Sigma Dorphus Sector

The Sigma Dorphus Sector is located at coordinates A02-0004-1299. It is just north of the Cardassian Union and the Badlands which are in the next sector south. It is also next to the Tzenkethi Coalition which is in the next sector to the east. Not far away to the north is the Ferengi Alliance and the Breen Confederacy.

Kivis Sector
Sigma Dorphus Sector
Free Haven Sector
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence
  • None

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The Ga'ter Sector is the next one to the west and the Promell Sector is the next one to the north. It is under the Kivis Sector and over the Free Haven Sector.

The badlands to the south extend into this sector by about 4 lightyears, while the Tzenkethi Coalition to the east extends into this sector by about 3 lightyears. Also part of the Rolor Nebula extends down into this sector from the Kivis Sector.

Their are 12 star systems with in this sector.

  • Alpha 441 is located at coordinates 14-18-03. It is a solitary planetoid located on the border of the Badlands.
  • Bin'dros system is located at coordinates 03-09-17. It has 3 asteroid belts, 2 rock ball planets and a small gas giant.
  • Dahri system is located at coordinates 11-17-05. This is the home system of the Dahri. (T)
  • Devinon system is located at coordinates 09-03-12. This is the home system of the Mantra.
  • Gemulon system is located at coordinates 15-01-11. This is the home system of the Gemulon. (A)
  • Heth-Gimel system is located at coordinates 13-10-05. This system has 3 stars, 2 asteroid belts and a medium gas giant.
  • Kaph-Nun system is located at coordinates 06-17-10. This system has 2 rock ball planets, 2 medium gas giants and an asteroid belt.
  • Libra system is located at coordinates 05-12-19. This is the home system of the Libra. (Z)
  • Mem-Pe system is located at coordinates 10-08-16. This system has a rock ball planet, a large gas giant and an asteroid belt.
  • Prun'il system is located at coordinates 17-14-03. This system has 3 rock ball planets, a large gas giant, an asteroid belt and a class M planet.
  • Sin'die system is located at coordinates 12-15-04. This is the home system of the Sin'die.
  • Tyzenthi system is located at coordinates 18-16-13. It is a Tzenkethi colony just inside the borders of the Tzenkethi Coalition space and just inside the border of the Sigma Dorphus sector of space. They maintain a very strong military presence along their border and have fought a war with the Federation. They are isolationists and avoid contact other than useing their military to protect their borders. Will not send visual when they communicate with others.
  • Waw-Yodh system is located at coordinates 14-13-06. This system has 2 rock ball planets, a small and a medium gas giant.