Marcus Forza

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USS Khitomer
Marcus Forza Ensign.png
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Marcus Forza
Position Tactical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237910.04
Age 22
Birthplace South Carolina, Earth
Writer ID K240201MF3

Ensign Marcus Forza is currently serving as a Tactical Officer aboard the USS Khitomer.


  • Height: 5'11''
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Hair: Dark Brown
  • Eyes: Dark Brown
  • Build: Average


Jakub Lawrence Ensign.png

Jakub Lawrence
Best Friend

Ensign Jakub Lawrence joined Starfleet Academy at the same time as Marcus. Though he was pursuing a different career within Starfleet, Jakub and Marcus maintained their friendship.


On SD 237910.04, Marcus was born to Adriana and Miguel Forza. His mother was a Science Officer who loved everything there was to love about Starfleet’s mission of exploration. Being a xenobiologist, Adriana would often be found in a study type of room, full of personal exhibits and little artifacts that she would keep to study even further. If she had the time that was. Miguel on the other hand, was a Starfleet Tactical Officer. Though he didn’t join for the purpose of fighting a war, he was not afraid to get his hands dirty if duty called. And duty did call.

For the next odd number of years, Marcus would listen to his father scream from his nightmares and listen as his mother tried to calm him. Being posted on DS17, Marcus would hear stories about what his father did, the reputation he had. Marucs’s curiosity would get the better of him, and he would sneak into areas he wasn’t supposed to be in to look into his fathers records. When he initially used someone’s PADD, he found out that his fathers records were restricted. Upon obtaining the codes to the Station Commanders personal computer, Marcus learned why. His father fought in the Dominion War. A hero of multiple battles, Michael would be assigned to Starfleet Intelligence, and would be sent on covert operations into the Gamma Quadrant to try and exploit weaknesses within the Dominion. Near the very end of the war, his father would be transferred to Cardassia Prime where he would witness the absolute horrors of the Dominion’s bombardment of the planet. He asked his mother what Miguel did in the war, and why he screamed in his sleep, only to be shut down with more questions and platitudes. He never dared to ask his father.

When the Vaadwaur attacked DS17, Marcus and his mother were evacuated by his father to a Defiant class ship, where they would meet up with a transport ship, one more suited to those kinds of responsibilities. Before his father put him on the ship he made sure to bestow upon him a black badge. He told Marcus to very quickly put it in his pocket and to remember a mans name. To this day, Marcus doesn’t remember the name. Upon being evacuated, eventually Marcus and his mother would find themselves back on Earth. After hearing the news that DS17 was liberated just a couple months later, Adriana made inquiries into her husband. He was not found onboard DS17, and the Vaadwaur left no evidence where they took him and the other prisoners to.

For the next 7 years, Marcus would work diligently in school to make sure his grades were good enough for Starfleet academy. For the next 7 years, he would rarely see his mother, as she had buried herself into her work, and was trying to find any evidence of her husband. Marcus was going to find out what happened to his father, one way or another. Though his mother was a xenobiologist, Marcus never found it that interesting to him. He would often find himself studying the Dominion War, playing little war strategy games with what few friends he had. When hanging out with his friends, he would often suggest rougher games, Parrises Squares being one of his favorites. As he got older, Marcus found himself more secluded and would study the adventures and finding of great explorers, like Kirk and Spock. He would read more about maneuvers and strategies employed by Fleet Captain Garth. Marcus was not one for socializing, he found it rather dull and to be a waste of time. When he finally enrolled, Marcus would spend most of his days in his dorm, studying everything he could. He would specialize in Tactical/Security, for he knew that if at any point they found his father, or some evidence, he would be one of the first to be there. More often than not, Marcus found himself fantasizing about the day he would become Captain of his own vessel. The years of worry and wonder had made Marcus a very angry young man, and as such he loved to fight. He would often find himself in some brawls that would lead to him almost getting the boot from the Academy. When threatened with this, he was told that it was the reputation of his father that was keeping him in school. One more fight, and he would be gone. Being faced with the risk of never having the opportunity to find anything about his father, Marcus tightened up his act. Instead of taking his frustrations out on other cadets, he would delve into martial arts. He found the Bat'leth to be a fascinating weapon and his friends would often be challenged to friendly duel.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2398 - 2402 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 240201.08 - Present USS Khitomer
Khitomer Small Icon.png
Tactical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240201.06
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

  • Stardate 240201.09: First Big Shift - Ensign Forza reports for his first duty shift on the bridge, the midst of a confusion situation.
  • Stardate 240201.16: Shots Galore - Stumbling his way into introductions, Ensign Forza finds himself in an awkward drinking situation.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Khitomer Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Shayne, Randal.png
Commanding Ofc.
R. Shayne
Nolen Hobart Arrow.png
Executive Ofc.
N. Hobart
Ens Connor Dewitt.png
Chief Eng. Ofc.
C. Dewitt
Lera Michaels.png
Engineering Ofc.
L. Michaels
Ezra Zerva Portrait.jpg
Security Ofc.
E. Zerva
Marcus Forza Ensign.png
Tactical Ofc.
M. Forza
Talia Ohnari LT.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
T. Ohnari
Ras El'Heem Ensign.png
Medical Ofc.
R. El'Heem
Jacin A.
Richard Matthews Ensign 01.png
Science Ofc.
R. Matthews
Amelia Semara Ensign.png
Science Ofc.
A. Semara
USS Khitomer-logo.png
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