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Crew of the USS Gorkon

Lael Rosek.png

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lael Rosek

Lieutenant, Junior Grade Lael Rosek is currently a HCO Officer serving aboard the USS Gorkon.


  • Full Name: Lael Elizabeth Rosek
  • Gender: Female
  • Marital Status: Divorced
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant, Junior Grade
  • Current Assignment: USS Gorkon
  • Current Duty Post: HCO Officer
  • Race: Al-Leyan/Terran
  • Date of Birth: 236610.24
  • Age: 25
  • Astrological Sign: Scorpio (Symbolized by the Scorpion; Often archetyped as 'The Guardian')
  • Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline
  • Place of Birth: Cedar Springs, Kent County, Michigan, Earth
  • Telepathic Status: E0+


  • Height: 5’10
  • Weight: 132lbs
  • Build: Thin, Athletic
  • Hair Color: Strawberry Blond
  • Eye Color: Blue




Adelynn Rosek
  • Age: 49 - Merchant - Earth
Adelynn is an independent merchant who also delivers cargo for clients. She's very materialistic, narcissistic, and controlling. She abhors anything that harms her reputation or embarrasses her and she has no patience for stupidity or ignorance. Because of her narcissistic nature, she thinks that she's always right and hates when people question her. Lael's relationship with her mother is extremely strained due to her mother's high, and at times, unreasonable expectations of her.
  • Age: Unknown - Unknown - Luraul
Due to her mother's silence, Lael doesn't know much about her father except that he resides on the Al-Leyan homeworld.


Twin Brother
Kellan Rosek
  • Age: 25 - Medical Student at John Hopkins University - Baltimore, Maryland, Earth
Kellan is typically very introverted and very private. Like his sister, he is very ambitious and resourceful with strong intuition and a mature outlook on life. The only person that he truly trusts is Lael, therefore he will open up to her more so than any others.


Thomas DeMarcus
  • Age: 58 - Bar owner - Earth
Louise Rosek-DeMarcus
  • Age: 54 - Third Grade Teacher - Earth
Chloe DeMarcus
  • Age: 21 - Starfleet Cadet studying Communications/Ops - Earth
Camile DeMarcus
  • Age: 21 - Starfleet Cadet studying Medical - Earth
Camile DeMarcus
  • Age: 19 - Architecture Student at California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo - Earth


Jansen Orrey
  • Age: 31 - Starfleet Medical Officer - USS Gorkon
Jansen and Lael became friends after Lael visited Sickbay one night for something to help her sleep. Since then, they have continued to grow closer and enjoy one another's company. However, Lael's feelings are complicated by an attraction to him that she can't seem to control.
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Elina Kincade
  • Age: 34 - Retired Starfleet Nurse - Earth
Elina and Lael met during Lael's stay at Starfleet Medical for her spinal injury. Elina was Lael's supervising nurse. The two remain close friends to this day.
Rebecca at 26.jpg
Rebecca Hollendale
  • Age: 37 - Retired Starfleet Security/Tactical Officer- Earth
Lael and Rebecca met through Elina. Though the two often disagree on certain issues, they're good friends nonetheless.
Jared leto.jpg
Michael Zola
  • Age: 28 - Starfleet Science Officer
Lael and Michael met at the Academy.
Aidia Carter
  • Age: 26 - Starfleet Helm Officer
Aidia and Lael met at the Academy.

Romantic Partners

Ivina Genestra
  • Age: 44 - Betazoid Scientist - Betazed
  • Married to Jarot (Stadi) Genestra.
Despite their chemistry, Lael realized that she loved Ivina, but wasn’t in love with her. They’re now close friends.
Jensar Berel
  • Age: 43 - Betazoid Councilmember - Betazed
She and Jensar were together for six months before they eloped despite protests from both families. They were married for six months until they chose to divorce when Jensar’s older brother died and he was forced to return to Betazed to take his brother’s post with the Council.
Alva Tigan
  • Age: 34 - Joined Trill Merchant
Lael’s relationship with Alva was purely sexual and lasted for a period of six months.
Janel Tarna
  • Age: 27 - Unjoined Trill Starfleet Medical Officer - USS Darwin-A
Lael and Janel developed feelings for one another while both were held captive and tortured. Though initially uncertain, they are now dating.



Martial Arts

  • Jujitsu—Terran
  • Mukhol—Al-Leyan

Water Skiing



Rock climbing



Her preferred mediums are charcoal and acrylics. She enjoys abstract and renaissance art in particular.


Reading is her secret passion and she enjoys works such as The Teachings of Surak (Standard Translation), The Fall of the House of Usher, The Uncollected Songs of Kahless (Standard Translation), The Complete Works of Richard Brautigan, First Captain: A Biography of Jonathan Archer, The Founding: First Days of Federation, and The Raven.

Cars and Motorcyles

Lael enjoys repairing and rebuilding classic cars and motorcycles. She herself rides a classic Harley-Davidson for her cross-country riding holodeck program.


  • Book: First Captain: A Biography of Jonathan Archer
  • Poem: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Page
  • Music: Underground Rock, Indie Rock
  • Bands: Death Cab for Cutie, Muse, Paramore, Teagan and Sara
  • Songs: Misery Business by Paramore, Monster by Paramore, Madness by Muse, Undisclosed Desires by Muse, Walking With A Ghost by Teagan and Sara, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, "Demons" by Imagine Dragons, "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons, Who We Are by Imagine Dragons, Elastic Heart by Sia, Full Moon by The Black Ghosts
  • Personal Anthem: I'm Not Your Hero by Teagan and Sara
  • Color: Violet(Purple)
  • Food: Anything Thai
  • Drink: Tequila
  • Desserts: Dark chocolate gelato with raspberries and whipped cream; Bailey's gelato
  • Flower: Chrysanthemum
  • Season: Fall
  • Place: Home


  • Simple-minded people
  • Insincere flattery


Lael was born Stardate 236711.04 two minutes before her twin brother Kellan in Cedar Rapids, Michigan to mother Adelynn Rosek. From birth, she was curious, always eager to explore her surroundings, particularly the outdoors. By the age of six, her natural curiosity had led her to discover her talent and fascination with fixing and building things. She excelled in school, outstripping her peers, especially in Math and Science. She spent summers studying wildlife and pursuing outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, rock-climbing, mountain biking and climbing tall trees just for the view. She kept mostly to herself, her closest relationship being with her twin brother, Kellan. The two would often dodge through the forests near their hometown playing games such as tag and going for swims in a nearby pond.

As she grew older, she blossomed socially, her charm and easy laughter making her fun to be around. She, Kellan and their friends would spend summers swimming, swinging and cliff-diving. Her natural athleticism led to an active sporting career in middle, where she ran as part of the track team, receiving medals in numerous events.

At age 14, she attended a Starfleet summer camp and fell in love with the idea of Starfleet. From then on, she was determined to pursue a career in Starfleet. She devoted every spare minute of her time to preparing, sacrificing a social life for her dreams. It all paid off when she was accepted at the tender age of 18.

Lael wanted to pursue Engineering, but was pressured by her mother to join the Command Track. However, the vids and textbook descriptions of tortures caused her such a degree of stress that she nearly developed a split personality. She was removed immediately from the Command Track and forced to select another major or be discharged from Starfleet. Though at one point she considered accepting the discharge and going in search of her father, her brother encouraged her to stay with Starfleet and pursue Engineering.

Ivina was her first monogamous relationship and they were together for her first year as a Cadet. However, they mutually decided to end the relationship because they weren’t in love. The summer after her first year at the Academy, slightly heartbroken from her and Ivina’s ended relationship, she went rock-climbing with some friends, resulting in a fall that injured her spine to such a degree that she was told she would never walk again. But Lael was determined. She accepted an experimental treatment from another doctor and four months of physical therapy later, she was re-admitted to the Academy.

During her third year at the Academy, she met Jensar Berel, a Betazoid Ambassador. Their relationship moved quickly and within six months, they had eloped despite protests from both their families. Six months later, Lael graduated at the top of her class and received an internship assignment aboard Starbase 118 as an Apprentice Engineer. They remained married for another six months before his older brother’s death resulted in them divorcing so he could take his older brother’s place as Ambassador. She moved on and six months later met Alva Tigan, a Trill merchant. The relationship was short lived, however, as Alva ended things after her joining.

A few days later, Lael was transferred to the USS Centris-A where she served for her cadet cruise. Shortly after completing her cruise, she was assigned to the USS Victory, which was severely damaged by the singularity over Luxis III, resulting in her temporary reassignment to the USS Achilles for a mission to investigate reports of a deadly plague being stolen from a Romulan facility. During the course of the away mission, she and Doctor Janel Tarna were captured and torture in an attempt to convince the Starfleet Officers to help modify the plague. While confined, Lael formed a friendly association of sorts with the young doctor, leading to a budding romance.

Tarna has since transferred to the USS Darwin-A and Lael has taken a position as HCO aboard the USS Gorkon.


Academy Coursework

  • Attended Starfleet Academy: 238508.17 - 238905.10
    • Majors: Communcations & Ops, Engineering
    • Minor: Physics
  • Assignment(s): USS Centris-A (Cadet Cruise)
  • Duty Post(s): Engineering

Academy Transcript and Diplomas

Post-Academy Coursework

  • Attended The Daystrom Institute of Technology: 238908.04 - Present
    • Degree: Masters of Science in Bioengineering
    • Currently Pursuing: Doctorate of Science in Bioengineering, Focus in Biomechanics


She is fluent in Federation Standard, German, Al-Leyan and Latin with conversation proficiency in Klingon and Vulcan.


Insignia Rank Dates Posting Ship Class Assignment
001-Cadet4th-White.png Cadet, 4th Class 238508.17 - 238608.16 Starfleet Academy,
San Fransisco,
Major: Engineering
Major: Helm/Ops
002-Cadet3rd-White.png Cadet, 3rd Class 238608.17 - 238708.16
003-Cadet2nd-White.png Cadet, 2nd Class 238708.17 - 238808.16
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 238901.17 - 239001.16
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 239001.17 - 239101.16 Starbase 118 Starbase Apprentice Engineer
004-Cadet1st-Gold.png Cadet, 1st Class 239101.17 - 239202.23 USS Centris-A Renaissance class Engineering Officer
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Ship Class Assignment
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant, Junior Grade 239207.16-Present USS Gorkon Sovereign class Helm/Communications Officer
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant, Junior Grade 239205.21 - 239207.16 USS Victory Intrepid class Operations Officer
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign 239202.24 - 29205.21 USS Victory Intrepid class Engineering Officer


Award Name Star Date Real Year Type
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2392 2015 Service Ribbon
Award Name Type Star Date Real Year Ship Mission Title
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Prometheus Ribbon Campaign Ribbon 239205.21 2015 USS Victory What Happened At Luxis III
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon General Service Ribbon 239205.21 2015 USS Victory Scourge of Romulus
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon Lifesaving Ribbon 239205.21 2015 USS Victory Scourge of Romulus
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart General Service Ribbon 239205.21 2015 USS Victory Scourge of Romulus
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon General Service Ribbon 239207.21, 239210.21 2015 USS Victory, USS Gorkon The Spider's Web, A Sinking Ship
Captain's Commendation General Service Ribbon 239210.21 2015 USS Gorkon A Sinking Ship


Medical Summary

View Here For Further Details.


Personality Summary

She is extremely ambitious, persistent, determined and somewhat controlling. Not in a stubborn sense however, because she works for what she wants and controls with justified reasons. She never gives up when in pursuit of a goal. She is resourceful, adaptable and flexible, allowing her to re-survey a situation and take a different approach if necessary. She is fiercely competitive with strong observation skills and an excellent memory, allowing her to recall facts and when necessary, bring them to the table at the time of need. She uses proper facts and arguments to support her thoughts and opinions, ultimately winning her many intellectual and other battles. Her adaptability makes her an asset in diplomatic situations and she excels at restoring order to a chaotic situation.


Charming and self-confident, Lael is the ideal diplomat and a great person to have around in tense situations. She puts all she has into everything she does and doesn't settle for anything less than spectacular. Her strong intuition allows her to determine a person's true motives, alerting her in moments if the individual is not to be trusted. Fiercely loyal, faithful and dependable, she will fight for those she loves and for what she believes is right. Her high intellect and dedication makes her a great problem-solver, an ideal person in a crisis. She's mentally strong, which allows her to overcome most external influences. Her natural curiosity and love of exploration make her exciting company.


Despite her high intellect, Lael is prone to extreme jealousy and once involved in something, can border on obsessive. She's the classic workaholic, determined to solve all the universe's problems herself. She doesn't forgive easily and never forgets, occasionally acting on her vengeful tendancies. Part of her natural diplomatic skill is her ability to manipulate. Though she more often than not uses this trait for good, it comes in handy when she's in the mood for revenge. Her stubbornness and low tolerance for change mean she's inflexible regarding her beliefs and routines. She has great difficulty in acknowledging her flaws and can be somewhat judgmental of others, especially if her own beliefs are attacked.

Talents & Abilities

Lael is a very gifted individual whose talents span multiple subjects. Her main talents lay in mathematics, physics and engineering. Her curious nature drives her to take objects apart to see how they work. Her out-of-the-box approach to problems allows her to come up with some quite ingenious ideas to get out of some very sticky situations. She is also a quite skilled diplomat. Her ability to read others allows her to calm turbulent situations and have the other side thinking that the solution was their idea.


Ambitious by nature, Lael is drawn to power and everything that comes with it. She strives to rise through the ranks, determined to eventually become a Captain someday. In her everyday life, she is a perfectionist who challenges herself to be her best and do her best. She has a strong set of moral absolutes that it is almost physically painful for her to stray from and forces herself to find alternatives to keep them intact.




  • Stardate 239202.01 - 239202.23
  • Summary: A singularity appeared over Luxis III crippling the Victory and Thunder.
  • Engineering Officer's Log, Stardate 239202.23 I arrived at the tail end of the mission and with the computers down, I can't get much information as to what happened. Engineering is a mess. There's been mention among the crew of a singularity. It's certainly consistent with the damage. Without access to the logs of what happened, I don't know where to begin unraveling the mass of melted wires and blown circuits. Hopefully, someone will be able to get enough power to the computer that I can review the Engineering and Bridge recordings. That should give me a place to start.


  • Stardate 239203.13 - 239205.03
  • Summary: The Romulan Republic needs help to find a stolen vials of a dangerous virus.
  • Engineering Officer's Log, Stardate 239205.03 After spending three days in captivity following our initial failed attempt to retrieve the vials of the virus from the criminal that resulted in myself and Ensign Tarna being taken prisoner, I was able to assist Lieutenants Asmara & Sevo as well as Ensign Carpenter at last successfully retrieve the vials, apprehend those responsible, and return Ensign Tarna to the Victory. During our captivity, Ensign Tarna received an number of injuries ranging from minor to serious. At this stage, he is being treated for severe head trauma, undergoing surgery. Commander Vess hopes to know more in the coming days as to the extent of the damage and how it will effect Ensign Tarna's pursuit of his duties.


  • Stardate 239205.18 - 239207.12
  • Summary: A long lost Starfleet vessel has been detected and pretty close to an unfriendly government.
  • HCO Officer's Log, Stardate 239207.12 A difficult mission is finally coming to a close as I heal from radiation sickness. Thankfully, we were able to retrieve and cure all crew exposed. There will be aftereffects for some, but they will mostly be limited to less severe symptoms. The greater portion were quick to heal and are back to their normal duties. As for the lost Starfleet ship, Lieutenant Sevo and the other members of the away team were able to retrieve a great deal of information from the ship's memory banks. Strangely, the Tholians retreated quickly, leaving us the opportunity to wait for the arrival of a tow ship to take the old bucket to the nearest repair station to be picked over. No doubt it will be mothballed and turned into a museum exhibit, but at least we're one step closer to solving the mystery of her long-ago disappearance.



  • Stardate: 239208.09-239209.18
  • Summary: The USS Tharsis, an Oberth class vessel and one of the ships assigned to Peaceforce 5 as a science and survey vessel, has become trapped in a gravity well. The Gorkon arrives to help, but finds the crew's minds twisted - they believe themselves hunters, and the Gorkon crew their prey.
  • HCO Officer's Log, Stardate 239209.19


  • Stardate: 239210.25-2392??
  • Summary: A celebration turns into a murder investigation when a Cardassian diplomat is found dead during the Gorkon's awards after-party. Trapped inside a sabotaged holodeck, will they be able to find the murderer, while keeping themselves and their guests safe?
  • HCO Officer's Log, Stardate 2392??



NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds PIC Uniform.png
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Doz Finch 2402.png
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
USS Gorkon-logo.png
Samira neathler xo.png
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Russell Standish Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Taelon AO2.jpg
Science Officer
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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