Kaph-Nun system

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Kaph-Nun system Star  · I  · II  · Belt  · III  · IV

This star system is located at coordinates 06-17-10.

Its heart is the Class IV Type A7 (White) star called Kaph-Nun. The other objects in this star system are:

  • 1) Kaph-Nun I is a hot rock ball of a planet that orbits at approximately 42 million km, with a diameter of 1,429 km (893 miles).
  • 2) Kaph-Nun II is a medium gas giant which orbits at approximately 79 million km.
  • 3) Kaph-Nun Asteroid Belt between Kaph-Nun II and Kaph-Nun III, at approximately 136 to 141 million km.
  • 4) Kaph-Nun III is another rocky planet which orbits at approximately 253 million km and has a diameter of 3,171.2 km (1,982 miles).
  • 5) Kaph-Nun IV is a medium gas giant that orbits at approximately 368 million km.