Sky Blake/Relationships

This page details Blake's relationships with others.


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Cormac & Elis

Brandon Cormac and Elis Nacubaq were the special operations and chief tactical officers aboard the Veritas in 2393, both of whom Blake still shares contact with.

Cormac: Twenty one years in this gig. ::He huffed, breaking out of his stillness and rubbing at his forehead.:: As soon as I get back to Esperance, I'm calling this Starfleet thing quits. Marshals, Starfleet, Federation verses Colonial Coalition nonsense . . . I'm might hitch a ride Risa and live there.

Blake: Cormac . . .

Cormac: I'm being serious, Blake. ::beat:: I can't help but wonder what the hell I'm doing with my life. We put up with crap like this from left, right and centre and get nothing back to show for it. Carrero dies and we're strewn in eight different directions, separated and blamed with barely any time to tell our families we're being reassigned. Then here, being attacked by pirates, spending over a week waiting for a rescue that never comes because neither side can decide whether its their problem. ::He shook his head.:: I'm forty years old. I want to settle down, Stratop, start a family. I could have died on that station.

Blake: But you didn't.

Cormac: But I could have. So I'm gonna quit. And ask him to take me back.

After rescuing him from Outpost 3, Blake and Cormac travel back to Shadow's Edge.

When Sky joins the Veritas in 2392, Brandon Cormac expresses his immense frustration at her lack of training and liability to the crew to Zhou Tai-Sheng in Blake's company. She explains to him that, as a Brekkian citizen, she understands how the Brekkian drug trade works and can provide valuable assistance. Much to his Bajoran friend Elis Nacubaq's distaste, he continues to place pressure onto Blake, convinced that she fails to feel anger or remorse in the face of her fellow Brekkians crimes, how no one onboard seems to know anything about her background, not shows any kind of empathy - though she disputes this, stating to him that if she ever became emotional over such trivial things, it would be detrimental to her capability as the ship's strategic ops officer.

They grow into a friendship quickly after resolving their dispute, and Cormac takes to filling in the gaps of her understanding of Starfleet operations inside and outside the Shoals. She finds out about Cormac's relationship with Elis when she accidentally walks into Cormac's office during a heated moment between the two officers - unfazed, however, she simply hands Cormac the PADD she'd needed to deliver to him and walks out of the office. Five months later, however, the two men break off their relationship, but remain close friends.

Cormac (and by extension, Elis) learns of Blake's casual relationship with their XO through Carrero whilst Blake is operating in Cakapunnual, told to tell her to "stop hiding behind [your] boy toy" if Blake refers back for Zhou's involvement.

When Elis and Cormac are transferred away, Blake beings to grow uncomfortable with her sudden lack of "safety net".

Elis contacts Blake as she returns to the Shoals (following a trip to Duronis II), panicked that Cormac had failed to send a coms check on schedule, and asks Blake to check on Outpost 3. She arrives to an utterly destroyed outpost, left barely space-worthy following an attack by Klingons. Cormac, alive after ten days and severely injured, is the sole-survivor aboard the outpost. Cormac decides to quit Starfleet as she takes him back to Shadow's Edge, and becomes a Colonial Coalition Marshals Service marshal. Though they'd been separated for almost two years, he tells Blake he intends to ask Elis to take him back.

Unable to follow two marshals outside of Shadow's Edge space, Blake chooses to take a night off to spend in a bar in Cakapunnual. Cormac seeks her out when she becomes unreachable to the Shadow's Edge Starfleet intelligence officer to deliver more information about the marshals, and suggests she return to the Veritas. She hesitates, stating that the ship no longer feels like home without them, to which Cormac simply responds that if she doesn't like the transfers, she should quit now. Blake refuses and returns to the Veritas the following week. However, she leaves her personal small craft for Cormac's use.



Though deceased, Sabor still affects Blake's personality and psyche, as Blake once held access to his experience as a Starfleet armory officer - potentially why she was able to return to active Starfleet duty so easily. She can recall perfectly "rants" about potential weapons and uses, and such things influence her choices of defense when operating in the Shoals. However, there are some things Blake believes Sabor wouldn't consider despite his capabilities as an armory officer, such as Crewman Rotha's use of a phaser to create a forcefield.

Blake doesn't discuss Sabor often with others, though inadvertently refers to him often - with no knowledge of him, however, these references go unnoticed by her fellow crew.


Blake supposedly met Sabor following his transfer to the USS Mercury in 2389, where he was assigned to her as the ship's armory officer. He makes such an impression through his dedication to his job that Blake asks for his transfer to the Embassy of Duronis II, and again when she is moved to the USS Avandar. Here, they begin a romantic relationship.

Sabor undergoes pon farr aboard the Avandar, resulting in the conception of their son - as he is a half-Vulcan child, Blake's pregnancy underwent complications.

The two become engaged in late 2390 - this, as well as the increasingly dangerous lifestyle of her job aboard the USS Vigilant, is what presumably causes Sky's decision to leave Starfleet. Sabor takes a leave of absence, and they leave Zakdorn to return to Sky's home in the Delos system, officially marrying.

After Ayden is born, Sky's mentality and physical condition worsens considerably, unable to differentiate dream from reality. Unable to leave Brekka with a newborn, Blake decides to seek treatment on her homeworld. Blake undergoes surgery to "kill" her telepathic lobe, and remains in a coma for a week - during this time, Sabor reads about Frilativ Brekkian culture, and names their son "Ayden" (meaning strength during times of hardship).

Four months

Blake awakens from surgery totally unaware of the last ten years, and with no other option, decides to accompany Sabor and their two children home - if only to stay for a few days to get back on her feet. Shocked and uncomfortable with how much Sabor knows about her, she almost leaves just two days into her stay, but is convinced to stay on the promise that they will both be more open and communication their concerns with each other. Sabor recounts how they met aboard the USS Mercury and the important steps of their relationship leading up to Ayden's birth and their wedding.

Their relationship reaffirms quickly over the next month, and the two grow close enough that Blake allows Sabor's casual use of their bond telepathically, and both are once again comfortable to embrace. At some point, he also teaches her meditation and accompanying breathing exercises.

Blake continues to ask Sabor questions about him and his culture, attempting to piece together as much information about her previous life as possible - but she also asks about tougher subjects, such as his understanding of logic. When he chooses to conclude the conversation, unable to answer one of her questions, Blake jokes that she feels "suppressed" - to which he replies that, if he were ever to "suppress" her, she'd know.

Having so far refused Sabor's attempts to leave her home on Brekka, Blake suffers a seizure that forces the two to return to a medical facility in Lornae. Blake is cleared to leave after a night under medical observation, but the two get caught in the cross-fire of Brekkian military forces firing on an extremist group attempting to destroy an Ornaran embassy. Sabor, attempting to assist civilians to safety, is fatally wounded by military personnel. To the discomfort for all who ask, Blake can remember in vivid detail exactly how it felt as he passed away.


In late 2393, told to finally take her first leave of absence from her service in Starfleet, Blake returns to the Delos system to relocate her children and Sabor's ashes.

When arresting Commander Victor Yeager (commanding officer of the USS Astraeus, Blake compares the final actions of Sabor to the non-action of Yeager. It is Sabor's maturity that allows her to conclude her encounter with Yeager calmly.

Blake has a brief conversation with a young man on a turbolift in mid-2395, notable in how the strangers eyes are remarkably similar to Sabor's.