Buggy