Collim Kieran

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Collim Kieran
Lieutenant Commander
USS Discovery-C • Starbase 118
USS Excalibur-A • USS Apollo-A
USS Excalibur-A • USS Doyle-A
USS Apollo-A • USS Invicta
Intelligence Officer
236311.24 239311.21
Mestara, Betazed
Aged 29
Species Bajoran/Betazoid
Gender Female

  • Spouse: Rune Jolara (2392 - 2393)
  • Children: Krystyan Jolara

Main Page · Original Writer
Second Brief Writer

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Gateway Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Prometheus Ribbon
Silver Star

Kieranprofile small.png
In Memoriam

Collim Kieran began her career in Starfleet as a Counselor aboard USS Discovery-C. She then transferred to Starbase 118 where she served as an Intelligence Officer. She went on to serve 2 tours on both USS Excalibur-A and USS Apollo-A, one tour on USS Doyle-A as Intelligence Officer. (Note: Following the second decommissioning of Apollo-A, her original writer retired due to health issues. She was then adopted briefly by Rune Jolara's writer and served aboard USS Invicta as an pNPC Intelligence Officer.)

She was murdered on stardate 239311.21 by Jendar Tellinn.

OOC Note: Collim Kieran was originally created and simmed by Kris from 238109.02 - 239302.15. Adopted (with Kris' permission) 239304.01 by Kait.


  • Full Name: Collim Kieran
  • Race: Bajoran/Betazoid
  • Date of Birth: 236311.24
  • Place of Birth: Mestara, Betazed
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T2/E4 (Telepathic scale)


  • Height: 167.64 cm (5'6")
  • Weight: 61.235 kg (135 lbs)
  • Hair Color: Light brown/blond
  • Length of Hair: Shoulder
  • Eye Color: Blue (atypical of Betazoids)
  • Skin Tone: Lightly Tan
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Matching birthmarks on both arms just below the elbow. An inch long scar in center of forehead, another on the inside of her left wrist, and three parallel scars on left knee. Also four very distinct scars across her back, one running all the way around to the front of her ribcage on the right side.
  • Tattoos,Body Modifications: Butterfly/Rose tattoo on right shoulder, another rose tattoo on front left pelvic, a vine around left ankle and a "Karma" on underside of right wrist.
  • Build: Well defined, athletic
  • Face: Bajoran nose ridges, slightly less prominent than a full-blooded Bajoran but still very recognizable as such.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Somewhat tom-boyish, she prefers casual loose fitting clothing in blacks/dark blues; pants... extremely uncomfortable in dresses
  • Shoes (when off duty): Typically boots or running shoes.
  • Voice: Very lightly accented (think faint New Zealand/Australian)
  • Handedness: Left


  • Quarters: Kieran's personal quarters are very neat and organized, almost to the point of obsession with one exception... the bathroom. There is always a towel tossed on the floor just short of the laundry basket. Everything else is exactly where it should be. Just as her office, the walls are a soft pale yellow and the carpet is a rich, dark green. There is a painting of a seascape on the wall just as you enter and 3' - 4' potted green plants in each corner. Standard furnishings with the exception of the light beige cushions and the sharply contrasted deep burgundy & dark green stripped throw pillows. She has family photos placed around the room, framed in smooth, dark oak frames. On her desk is a small tear drop shaped sculpture nestled in a wooden base. There candles placed around the living area, one or two on each table or shelf. She also has an old, worn & mended teddy bear sitting against the pillows on her bed.
  • Favorite Room:
  • Office:
  • Habits: Absently tugs or plays with earclip when anxious or feels overwhelmed by outside emotions as a way of staying centered.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: She considers herself more spiritual than religious (mixing both Bajoran and Betazoid beliefs - polytheism) and tends to keep her beliefs to herself.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Various forms of martial arts, kayaking, hoverball, rock climbing, extreme sports... anything to get an adrenaline rush.
  • Likes: Spicy foods - Hasperat, Cultural history, Art, Music
  • Dislikes: Crowds (very un-Betazoid like), dishonesty, cruelty
  • Temperament: Generally, she tends to be quiet and reserved (again very un-Betazoid). Prefers interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances. Although very independent, she's intensely interested in the well-being of others. Prefers one on one relationships rather than large groups. She's guarded in expressing her own feelings, especially to new people. (the Myers-Briggs INFJ personality type or Keirsey Idealist temperament) However, she has a 'flash-fire' temper and will stand up to anyone who pushes her too far.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Unlike most full blooded Betazoids, Kieran is extremely uncomfortable in crowds.
  • Physical Limitations: Experiences headaches when around those with strong negative emotions.


  • Marital Status: Bonded to Rune Jolara
  • Children: Krystyan Jolara
  • Parents
    • Father: Collim Jardin (Deceased) - Bajoran
    • Mother: Katarin Breanna - Betazoid
  • Siblings: Collim Denari (half-sister)



  • Briefly involved with Lt. JG Telice Shagan, former medical officer on the USS Discovery-C. Their relationship ended when Telice left the ship.
  • Kieran met Lt. Aigle Phos during her first shore leave on the USS Doyle-A in the ship's own Baker Street Irregulars bar. They began talking, finding out that they had shared a few past postings and had a few shared interests. Kieran was unknowingly suffering from a telepathically induced version of the Al-Leyan season through her connection with Lt. Cmdr. Rune Jolara and ended up inviting Aigle back to her quarters. An offer Aigle accepted.
  • Kieran was bonded and engaged to Lt. Cmdr. Rune Jolara, Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Invicta. Their relationship began when Kieran had offered to help Rune when the Al-Leyan began suffering an early onset of season with the understanding there would be no strings attached. However at some point in time, a bond began to form between the two women that neither really expected and their relationship grew.


Personal History

Kieran was born in Mestara, Betazed, just outside the Janaran Falls to Betazed Starfleet Officer, Katarin Breanna of the 3rd House of Health, and Bajoran Collim Jardin. Her father died shortly after she was born and she knows very little of him. At the age of 8, she began to prematurely develop an over-sensitive empathic ability and was sent to a specialized school in order to learn control and coping techniques.

She wasn't even aware she had a half-sister, Collim Denari, who is a Starfleet Officer until they met 3 years ago. Since then, they've grown close and at times Denari can be over-protective to the point of smothering Kieran.

Kieran knew she wanted to join Starfleet by the time she was 13. She had exceptional focus for a teenager and graduated at the top 15% of her class with honors.

After her graduation, she applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. She excelled in medical sciences and counseling/psychology courses, but was poor in the Engineering department.


  • 236311.18 : Born in Mestara, Betazed
  • 236404.17 : Father died.
  • 237302.11 : Due to early and over-sensitive empathic development, Kieran was sent to a specialized school to learn control and coping techniques.
  • 2374xx.xx : Battle for Betazed - The Dominion & Cardassians invade her homeworld.
  • 238006.22 : Graduated from Primary School
  • 238601.xx : Met her half-sister Collim Denari for the first time.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238906.24
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Current Assignment: USS Invicta
  • Duty Post: Intelligence Officer
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 238906.24
Starfleet Academy
This date reflects the stardate in which Kieran's creator graduated Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239012.08
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to an individual who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.
Gateway Ribbon 239012.08
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to an individual who helped to deal with the surge of Iconian Gateways that opened during the 2390 Through Open Gates initiative.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239105.05
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to an individual who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239105.05
USS Excalibur-A
Awarded to an individual who participates in a successful first contact event.
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239207.04
USS Doyle-A
Awarded to an individual who has defended the temporal timeline against incursion and disruption.
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Prometheus Ribbon 239207.04
USS Doyle-A
Awarded to an individual who helped in handling the Prometheus Incident and ensuing chaos during 2392.
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Silver Star 239212.20
USS Apollo-A
Awarded to an individual who is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the Federation.
*Note: All awards displayed above were awarded while the character was being written my her original creator.


  • 238109.02 : Accepted into Starfleet Academy
  • 238402.20 - 238404.10 : Short Medical Leave due to an accidental fall resulting in multiple injuries.
  • 238409.15 : Entered Medical School
  • 238509.22 : Dropped Medical School and switched to Psychology
  • 238804.10 : Suspended for 3 weeks for Inappropriate Conduct
  • 238805.05 : Suspension lifted - Returned to Academy
  • 238906.24 : Graduated Starfleet Academy
  • 238906.24 : Promoted to Ensign
  • 238906.25 : Assigned to USS Discovery-C as Ship's Counselor
  • 238906.27 : First Away Mission - Giving aid to survivors aboard USS Achilles
  • 238911.01 : Promoted to Lieutenant JG
  • 239004.15 - 239005.29 : Officially LOA - Unofficially Special Training
  • 239005.29 : Transferred to Starbase 118 as Intelligence Officer
  • 239008.04 : Transferred to USS Excalibur-A as Intelligence Officer
  • 239012.08 : Promoted to Lieutenant
  • 239109.06 : Transferred to USS Apollo-A as Intelligence Officer
  • 239202.16 : Transferred to USS Excalibur-A as Intelligence Officer
  • 239205.03 : Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  • 239205.04 : Transferred to USS Doyle-A as Intelligence Officer
  • 239207.18 - 239208.09 : Medical LOA
  • 239208.09 : Transferred to USS Apollo-A as Strategic Operations Officer
  • 239210.?? : Moved back to Intelligence aboard USS Apollo-A
  • 239302.15 : IC: Classified Mission
  • 239304.01 : Transferred to USS Invicta as Intelligence Officer