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(Updated ship to reflect the launch of the USS Doyle-A)
(Updated pnpcs and added Bam Bam to relationships)
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* '''Current PNPCs'''
* '''Current PNPCs'''
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Seff and Sassi go way back, they served together on the USS Tell and their friendship though bizarre works amazingly well and they make quite a team.
Seff and Sassi go way back, they served together on the USS Tell and their friendship though bizarre works amazingly well and they make quite a team.
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Sassi and Bam Bam made contact on a number of occasions, making friends somewhere along the way.

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Revision as of 06:02, 15 April 2015

USS Doyle-A
Kax, Sassi.png
Lt. Sassi Kax

  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Ship: USS Doyle-A
  • Position: Tactical Officer
  • Race: Trill
  • Gender: Female
  • DoB: 236212.01
  • Age: 39
  • Birthplace: DS285
  • Height: 1.65 Meters
  • Weight: 56 Kilograms
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Length: Longish
  • Skin: Soft Brown
  • Build: Slim but well muscled

“We do not speak of the Shuttle Incident.”

Sassi Kax

Sassi Kax is currently serving as a Tactical Officer on the USS Doyle-A.

Stats & Appearance

  • Full Name: Sassi Kax
  • Race: Unjoined Trill
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 1.65 Meters
  • Weight: 56 Kilograms
  • Hair: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Longish
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Slim but well muscled
  • Skin Tone: Soft Brown
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Carriage: Usually carries herself with an air of confidence and determination.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Comfortable, easy to move in.
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Telepathic Status: None
  • Languages: Federation Standard (Fluent), Trill (Fluent)
  • Starfleet Training: Marines, Tactical, Helm, Comm/Ops
  • Orientation: Lesbian

Personal History

Sassi is an unjoined Trill who was born and raised on DS285, her mother is a Starfleet Marine and her father is a Starfleet Security officer. Sassi had a habit of parties, Dabo, Tongo, darts, and martial arts and she spent most of her time hanging out with the other kids on the station and learning the best ways to get both into and out of trouble. She was grounded almost once a month due to her knack of getting into trouble and pissing the wrong person off. Sassi while sweet and social is blunt, direct, to the point, and, occasionally lacks tact, though she has gotten better since joining Starfleet.

Sassi joined Starfleet Academy at eighteen as planned and double majored in Marines and Tactical. Sassi had many friends at the academy and was always eager to learn. When she graduated from her Cadet Cruise she was assigned to the USS Tell as a Marine.

Sassi’s time on the USS Tell was something of an adventure as she learned quickly the meaning of sacrifice and duty as well as the importance of being a team player as well as a solo operative. Sassi dutifully served on the USS Tell for two years earning the rank of Lt.JG. After Sassi crashed one of the shuttles during an away mission she decided that she needed more training and took a four year LOA taking that time to return to Starfleet Academy and double major in Helm and Comm/Ops to ensure she never crashed another shuttle..

Sassi returned to the USS Tell after finishing up at Starfleet Academy for the second time. Sassi was back and better ever. Over the course of she next year she earned her way up to Marine Captain(Lt.). When the fleet was deployed to deal with the Prometheus Incident Sassi filed for a transfer hoping to help make a difference in the coming months.




Seff and Sassi go way back, they served together on the USS Tell and their friendship though bizarre works amazingly well and they make quite a team.

==Bam Bam

Sassi and Bam Bam made contact on a number of occasions, making friends somewhere along the way.



Elindra Kax - Is a Marine on DS285


Sorlo Kax - Is a Security Officer on DS285




Stella Gardener, a Terran Romanian International Supermodel, died of a brain tumor on SD 2370808.14 and is currently deceased. Stella is the adopted sister of Elindra Kax.


Ryan Gardener, an American CEO of a Fashion Company was gunned down and died from a single phaser burn right between the Eyes on SD 2370308.13 and is currently deceased. Ryan is Stella's husband.


Guinevere Aurelia Gardener - A Starfleet Engineer who died in a console explosion on the USS Atlantis on SD: 239203.12 and is currently deceased. She is the daughter of Stella and Ryan Gardener.

Service History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet, 1st Class 238507.25 Graduated Starfleet Academy Cadet Cruise
M01-2Lt-Green.jpg Ensign (Second Lt.) 238507.26 - 238603.25 USS Tell Marine
M02-1Lt-Green.jpg Lieutenant JG (First Lt.) 238603.25 - 238707.26 USS Tell Marine
M02-1Lt-Green.jpg Lieutenant JG (First Lt.) 238707.26 - 239107.25 San Francisco, Earth Starfleet Student
M02-1Lt-Green.jpg Lieutenant JG (First Lt.) 239107.25 - 239201.15 USS Tell Marine
M03-Cpt-Green.jpg Lieutenant (Marine Captian) 239201.15 - 239203.13 USS Tell Marine
Lieutenant 239203.13 - 239204.01 USS Atlantis Intelligence
Lieutenant 239204.01 - 239204.02 USS Constitution-B Tactical Officer
Lieutenant 239204.02 - Present USS Doyle-A Tactical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

None Yet

SIM Archive

SD:239203.27 - Subspace Reunion

NPC Listing   ·   USS Doyle-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Selene Faranfey.png
Selene Faranfey
Sabrina Holly
Ceciri 2.0.jpg
Ceciri Hakashri
Mission Spec.
David Cody
Security Ofc.
Aidoann Danara
Security Ofc.
John Nugra
Cassandra Ezi.png
Engineer Ofc.
Cassandra Ezi
Engineering Ofc.
Akeen th'Idrani
Amuro McKnight
Talia Kaji
Chief Medical Ofc.
Alexander Bishop
Brandon Craig.png
Brandon Craig
Gewel D'piere.png
Civilian Nurse
Gewel D'piere
Michelle Tonston.png
Michelle Tonston
Intel Ofc.
Lan Riel
Chief Tac. Ofc.
Tal Tel-ar
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