James Torken

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USS Ronin
Ensign James Torken


  • Rank: Lt (jg)
  • Ship: USS Mercury
  • Position: Science Officer
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • DoB: 233510.31
  • Birthplace: Earth: MoJave Spaceport, CA USA
  • Height: 5"11'
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Skin: White
  • Build: Medium
  • Handedness: Southpaw (left handed)
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Ensign James Torken is currently a Science officer aboard the USS Ronin.



  • Personality goes here.


  • Mannerisms:
  • Temperament:
  • Habits:
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: James has a deep conviction that a supreme creator is still out there, involved in the saga of all living things, and of the stars, nebula’s and the various galaxies. His musical theme is that of humble appreciation of such an active Creator. The humor of differing species.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • James Torken is an accomplished Cornet player, just like his Dad. They use to go to the Subspace Café, where Dad would play several old earth numbers, as James looked on. James has successfully filled the shoes of his Dad, and whenever at starbase he trys to drop by the café’ and play “It’s a wonderful world” and others.




Describtion of personal quarters goes here.

  • Favorite Room: James favorite room would have to be the front living room.

Many times he would request the room adjust its sound deadening abilities to allow freedom to practice and play his cornet (trumpet).

Ambitions and Goals

Describtion of goals and amitions

James has lived a well satisfying life thus far, many ambitions have been considered and many have already been met. At the encouragement of family and friends he joined Starfleet, another AMBITION to add to the bucket list? James exhibits ambition and determination to excel at academy, not to prove to others, but to prove to himself there’s still something to learn and something to be good at.

At an early age he wanted to be just like his father, a certified pilot for ECA. (Earth cargo Authority) that ambition came to pass at 16.

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

  • Achievements:
    • List of achievements
  • Disappointments:
    • List of disappointments


Describtion of family.

  • Mother:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of mother/how your characters mother impacted your characters life/how is your characters mother today; does she have an occupation?
  • Father:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of father/how your characters father impacted your characters life/how is your characters father today; does he have an occupation?
  • Siblings:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of siblings/how your characters siblings impacted your characters life/how are your characters siblings today; do they have an occupation?

OPTIONAL: Family history/relationship between your character and your characters family.

Personal History

((OOC: You are able to create a page by typing [[/Personal History]]))

OPTIONAL: Timeline of events.

  1. 236306.13:


  • 236306.13:


USS Ronin
Akira Class

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Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ensign-Teal.jpg Ensign 238810.03 - Present USS Ronin Science Officer


(Year) Awards

List of awards you and your character have recieved.


USS Ronin Missions


Link to sims that you might have put on the Wiki or are on the Ronin's website.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
Karrod Niac
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian OConnor Ensign.png
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
T'fearne ENS.jpg
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Marty Tucker LtJG.png
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Luxa action.png
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Sybil nemes wm.png
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck LtJG.png
Quentin Beck
Alyndra Syrex 4.png
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
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