The Ixvapyans appear to be a race of aliens whose tissues are capable of eluding most conventional sensor technologies. There are unconfirmed reports that they can move through walls, or perhaps appear unexpectedly. Little is known about the race, aside from the fact that their skin is richly embellished, possibly with tattoos. They are tall, bald and black skinned.

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  • Proper Name: Ixvapyan
  • Pronounciation: (Ex-va-pi-an)
  • Catelog / Common Name: Ixvapyans


Unknown, but identified as part of the Core World races. Member status remains unknown.

Physical Characteristics

Physical sighting describes the Ixvapyan as a humanoid, black skin tone, bald, no distinguishing marks although displaying tribal-like characteristics. They are, however, technologically savvy and do not appear on sensors, which makes them extremely difficult to track.


The security sensors on DS-17 recorded an image of an Ixvapian, however only a tattoo on his forehead was visible. The image has been attached to this record as it is believed that it may help in explaining certain archaeological mysteries in the future.

  • Unconfirmed at this time. Specialists are reviewing the footage arguing whether or not it was a trick of light or an actual Ixvapyan.

The glyphs of the Ixvapyan tattoos are reminiscent of certain as-yet undeciphered writing systems from Earth's and other civilization's past.


Ixvapyans are known primarily as warlords. Unlike the Grendallai, however, it is suspected that, wherever the Ixvapyan homeworld is, there is a thriving society. There have been faint hints of a culture behind members of the species.

Physiology & Physiological Requirements


Ixvapyans have three genders. The first two genders have the responsibility of facilitating a kind of heterosexual reproduction, with males containing replenishable gametes inside of an internal storage organ from which the female extracts by means of retractible proboscises located at the knees, in order to enter pregnancy.

The third gender, the caed Ixvapyan, is responsible for population control. This gender possesses organs capable of killing off excessive gestating fetuses inside the female. Caed Ixvapyans can also mate with male Ixvapyans, serving to control the supply of male gametes available to potential mates in the population.

It is thought that this gender was the result of a favourable mutation in a climate in which Ixvapyans had evolved to dominate the food chain of their world, threatening to eat themselves into extinction. Thus, an intra-species predatory gender emerged.

An intricate system of phermones and pigments is responsible for attracting or repelling caed mates.

Ixvapyan gestation typically lasts six months with groups of anywhere from two to six offspring being produced per pregnancy as a function of environmental conditions as they are assessed by caed Ixvapyans mating with female Ixvapyans.

Caed Gender Pronouns

subject sing. tze pl. tzey

object sing. tzon pl. tzoy


  • Social

Unknown at this point.

  • Government

Unknown at this point.

  • Ethics

Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.


Unknown at this point.

Interstellar Location

Somewhere inside Ithassa Region.

First Contact

No First Contact has been initiated yet.