Starfleet Academy Survival Training/Armory

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Armory Department

Armory courses teach the history and modern uses of weapons.

  • ARM101: Introduction to Weapons
    • Provides a basic overview of the many types of weapons issued and used by StarFleet, as well as their practical implementation.
  • ARM110: Hand Phasers, Phaser Rifles and Artillery
    • Discusses the development of the mentioned weapons, the current types of phasers, rifles, and artillery used by the Federation and other species, as well as the advantages to these weapons over others.
  • ARM120: Knives and other Small Weapons
    • Discusses the development of the mentioned weapons, the current types of knives and other small weapons used by the Federation and other species, as well as the advantages to these weapons over others.
  • ARM130: Non-traditional Weapons
    • Mostly investigates non-Federation weapons used in battle, such as the Ferengi Whip.
  • ARM200: Starship Phasers and Phaser Cannons
    • Discusses the development of the mentioned weapons, the current types of energy-burst weapons used by the Federation and other species, as well as the advantages to these weapons over others
  • ARM210: Photon Torpedos
    • Discusses the development of the mentioned weapons, the current types of torpedos used by the Federation and other species, as well as the advantages to these weapons over others.

Anthropology & Archaeology Mathematics Administration Intelligence Introductory Engineering
Astronomy Physics Astrogation Law Propulsion Systems
Chemistry Planetary Sciences Diplomacy Piloting Material Engineering
History Xenology Programming
Language Xenobiology Components Engineering
MedicineNursingPsychology ArmorySurvivalTactics
Academy Course Catalogue