Roshanara Rahman/Relationships

Friends, Significant Others, and Notable Colleagues

Beta Ursae Minor II

SHANDRES: Nice shot, Rahman.

RAHMAN: Thanks. [...] It uses a micro broad-spectrum image scanner based on those used in pattern enhancement theory and is coupled directly to the original targeting system of the rifle to refine calibration by 35%, albeit with a 10% increase in power cell consumption.

SHANDRES: You sure like your numbers...

Roshanara shows off a new toy for Ki.
"Fortune Favors the Bold" - 2374
Ki was a security/tactical cadet and a year ahead of Roshanara at the Starfleet Academy Beta Ursae Minor II campus. Both attended the Academy while the Dominion War raged on across the quadrants, and Ki took a more pragmatic (and perhaps cynical) view of interstellar politics and the chance to explore "strange new worlds" and meet "fascinating new cultures," especially when Betazed itself fell to the Dominion.
Roshanara developed a crush on Ki after they met in Physics 101 during her first semester in 2374. The two became study partners, though Roshanara more often than not served as tutor. They began a relationship soon after. Her grades subsequently began slipping towards the end of her first year, with the notable exception of Elementary Betazoid.
  • Javed Dogar: A human civilian.
Javed Dogar
Roshanara met Javed in 2380 as she was finishing her master's degree at the Starfleet Academy annex on Beta Ursae Minor II. The two began dating and decided to continue the relationship after Roshanara was assigned to the Shanghai. The long-distance relationship lasted for another two years, with the couple reuniting three to four times a year when the Shanghai returned to the sector.
At their final reunion, they spent an intimate holiday on Casperia Prime, where they grew closer to one another. A few months later when they were to meet again, Roshanara was excited to tell Javed of her recent promotion to lieutenant junior grade and an offer to sign aboard the Tempest, a more advanced ship that offered further career opportunities for her. Truthfully, though, she was seriously considering remaining on the Shanghai as she was now eligible to bring family aboard with her promotion, and she hoped that Javed would consider moving their relationship towards those steps.

DOGAR: This isn't real life! Don't you get it?

RAHMAN: What are you talking about?

DOGAR: I mean this! You and me, talking through a screen. It's like having a relationship through a window.

RAHMAN: We knew it was going to be hard-

DOGAR: No, you knew it was going to be this way. And I... I was foolish for going along with it instead of having us move on with our lives as we should have.

The distance proves too great for Javed.
"Real Life" - 2382
Yet while Javed indeed had grown closer to Roshanara, he reacted very differently to this newfound intimacy. He had always missed her, but now, he felt that the physical separation was finally too great for him. He was frustrated with dates over subspace and socializing with other couples without his own companion. The future he saw of being separated from her for an unknown number of years further down the line frightened him, and he broke off their relationship in a letter. Shortly thereafter, Roshanara accepted the offer from the Tempest.

USS Tempest

  • Reez: A Denobulan engineering petty officer.
Reez was severely injured during the same accident aboard the Tempest. Blinded by plasma coolant, his life was saved by Roshanara after they had both been left to die by their department chief, Lieutenant Commander Montanez.
During the accident, Montanez was forced to eject the warp core, effectively subjecting Reez and Roshanara, who were trapped within the isolated core compartment, to painful, horrific deaths once the actively feeding plasma coolant system ruptured. Fortunately, Roshanara's quick thinking protected the two engineers from the subsequent flood of plasma coolant. After the accident, Montanez received a commendation for his decisive action that saved the lives of over 300 people aboard the Tempest, with no casualties incurred among his engineering crew. He last spoke to Roshanara one month after the accident during her long-term recovery at Medical Starbase 253.

USS Pioneer

RAHMAN: If you have something else to say, then just say it!

CORE: I don't need to say anything. ::kisses her::

RAHMAN: son of a bitch.

Tristam and Roshanara share their first kiss.
"Confounding Factors" - SD 239110.07
Tristam had been serving on the Pioneer for a couple of years already when Roshanara came aboard after the conclusion of her medical LOA and doctoral studies. She returned to starship duty as an R&D engineer, and the two engineers found themselves working over the next several months on various projects. One of those projects, however, resulted in tragedy when multiple explosions in the Pioneer's Engineering department erupted. Tristam was severely injured, losing his natural telepathic abilities and almost his left leg at the same time. He was placed on a medical leave of absence for 11 months to recover.
Tristam eventually returned to duty as an operations officer at Deep Space 17. When his first tour of duty was finished, Roshanara, who was now chief engineer of the USS Garuda, put in a request for his assignment to her department in the hopes of giving him a chance to serve as a starship engineer again. Unfortunately, Starfleet Operations had already sent him to another ship, and so he was forced to make a second trip back across two quadrants, and when he realized Roshanara's involvement in his assignment to the Garuda, he was less than overjoyed at their reunion.
  • Lidia Ivanova: A human security officer who later served as chief of security of the Pioneer.
Roshanara met Lidia after the security officer came aboard the Pioneer. Despite their differences in personality, with Lidia being more extroverted (and somewhat crass), the two discovered that their behaviors and attitudes complemented each other, and they became close friends.
Roshanara knew of Dr. Sampi and was seen by him a few times, but beyond what Lidia would tell her about him (and his crush on Lidia at the time), the engineer and physician maintained only an amicable, professional relationship.

USS Mercury & USS Garuda

RAHMAN: You have to be one of the most stubborn people I've met. What's that they say about doctors making the worst patients?

DEL VEDOVA: Only thing worse is engineers.

Pot and kettle meet again.
"End of the Thought" - SD 238910.29
Some people admire doctors while others abhor them. Roshanara doesn't fall into either group, but after her time spent with many doctors during her long recovery, she has grown wary of their intentions, especially those who seem overtly "caring."
In contrast, Dr. Del Vedova, or "Del" as she calls him, surprised her by both his morbid sense of humor and his blunt bedside manner. Still, he seemed genuinely interested in knowing more about her beyond what was in her medical file, and with those first seeds of trust planted, Roshanara felt comfortable opening up to him, and the two developed a natural dynamic.
  • Aron Kells: The human commanding officer of the Mercury.

RAHMAN: I decided to do what an engineer would do if she had a faulty component in a system: take it out.

KELLS: And replace it with what? You aren't a power converter to be produced by a replicator en masse when you burn out, all right? You -- you're a person. With a-- a problem, maybe. But not *faulty*, not *broken*. All right?

An old captain tries to look after a long lost shipmate.
"Reunion" - In the year 2404 that Kells remembers
While not close, Roshanara had developed a polite relationship with Kells since arriving aboard the Mercury on SD 238909. However, Kells—already a victim of a temporal transformation that aged him into his 35-year-old self—experienced another transformation on SD 239005.03, aging him to his 60-year-old self, complete with the accompanying memories of the years he had seen in an alternate future.
While duty-bound by the Temporal Prime Directive, what Kells remembered in regards to Roshanara's fate, as well as that of their mutual friend Del Vedova, over the next 25 years pushed him to intervene now that he was given a second chance. The intervention, though, tests Roshanara's friendship with Del Vedova, and whether or not she can escape the fate Kells witnessed—or if she is destined for a worser fate—remains to be seen.
  • Alora DeVeau: The cheerful human Chief Science Officer of the Garuda.

These [ribbons] are a nice gesture from command to recognize what we've been through, but they offer little comfort for the pain. You don't have to decide anything right away, but since you wanted to know how I do it, there’s your answer: I don’t try to do it alone.

Roshanara gives some advice to Alora when the young lieutenant is still shaken in the wake of their ordeal on Nygel II.
"How do you do it?" - SD 239101.03
Alora and Roshanara were amicable colleagues, but their friendship was truly forged through their survival of having been captured by the Orion captain of the FTS Treasure Sprite Pasht-Nos on Nygel II during the Gateway Crisis of 2390. Alora initially had difficulty coping with her experience, and Roshanara tried to share her insight. Later in 2391, when Roshanara herself was facing criminal charges for alleged sabotage and treason, Alora offered to assist in anyway possible. Roshanara simply told her to be careful of whom she trusted.
Interestingly enough, Roshanara has so far managed to avoid accepting one of Alora's "gifts" of a plant. The Kriosian finds the science officer's eagerness to spread her plants around the ship... suspicious.
  • Isaac Bale: An intense Betazoid intelligence officer.

Do me a favor. Don't ever put on a black collar.

Isaac dispenses some career advice to Roshanara.
"Not This Time" - SD 239010.27
Bale first made himself known to Roshanara when he programed the ship's computer to perform a series of legally—if not morally—questionable actions to help him deal with a couple of assassins that were traveling aboard the Mercury. However, he was also the first person to respond to her call for help immediately after the bombing in main engineering on SD 238910.22, and although she isn't quite sure what to make of him, he seems like a man with a sense of duty, albeit a duty he defines for himself.

Having both been assigned to the Mercury at the same time, Roshanara and Danielle met while waiting for the ship's arrival to StarBase 118. Seldom seen without her trademark smile, Danielle shares Roshanara's propensity to tinker with anything that has a circuit, and for Danielle particularly, anything that can fly. The junior engineering officer is assigned to shuttlebay ops, in charge of maintaining the Mercury's complement of auxiliary craft. Though she's been through her share of precarious situations while previously aboard the USS Independence-A and USS Tiger-A, Danielle still can be a little unsure of herself at times. Roshanara hopes to build the young woman's confidence, even if that means pushing her to the plate a little more forcefully than just a nudge.
Confident, persistent, and shameless, Chaun finished his previous assignment aboard a ship with a nearly all-Vulcan crew and was looking forward to serving aboard the Mercury and particularly with the female members of the crew. He eavesdropped on Roshanara and Danielle Vistain's conversation at StarBase 118 and introduced himself to his new shipmates but was unsuccessful at getting them to spend some time with him in a holosuite adventure. Still, he's not one to give up that easily, much to Roshanara's annoyance.
Rawden's made a good impression on Roshanara, although she hopes he can remember to stop calling her "sir" eventually. With his "can do" spirit and eagerness to be helpful, the young man reminds her of what she was like a decade or so ago, which only makes her more determined to ensure he doesn't have to learn about the dangers of being a Starfleet engineer and officer the hard way as she did.

Other Colleagues

Thomas served as part of Roshanara's staff when she first arrived on the Mercury on SD 238909. After the deaths of assistant chief engineer Graham MacNeil and other senior engineers in a horrific bombing on her first day as chief, she relied on then-Ensign Thomas to help rebuild the department in the aftermath of the devastation. A workaholic with a tendency to worry about the little things, Thomas soon discovered that his new chief appreciated his attention to detail and wouldn't turn down his offer to put in extra hours, even during shore leave. Before the Mercury was to depart on her next mission in December 2389, Roshanara was informed by Thomas that he had been reassigned suddenly to the newly-commissioned USS Vigilant. While she was sad to see him go so soon, she had no doubt he'd soon make a name for himself as an excellent chief engineer.
A veteran of the fleet, Breeman worked with Roshanara and Thomas in late 2389 while the Mercury was docked for repairs at StarBase 118 to find a solution to the Efili "problem" that had been the source of a cascade of computer glitches aboard the ship. Efili was actually a sentient AI, and with Breeman's experience with such rogue programs, the engineers successfully transferred the AI to a contained environment for further joint study.
Roshanara Rahman
» Beta Ursae Minor II
» Tempest
» Pioneer
» Mercury & Garuda
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