The Cost of Forever (USS Thor)
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USS Thor | ||
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While the USS Thor prepares to leave New Bajor/the Gamma Quadrant, it receives a faint distress call on an unusual frequency at the edge of its range. Traveling to the source of the distress call, the crew discovers an unusual solar system enveloped within a highly charged nebula, and a failing primitive spacecraft trapped at the nebula boundary.
Mission Summary
Act One
Act Two
Act Three
- Commanding Officer, Fleet Captain Aron Kells
- Executive Officer, Commander Geoffrey Teller
- Second Officer/HCO, Lt. Commander Ben Garcia
- Chief Counselor, Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie
- Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Alieth
- Medical Officer, Lieutenant Quen Deena
- Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Sirok
- Marine Detachment Cdr, Captain (SFMC) Wes Greaves
- Security Officer, Ensign Dar Elandra
- Intelligence Officer, Ensign Jehe Saja
- Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Udro Nepra
- Science Officer, Lieutenant Lorian Lovar
- Science Officer, Ensign Tara Wilkins
- Science Officer, Ensign Peri Katsim
- Shipmaster Pitorian Sal’Lat’Ut’Kel’Tras Anroc, Owner & Guildmaster Extraordinary, First Eternal, President for Life of the Saldanian Corporate Hegemony, Beloved & Benevolent, Everlasting & Magnificent
- Nenni Nokzu, Acting Shipmaster
- Saulan Ket’han, Deputy Director of Daily Operations