Finders Keepers (Juneau)

Revision as of 08:39, 23 February 2022 by Dekas (talk | contribs)


Just hours after the Juneau ends their shore leave to move onto their next mission, they’re called back to Ring 42 to help the USS Grace Hopper, which has been unexpectedly attacked by pirates looking to steal an artifact of unknown properties, then were gone into The Wilds just as fast. The kicker? The pirates mysteriously beamed right through the ship’s shields at will to get it.


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Oddas Aria Captain
Kalia Qinn First Officer
Dekas Engineering Officer
Kettick Engineering Officer
Sera Engineering Officer
Isabelle Deveaux Engineering Officer Played by Karise Indobri
Tomas Falt Science officer
Karise Indobri Chief Medical Officer
R'Kala Counselor
Name Position Notes
Cole Melchor CO of the USS Grace Hopper Played by Oddas Aria

Act 1


Captain Oddas receives a distress call from Commander Melchor of the USS Grace Hopper that they've been attacked and incapacitated by pirates in runabout-sized ships who could beam right through the shields. The Artifact they'd been studying is stolen along with a lot of the computer data about it. Captain Oddas has the Juneau warp back to the location to assist.

Damage Control

Commander Qinn puts together a team to help with damage control for the USS Grace Hopper. The team consists of herself and Ensign Sera to help with ship repairs, and Doctor Indobri with Counselor R'Kala to help with the injuries caused by the Pirates to crew members.

Qinn and Sera assess the area, and find a lot of things wrong, and suspiciously well planned for incapacitating the hopper the way they did. More concerning is the non-Starfleet technology combined in some of the tubing and causing a lot of problems, but without answers as to exactly what problems for certain. They discern the possibility of an inside job.

Doctor Indobri and Counselor R'Kala find a Hopper crewman with a code red injury and do what they can to stabilize them and get them to Juneau for emergency surgery.

Studying The Artifact

Lieutenant Falt is tasked with figuring out what the stolen artifact does with the help of Ensign Kettick, and Lieutenant JG Deveaux.

Deveaux finds traces of sub-quantum particles, suggesting sub-quantum transportation. Which is a mystery in itself as all known previous attempts at sub-quantum transport of anything other than objects had been a devastating failure. And even objects had a chance for pattern loss. The team continues to try and find traces of the artifact to follow that lead.

Following Leads

Captain Oddas and Lieutenant JG Dekas head to the bridge of the Grace Hopper to talk to Commander Melchor and find out who and where the pirates might have headed. They talk to the Intelligence officer on Lightside Station to get reports about recent or not-recent attacks that match the description of what happened to the Hopper anywhere in the Wilds. Upon looking things over, they find two potential matches, an area of where they could possibly be located, and get a similar impression of it maybe being an inside job. On top of that, potentially the stolen artifact has been activated by the pirates who stole it to their advantage, in conjunction with someone else having helped if that is the case.

Act 2