Jenatris Cloud

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Par'tha Geography
Spatial Phenomena
Map of the Par'tha Expanse
JenatrisCloud.png Jenatris Cloud
RintaniNebula.jpg Rintani Nebula
Norlin Nebula.jpg Norlian Nebula
Jenatris Corridor Siiden Passage
K'tem Hyperlane
Planets and Systems
Freeworlds Planets
Expanse Sector Planets
Valcarian Planets
Points of Interest
Aelann Imperial Shipyards Midway Station
Jirissa Gardens Lastelle Island
Shemsh Valley.png Shemsh
OP89D.jpg Outpost Ganzera
Neighboring Regions
RSE Solerian Sector
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The Jenatris Cloud was discovered several hundred years ago by Hanol Jenatris, an astronomer from Alpha Centauri. The Cloud is really a combination of hundreds of small nebulae and odd subspace anomalies concentrated within this area of space for some as yet undiscovered reason. Various types of radiation and subspace friction make the Cloud prone to plasma and ion storms, causing it to be an incredibly dangerous place to be, many times worse than the Badlands area near Bajor. The density of particles present, the radiation, and the storms also make the Cloud virtually impossible to traverse. Sensors will only function up to a couple hundred meters, raising shields is impossible, and communications have a zero range. Warp fields also will not form, so travel within the Cloud is limited to impulse power and thrusters. Thankfully for those wishing to travel through the Cloud, the Jenatris Corridor (though slightly indirect) does run from the Federation side of the Cloud to the opposite side.

The Cloud, although a dangerous place to be, is thought by many to be a place of incredible beauty. Hues of gold predominate, with strands of fuchsia and royal blue, and other soft colors accenting and highlighting the swirling mass of particles and gases. The internal storms add a subtle sparkle, which gives some people the impression that the Cloud is almost alive.

Recent travel of the USS Atlantis revealed an abnormal behaviour of the gases of the Jenatris Cloud. Those gases proved to be mutating constantly and one of this mutations was able to breach the hull and enter the ship. The mutation continued and affected the crew making inhibitions fade a way a little. Science teams with an engineering team in enviro-suits were able to fix the breach and vent the gas away. Further scans on a sample proved that out of the cloud the small portion of the gases, decay to inert compounds within hours what leds to believe that's something within the nebulae what keep the gases mutating.