Ronin Room Assignments

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Room numbering system

The numbering of interior spaces (hereafter referred to as “rooms”) aboard the USS Ronin follows a standard in use aboard other Akira-class starships. Every room is allocated a unique, 6-digit identifying number, with the 6 digits divided into 3 groups of 2 as follows:

  1. Deck number
  2. Sector number
  3. Compartment number

Room number format: DD-SSCC

  • DD: Deck number (01–18)
  • SS: Sector number (01–12 in the primary hull/saucer section, 13–20 in the catamaran section)
  • CC: Compartment number (01–99)


  • Room 02-1107: Deck 2, Sector 11, Compartment 7
  • Room 03-0615: Deck 3, Sector 6, Compartment 5
  • Room 16-1704: Deck 16, Sector 17, Compartment 4

Sectors primarily support departments in making specific location references to the whereabouts of personnel, equipment, and/or damage.

  • Sectors 1–6 starboard (right)
  • Sectors 7–12 port (left)
  • Sectors 13–20 span starboard to port (cross-ship)

Use the deck listing to identify the correct deck for the room in question.

General location of quarters by personnel classification

Personnel classification Deck(s) Sector(s) Sample door panel
Commanding Officer 02 01
0101 Sample Sampleton
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer 02 12
0102 Sample Sampleton
Executive Officer
Senior Officers
  • Second Officer
  • Department Chiefs
  • Assistant Department Chiefs
  • Commanders
  • Lieutenant Commanders
  • Lieutenants
  • Lieutenants Junior Grade
03 All
0101 Sample Sampleton
Chief Security Officer
Junior Officers & Senior Enlisted
  • Ensigns
  • Warrant Officers
  • Petty Officers
04, 05 All
0101 Sample Sampleton
Engineering Technician
Crewmen & Cadets 06 Various
0101 Sample Sampleton
Civilians & Families 06 Various
0101 Sample Sampleton
VIPs 02, 06 Various
0101 Sample Sampleton
Federation Ambassador to Cardassia


The Interior Spaces Allocation And Coordination System (ISAACS, pronounced EYE-zəks) is the automated system responsible for managing all interior spaces aboard the ship. Other ships of this class are equipped with a predecessor system called RAMS (Room Allocation Management System).

To ensure that room numbering is consistent shipwide, all departments shall routinely audit their assigned spaces and report any erroneous or obsolete signage with Operations via ISAACS. Departments must complete an initial signage audit within 72 hours of being allocated internal space, and conduct subsequent audits not less frequently than annually.

It is expected that interior spaces will be reconfigured from time to time, to meet evolving departmental and personnel needs. Department chiefs are responsible for reporting any reconfigurations that may necessitate the creation, deletion, or reordering of room numbers within a given deck and sector. Prior approval is typically not required, provided the reconfigurations comply with hardware, volume, and mass limits.

Room Assignments

Room assignments are current as of stardate 240203.08.

0101 Karrod Niac
Commanding Officer

Captain Karrod Niac

Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
0101 Karrod Niac
Commanding Officer
USS Ronin-logo.png
0201 Toryn Raga
First Officer

Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga

LtCdr Toryn Raga.png

0317 Kirsty Lee Carpenter
Chief of Tactical & Security

Lieutenant Commander Kirsty Lee Carpenter

0301 Luxa Lorana
Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Luxa Lorana

Luxa action.png
1307 Marty Tucker
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Commander Marty Tucker

Marty Tucker LtJG.png
0402 Ian O'Connor, HCO

Lieutenant Ian O'Connor

Ian OConnor Ensign.png
0101 Karrod Niac
Commanding Officer
USS Ronin-logo.png
0907 Quentin Beck

Lieutenant Quentin Beck

Quentin Beck LtJG.png
0402 Alyndra Syrex, Medical Officer
T'Fearne Elaazni, Security Officer

Ensign Alyndra Syrex

Alyndra Syrex 4.png

Ensign T’Fearne Elaazni

T'fearne ENS.jpg
0403 Sybil Nemes, Science Officer

Ensign Sybil Nemes

Sybil nemes wm v2.png
0603 Tess Evinrude, Operations Officer

Ensign Tess Evinrude

Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg

ISAACS history

Entries are in reverse chronological order.
  • Stardate 240201.24: Deallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Alieth (140303)
  • Stardate 240112.03: Reallocation of quarters: Ens T'Fearne
  • Stardate 240111.17: Allocation of quarters: Ens Evinrude
  • Stardate 240111.12: Deallocation of quarters: Ens T'Fearne
  • Stardate 240110.27: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Haydd
  • Stardate 240110.26: Allocation of quarters: Ens Nemes
  • Stardate 240110.26: Allocation of quarters: Ens Haydd
  • Stardate 240110.15: Deallocation of quarters: LtJG Raedai
  • Stardate 240108.02: Reallocation of quarters: LtJG Raedai
  • Stardate 240108.02: Reallocation of quarters: LtJG Beck
  • Stardate 240108.02: Deallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Dekas (080710)
  • Stardate 240108.02: Allocation of quarters: Ens Syrex
  • Stardate 240107.11: Allocation of quarters: Ens T'Fearne
  • Stardate 240107.11: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Is'Kah
  • Stardate 240107.11: Deallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Kel
  • Stardate 240107.11: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Crater
  • Stardate 240107.11: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Tully
  • Stardate 240105.25: Allocation of quarters: Ens Tully
  • Stardate 240105.25: Reallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Dekas
  • Stardate 240105.14: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Sovek (030416)
  • Stardate 240105.14: Deallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Dekas (080710)
  • Stardate 240105.14: Allocation of quarters: Ens Crater
  • Stardate 240105.13: Allocation of quarters: Ens Raedai
  • Stardate 240105.13: Reallocation of quarters: LtJG O'Connor
  • Stardate 240104.01: Deallocation of quarters: LtJG Jones
  • Stardate 240103.24: Allocation of quarters: Ens Sovek
  • Stardate 240101.20: Reallocation of quarters: Lt JG Lorana
  • Stardate 240101.20: Reallocation of quarters: Lt JG Tucker
  • Stardate 240101.20: Allocation of quarters: Ens Is'Kah
  • Stardate 240101.05: Allocation of quarters: LtJG Jones
  • Stardate 240012.06: Reallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Dekas
  • Stardate 240012.06: Allocation of quarters: Ens Beck
  • Stardate 240011.19: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Kenmore
  • Stardate 240011.19: Deallocation of quarters: Ens Hopkins
  • Stardate 240011.19: Deallocation of quarters: LtCmdr Dekas
  • Stardate 240009.27: Initial allocation of quarters