Hal Mika

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USS Blackwell
Hal Mika.png
Position Counselor
Rank Ensign
Species Ba'ku
Gender Male
DOB 237103.15
Age 30
Birthplace Ba'Ku

Ensign Hal Mika, a Ba'ku, is currently the junior counselor aboard the USS Blackwell.


  • Height: 1.78 meters, 5' 10"
  • Weight: 70.3 kilos, 150 lbs
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Blue


  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Hama Mika
    • Mother: Dia Alers
  • Siblings: Gil Mika, age 30


  1. 237103.15: Mika is born on Ba'ku to Hama Mika and Dia Alers.
  2. 2375: First Contact is established with the Ba'ku during an event that threatened to wipe out the Ba'ku. At the age of 4, Mika experiences sheer terror as events unfold. The problems are eventually resolved by the crew of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
  3. 2378 The Ba'ku join the Federation.
  4. 2390 After years of study and much to the dismay of his parents, Mika leaves Ba'ku to join Starfleet at the age of 19.
  5. 2395 Fresh out of the Academy, Mika is assigned to the USS Blackwell.

Brief Bio

When Hal was 4 years old, first contact was established with Starfleet. Hal can vaguely remember some of the incidents, including the exodus and kidnapping by the Son’a. The story of Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise is what inspired him to leave the technologically inhibited world and journey among the stars.

Because the Ba’Ku decided to remove themselves from advanced technology, Hal’s decision to join Starfleet was not an easy one. It took him a long time to convince his parents to let him go, and he hasn’t communicated with them since. While Hal’s brother was more supportive, even he was somewhat resentful of Hal leaving.

When he first joined Starfleet, Hal was amazed by the ships and considered majoring in Helm and Navigation at the Academy, but ultimately decided on the Counselor track. Five years later he graduated and was immediately assigned to the USS Blackwell immediately before its humanitarian aid assignment to Arndall.


Hal has always been fascinated by the stars. When he was a child he would always stay up late and watch the stars, wondering what was up there, what they might look like up close. He relishes challenge but struggles when uncertain. Always in tune with nature, Hal isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He is a thinker who is greatly concerned with people's motivations. He considers his chosen field of psychology more an art than science and is generally disinterested in science. His understanding of psychology does little to help him with his own insecurities.

Hal has a tendency to take things a little too seriously at times. His sense of humor is dry and it is not often he finds himself amused at "sophomoric" pranks and jibes. He does not consciously consider himself to be superior to less serious people but can sometimes come off as sounding if he does.

A prime example of Hal's seriousness was his reaction to the first service ribbon he received after graduating from the Academy. When the crew of the Blackwell was awarded the Silver Star for its actions during the mission on Arndall, Hal felt he didn't deserve the award. He felt he'd done little of consequence during the mission and refused to display the ribbon until he felt he'd earned it.

  • Hobbies:
    • Rock Climbing
    • Stargazing

Starfleet Records

Service Record

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239504.10 - Present USS Blackwell Counselor

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239504.03
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Silver Star 239505.20
USS Blackwell
Awarded to the entire crew of the USS Blackwell for gallantry against the Kam'Jahtae.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
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Na'Lae Mandak
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Chief Engineer
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Chief Science Ofc.
Ash MacKenna
Chief Medical Ofc.
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Dir. Behavioural Sci.
Rune Jolara
Hal Mika.png
Hal Mika
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