Kaclla II

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Kaclla system Star  · Belt I  · I  · II  · Belt II  · III


  • it's orbit is approximately 217 million km from it's star
  • a terrestrial planet with a diameter of 14,309 km (8,943 miles).
  • a density of 4.5 and a gravity of 0.94 G's
  • an axial tilt 15% resulting in minor weather changes due to seasonal changes
  • temperatures are on average 33C during the day and dropping to 12C at night
  • Seasonal changes may affect the weather by as much as +20 or -20 degrees
  • approximately 67% surface water
  • a standard atmosphere with a pressure of about 0.79 earth normal, with nitrogen 77%, oxygen 21% and other gases 2%
  • with a year of 269 days, each day 23.7 hours long
  • primary terrain features are mountains and tropical jungles


  • unknown at this time


  • it has 1 small moon and 1 medium moon
  • Kaclla IIa: is 755 km (472 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.1 and a gravity of 0.03 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 35,772 km. (22,357 miles)
  • Kaclla IIb: is 2,954 km (1,846 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.6 and a gravity of 0.15 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 38,627 km. (24,142 miles)


Avian Legend

Long ago we lived elsewhere. We lived in peace, at one with our world. It was a golden age. No poverity, hunger, disease or want, but we angered the gods and they banished us to the stars. For time beyond memory we wandered looking for a new world, a new home. Finally we found one that the gods would allow us to tread. Our homes dropped from the stars and we were finally allowed to soar upon the winds. Free from the confines of the space arks that had been our jail for countless years. We learned that we were not alone on this world. Others lived here who were not like us. They attacked and killed some of us. We were stunned, afraid. So we stayed away from them. Even when they stole the tablet of truth from us, we did not seek to retrieve it. But that was then, someday we will regain it. On that day the stars will weep and the gods will again show us the bounty of their favour.

Feline Legend

In ancient times the wise ones kept peace on Kallca, while they traveled through the skies. My people were happy and had no worries, but then the wise ones made a mistake and brought the Avians here, thinking that they would be a food source for the Felines. But although some of the early Avians were eaten, my people found them distasteful, so the Avians were freed and banished to the mountains. We co-existed in peace as long as they stayed in the mountains, but the wise ones were displeased with us for not accepting their gift of food and left us the machine.

Stone of Destiny

My father told me that using the machine we learned how to make the fisheries, and other things we needed. When the wise ones came, they mated with the early Felines, and as far as I know, all Felines are now descendants of the wise ones. So the machine was not hard for us to master, but it was my father who figured out the complexities of sky travel. His dream was to find the wise ones. When the revolution began, my father broke the stone key to higher calculations. He said it was too much temptation for any one person not to destroy the Avians. He put two of the pieces in places where I would have much difficulty getting to them. And in places where the Avians could not find them in case they succeeded in capturing the palace. Theo brought me one of them, and my father entrusted me with one. So now I have in my possession two of the stones. With all three stones I can open the calculations and bring peace back to Kallca, but that would mean the destruction of the Avians, and I don't want to do that.

True History

Kaclla II is the native homeworld of the Felines. The Avians did not appear until more than 500 years ago. They fell from the sky in enormas vessels that lite up the night sky for hundreds of miles. Over night the world now had 2 totally different intelligent races seeking to survive within 1 ecosystem. Fortunately their needs for survival were sufficently different that they were able to co-exist with fairly minor conflicts that never grew in size or degree.










Space Capability

Starfleet Intelligence Files

On Stardate 238503.08 Fleet Captain T'Pen and the crew of the USS Challenger visited Kaclla II. This was in response to their request to join the Federation. However members with in the 2 different races liveing on the planet objected to the need for a unified world government first and joining the Federation as well. See Starfleet Mission File CH0004385.