Victory Mission History/Hurne Phoenix
USS Victory | ||
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The Starship Victory has been trough her share of adventures since she was born under the flag of StarBase 118. From the beginning of her time, Klingons, Lycanthropes, Cardassians, Ferengi, Romulans and other species, as well as a couple of newly discovered species, have faced this proud ship and crew during battle, politics and diplomacy.
After every mission a compilation is written and uploaded to these pages. This has been done so by several crewmembers in the ship's history, present and of course in the future. These compilations contain all the information you need on every mission listed on the mission overview page, like away-team rosters, mission planning, plot developement, b-plots, and of course how the entire mission went. Naturally, all post-mission promotions are also listed on these pages.
Find out what happened aboard the Victory the last weeks, or go further back into the past to her maiden voyage. Read about crew and ship as they bravely face all facts of space in name of SB118.
Victory Mission Compilations
- Prelude: The Adventure begins (237905.24 - 237906.02)
- Mission 1: Encounter on Ferenginar (237906.03 - 237906.24)
- Mission 2: Return to the Lithron System (237906.26 - 237907.30)
- Mission 3: Attack on the Yithra Base (237908.14 - 237909.28)
- Mission 4: Time and Consequences (237910.08 - 237911.18)
- Mission 5: The True Ones (237911.24 - 238002.23)
- Mission 6: The Lost Colony (238004.02 - 238007.02)
- Mission 7: Cardassians (238008.01 - 238009.13)
- Mission 8: The Hunt for Hapgood (238009.19 - 238011.02)
- Mission 9: The Lycanthropes (238012.05 - 238103.18)
- Mission X: Hope (238104.26 - 238106.08)
- Mission11: Victory Time Two (238106.10 - 238108.16)
- Mission12: Identity (238112.05 - 238202.09)
- Mission13: Civilization (238202.12 - 238205.02)
- Mission14: Battle of Truth (238205.24 - 238209.13)
- Mission15: Government (238209.14 - 238212.20)
- Mission16: Clandestine (238301.20 - 238305.10)