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Missions on U.S.S. Resolution
* [[Resolution Mission Logs|"Act of Mercy"]]
* [[Resolution Mission Logs|"Broken Promises"]]

Revision as of 14:36, 11 July 2009

Crew of USS Resolution
Guy HUnt.jpg


  • Age:’’’ 31
  • Height: 5’10’’
  • Eye color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Black with a hint of Grey
  • ‘’’Birthplace:’’’ Crete, Earth
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Father: Commander Perry Martin Hunt, Program Director for Shuttle Craft Development, Mar's Plant 12-1 A

Mother: Captain Helaina Martha "Davenport" Hunt, M.D., Chief Surgeon Mar's General Hospital.

Older Brother: Lt. Commander Jessie Hunt, M.D., CMO USS Tanner, Olympic Class

Youngest Brother: Perry Guy Hunt, Medical Student at John Hopkins


Guy Perry Hunt was born on the Greece Island of Crete. His mother was stationed there at the Star Fleet Medical Operations Center for Advanced Surgery. In Guy's young life he lived on 3 starships 2 moons and an Astrid station. In Guys adult life he has lived on 1 starship and 2 planets. Guy is a evid collector of artifacts to include his passion, ancient hand held weapons. His grandparent live on Earth's Moon were they have the largest Coffee Farm in the solar system. Guy never travels with out a case of his grandparents coffee beans, grander and a french press.

Guy Received a BS degree in Advanced Tech from M.I.T. A Masters degree from New York State in Diplomatic Law.

At the Age of 26 Hunt became the aid to the Earth Ambassador General. After two years became the Chief of Staff for the Star Ship Operations, a 50 year old Oberth-Refit, UFPD Tiger. Hunt Served on the Tiger for 3 years aiding the Ambassador in all Diplomatic Duty's. After Ambassador Hasten was killed when his shuttle was the target of a attack. Hunt entered Star Fleet with a degree in Intel and a minor in Strategic Operations. Hunt was also selected for Flight School in his 3rd year at the Academy. In Hunts 4th year he went to the Advanced Flight Academy Mars. Hunt was Selected for Duty abourd the USS Resolution by Commander Toni Turner

Current Post:

Helm-Communications- Operations

Main Responsibilities: Piloting and navigation of the vessel, scheduling of all major resources between departments eg Deflector dish, reserving of holodecks etc, co-ordination of away missions, monitoring of the ships communications

Other Responsibilities: Navigation references/course plotting, supervision of automatic flight operations, manual flight operations, position verification, and bridge liaison to engineering department. Sending and receiving distress signals, locating important people on or off the ship, sending and receiving: Ship to ground, ship to ship, and ship to StarBase communications.

The HCO Officer is responsible for all flight control operations of the ship. He/she is also responsible for co-ordinating ship activities in such a manner so as not to overload or oversubscribe any particular system/resource. The HCO Officer also monitors the away team(s) status when not onboard the ship. The HCO Officer also handles all communications both to and from the ship.

Notes: Even though most of the functions in flight are automated, a human officer is needed to oversee these operations and sometimes, make changes. During impulse powered flight, the HCO Officer is responsible for monitoring inertial dampening systems and relativistic effects. In the event of overload in a specific flight operation, the computer will request a change in the manoeuvre. The HCO Officer must then bring the plans into the inertial dampening perimeters for safety. During alert situations the HCO Officer is permitted to specify manoeuvres that are possibly dangerous to the crew of spacecraft.

Awards Recieved:


Missions on U.S.S. Resolution

Guy's Photo's:

Guy Perry Hunt's Home of Crete


UFPD Tiger NCC-638 Diplomatic Ship for Ambassador Hasten


Guy's Grandparents Underground Coffee Farm, Earths Moon


Guy's Current and 1st Ship the USS Resolution Docked at Station


Holodeck Simulation of USS Resolution in a close combat mission




NPC Listing   ·   USS Resolution Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Executive Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Yogan Yalu
Aine Sherlock LCDR FO 0002.png
Chief Security Ofc.
Aine Sherlock
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Talos - Artemis - XO-V2 Beard.jpg
Talos Dakora
Etan iljor commander.png
Science Ofc.
Etan Iljor
Hallia Yellir Picard Uniform.png
Science Ofc.
Hallia Yellir
Genkos Adea.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
Genkos Adea
Meidra LT other.png
Meidra Sirin
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