SB118Ops Mission Logs/Arturo Maxwell

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See SB118Ops Mission Logs for the full archive.

Arturo Maxwell Mission Archive

Mission I; Ensign Maxwell: "Terminal Velocity"

Barely a week after the newly commissioned Ensign Maxwell joins the crew of Starbase 118, poorly manufactured and sabotaged ship parts result in a manic dash as participants in a deadly race. Using the cover name of Logan Lang and cosmetically-added scarring, Ensign Maxwell joins the assembled crew of the Delta Flyer "Hopes Divide".

Mission II; Maxwell: "Edge of Glory"

With Captain Taybrim and Major Tatash attending a tribunal on Raskor to answer questions about illegal activities conducted by the Orion Syndicate, the station is left in the capable hands of the stations First Officer, Theo Whittaker. During the captains absence, Starbase 118 is evacuated to avoid a highly dangerous neutrino storm. However, while the base is empty the criminal Chennel returns with her sights set firmly upon the conquest of Starbase 118.

Mission III; Maxwell: "One Last Gasp"

In the days following the Chennel incident, Ops found themselves struggling to regain normalcy, something that continued to elude them when they are given a new Captain. Captain Taybrim is forced into a different role, one left to clean up after Captain Bomba. Meanwhile, those no longer under the command of Chennel rise up, taking back their ship along with some of Ops' crew! Those left on the station must go after them to take back their people

Mission IV; Maxwell: "Cruisin for a Bruisin"

The Cruise ship Meridia suffers serious damage at the hands of a teacup Targ, who used the warp core as a lavatory. The Ops crew was more then happy to offer a helping hand. In return for their generosity, Captain Taybrim and his crew are invited to enjoy a feast on board. Things go splendidly until the ship’s XO bursts in the room saying how things just interesting… With murder!

Mission V; Maxwell: "Shadows of the Past"

A subspace anomaly spits out unusual hull fragments that are traced to the USS Xanth - a support ship of StarBase 118 some twenty years ago. As the investigation deepens and temporal incursion is suspected half of the senior staff dissappears, transported twenty years into the past. Both past and present teams must work together to figure out the cause of this temporal anomaly and save the USS Xanth from an untimely destruction!

Mission VI; Maxwell: "Escape from the Boneyard"

The USS Narendra is hijacked by Romulan terrorists and taken to a wasteland called the Boneyard. The crew of StarBase 118 is called to retrieve the ship and infiltrates the boneyard posed as independent traders on the MTF Maximum Thrusters in order to get onboard the USS Narendra and liberate the ship from it's Romulan captors

Mission VII; Maxwell: "A Simple Targ Hunt"

The crew of StarBAse 118 Ops participates in a Targ Hunt on the Klingon world of Tumar II where their host, Councillor Dempok calls in an old favor and reveals a deadly threat to both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire hiding in the shadows.

Mission VIII: "The Hand of Molor"

The USS Narendra repays a favor to Councillor Dempok by enacting a stealth mission to Zeta Iomis IV where a hostile cult called the Followers of Molor are amassing a deadly bioweapon to be used against the Klingon Empire. Can they wrest the bioweapons away from the cult before it can be launched?

Mission IX; Maxwell: "It's Only Make Believe"

A business deal goes awry, holoemitters start malfunctioning and StarBase 118 Ops is plunged into chaos as the walls around them warp into a variety of fantastic worlds just when the senior staff is trying to relax.

Mission X; Maxwell: "Innocents Under Fire"

The Cult of Molor sets its eyes and bioweapon intentions on a new target - the peaceful Gorn colony of Ishnag. The cult seeks to incite war between the Gorn and the Klingons while the USS Narendra rushed to assist the Gorn before a horrible tragedy happens

Mission XI; Maxwell: "A Song of Ice and Murder"

After saving Ishnag, the USS Narendra heads to the independent world of Avendra IV to attend a diplomatic meeting between the Federation, Klingons and Gorn, but on the way down to Avendra IV the cult attacks and chaos ensues!

Mission XII: "Homefront "

The crew of Starbase 118 head to Earth to meet with Starfleet Command and interview a person of interest in their efforts to deal with the Cult of Molor.

Mission XIII: "Mask of Kahless "

  • Location: StarBase 118 Ops
  • Stardates: 239702.09 - 239703.30
  • Commanding Officer: Fleet Captain Sal Taybrim
  • Mission Summary: The crew of Starbase 118 divide and conquer to begin their offensive against the Cult of Molor. Fleet Captain leads diplomats to meet the Klingon delegate in order to assure their help, while a team of scientists work to find a way to counter the Death Fog.

Mission XIV: " Against all Tradition "

On the offensive, the crew leaps into action against their continued foe, the Cult of Molor. They are gaining traction and nearly ready to shut the extremists down, but not before a valiant rescue mission and stopping the continued manufacturing of the “Death Fog”

Mission XV: " A Ghost From The Past "

A distress signal from ECS Andromeda is received, and the crew is informed that an old nemesis, the Borg assimilated ship the USS Nimitz, has driven them into the Romulan Neutral zone and attacked.

Mission XVI: " Love Potion No. 9 "

The Bajoran Festival celebrates the arrival of the new Vedek, but things don't go as planned when spiked drinks start making people act very strangely.