Ian West

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Starbase 118 Operations
CmdrWest Intel.png
Dr. Ian Lane West, M.D., D.A.S.

DS9style-ltcmdr teal.png

  • Gender: Male
  • Orientation: Gay
  • Position: Astrobiologist
  • Ship: StarBase 118 Ops
  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Human

Personal Logs  ·   Medical Records
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Anders, Baylen

  • DOB: 235408.17
  • Age: 35 Earth Years
  • Height: 5’11’’
  • Eye color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Birthplace: London England Earth
  • West PNPC's: West PNPC
  • West Quarters: West Quarters


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Dr. Ian Lane West, D.A.S. is an Astrobiologist and the Mission Specialist on the USS Tiger-A. He is also a member of the Deployable Operations Group known as (DOG) Ian is a Hazardous Materials expert for the Federation Strike Force. He is a Solo Operator on the Tango team stationed on the USS Tiger, Ian is required to attend two subspace meetings a week with his unit commander, Lt. Commander Chris Davidson

Biographic Information

Ian's place of birth London
  • Full Name: Ian Lane Micheal West
  • Species: Human
  • Date of Birth: 235408.17
  • Place of Birth: London England, Earth
  • Age: In his 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: None
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant
  • Current Assignment & Position: USS Tiger-A, Mission Specialist


Ian's appearance
Ian off duty
  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 175 lbs
  • Hair Color: Blown with hints of natural blond highlighting
  • Hair Length & Style: Medium to short, very kept and gelled.
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Tanned
  • Build: Swimmers Type
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Face: Fun loving and caring face. Has a charming smile.
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None.
  • Carriage: Very charismatic, walks with assertiveness and confidence.
  • Taste in Clothing: (when off duty): Loose, collarless grey shirt and trousers.
  • Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
  • Voice: British accent.
  • Handedness: Right


  Lane West, Director of Warp Core Systems, Star Fleet Engineering
Ian Takes a lot of his personality from his dad. Both were close at a early age.

  Liza West, Ed.D., Earth History Teacher at St. Simmons Primary School
Ian struggled with an early relationship with his mother, she demanded so much of him but show little interest in him, Ian often felt that his mother favored her student over him and his brother.

  Dr. Marcus West, M.D., Chief of Surgeon, Outpost 43 Kenna Hospital
Ian's younger brother. They both were always close never really had any fights of disagreements. Ian wrote a letter and recommendation for Marcus to Med school, Ian also tried to talk Marcus into entering star fleet but he wanted to practice outside the bounds of service.

Interests and Hobbies

Ian enjoys jogging, swimming, and staying fit. He enjoys racquetball, fencing, and rock climbing, and has become a decent golf player. Ian also loves playing darts with close friends while drinking a New Castle Classic.


Pastimes & Hobbies

Ian Rock Climbing on Durouis II

Ian enjoys all forms of Skiing; particularly on the slopes of Talvet III, Ice Planet. This was a hobby that Ian practiced a lot when he was at school at Harvard.

Ian has long been an avid rock climber. Even as a teenager when he got in to trouble for climbing a forbidden mountain on Mars housing a Starfleet Secret Lab. Over the years he has continued to climb on away missions and for fun. Ian was once taken to an American Football match in the holodeck where he played as a Quarter Back in a club match. At the Academy Ian was known to play racket ball, however, he has not played in recent years due to not having someone to play against. Ian sometimes practices boxing and hand-to-hand combat but only for the workout. More regularly, however, he can be found working out in the gym between 16 hundred and 18 hundred hours every weekday; and can be found Rock Climbing on the holodeck every Saturday morning. When he meets up with his best friend Chris Janson.

Musical Interests

Ian is a brilliant concert pianist. He also interprets old folk songs from around the Federation on an acoustic folk Guitar, something he started during his days as a student at Oxford.

Cooking, Food & Gardening

One of Ian's main hobbies is Cooking. His speciality being Chocolate devils with 17 different varieties of Chocolate which he makes from his maternal grandmother's family recipe. Ian has had a corner of his personal quarters converted into a kitchen area with special utensils. Most evenings. Ian tends to avoid using the replicator: Instead, when he was stationed on Starbase 118 for a in the field training as a cadet he used to enjoy a trip to the Starbase’s promenade where he liked to purchase genuine fresh food ingredients from the many alien traders. To Ian this was one of the principal advantages to being assigned to a Starbase over a starship although when on a Starship he enjoyed collecting unique ingredients from the planets they visit.

Early Life

Ian Grew up in London England, the son of a warp core systems architect and a teacher. His father Lane West was away a lot working on new projects with Starfleet. So he was very close to his mother Liza West, an Earth history teacher.

Ian had excelled early in science and math; his father started grooming him for Starfleet at an early age. By taking him to work with him and teaching him about a warp core and subspace waves that the core creates. Ian enjoyed the time with his father but found the details of a warp core to almost bore him to tears. But the cause and effect of the subspace waves and rifts made by warp was thrilling, at warp one the trail can be found for a few light-years but at warp 9 the waves can cause damage.

Teen to Young Adult Life

Ian went to Canterbury Prep School and got in a Science fast track program for Advance Sciences. Allowing him to attend Oxford two years early, majoring in Astrophysics with a minor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

After leaving Oxford Ian attended Harvard for his Doctorate in Applied Science, Doctor of Applied Science (D.A.S.) earned him an express entry into Star Fleet as a Warrant Officer of the Science Division and placement on a deep space research station.

Deep Space 31 Science Research Station

While on the station Ian was a Department Co-Lead for Advanced Weapons and Development with Lt. Adam Cain a Tactical Officer. Working on proto phaser banks using charged static from the ship’s hull to power the phaser banks and not the warp core or batteries.

The Project suffered a great many set backs. The program was about to be mothballed a few days before the first successful test firing from a unmanned platform.

The platform was studied for another month and the systems then were outfitted on a runabout with a full crew that engaged 290 probes in a war games testing exercise.



Education Overview
School Location Major Minor Degree
Fettes Boarding School Edinburgh, Scotland Primary Education Humanities General Education
Canterbury Prep School Canterbury, England Advanced Science Math Science Education
Oxford University Oxford, England Astrophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BA, Science
Harvard University Cambridge, MA Applied Science Research Studies Doctor of Applied Science (D.A.S.)
Star Fleet Academy San Francisco, CA Advanced Science Information Operations Degree of Commission

Star Fleet Academy

Star Fleet Academy

After a year of work on the station Ian returned to Earth to start Star Fleet Academy. In Ian's first year Admiral Thomas Range became Ian's mentor for the rest of his stay at the Academy. Taking an Advanced Science Degree, he was required to take 32 plus extra credit hours at the Academy to achieve the Advanced Science Track Commission.

Maintaining strong grades in all the Science and Medical Classes, Ian lagged a little behind in some of the Tactics classes because he would often butt heads with his instructors. Ian was the Class leader for Science Department Competing with Cadet Alex Johnson to stay ranked number one. But Alex pulled ahead in the Battle classes, the son of Vice Admiral Peter Johnson, Commander Task Force 75.

Ian graduated as the Science Departments Salutatorian. Though his GPA ranked him for the honors Cum Laude, because of his harder work load than any other student currently at the Academy the Board of Regents and trusty's along with the Academy Admiralty debated giving Ian the rare honors of Maxima Cum Laude. But they felt that would over shadow the Valedictorian's honors of Summa Cum Laude, instead Ian was Honored with Magna Cum Laude and was given the Academy's Touch of Vigilance.

Star Fleet Academy Credits
Field Class Credit Hour GPA Location
Astronomy Astrophysics, General Three 3.9 Academy Main
Astronomy Astrophysics, Advanced Three 4.0 Academy Main
Chemistry Physical Chemistry 1 Three 3.5 Academy Main
Chemistry Physical Chemistry 2 Four 3.0 Academy Main
Biology Federation Standard 1 Three 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Biology Federation Standard 2 Four 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Xenobiology Concepts Three 4.0 Academy Main
Xenology General Three 3.8 Academy Main
Mathematics Advanced Three 3.2 Academy Main
Medicine First Aid and Field Medicine Four 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Physics Concepts Three 3.7 Academy Main
Physics General 1 Three 3.8 Academy Main
Physics General 2 Three 3.7 Earth Star Base
Physics Advanced 1 Four 4.0 Academy Main
Physics Advanced 2 Four 3.9 Academy Main
Microbiology General 1 Three 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Microbiology General 2 Three 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Nanotechnology Concepts Three 3.7 Star Fleet Engineering
Genetics Survey Course Three 4.0 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics General Concepts Three 3.8 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics Advanced Concepts Four 3.9 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics Medical General Three 3.5 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics Medical Advanced Four 3.1 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics Molecular Advanced Three 3.6 Star Fleet Medical
Genetics Biotechnology Three 3.8 Star Fleet Medical
Geology Concepts Three 4.0 Academy Main
History Early Federation Three 4.0 Earth Star Base
History Federation 2 Three 4.0 Earth Star Base
History Earth Survey Three 4.0 Earth Star Base
Xenobiology Genetics, Humanoid 1 Three 3.8 Star Fleet Medical
Xenobiology Genetics, Humanoid 2 Three 3.5 Star Fleet Medical
Xenobiology Genetics, Non-Humanoid 1 Four 3.2 Star Fleet Medical
Administration StarFleet Operations Three 4.0 Academy Main
Administration Chain of Command and General Protocol Two 4.0 Academy Main
Administration StarFleet Bases and Outposts Two 4.0 Academy Main
Administration Deployment Three 4.0 Academy Main
Diplomacy General Three 4.0 Academy Main
Piloting Runabouts and Shuttles Four 4.0 Jupiter Station
Survival Starship Emergencies Three 3.5 Mars Station
Tactics Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat Three 3.0 Academy Main
Tactics Strategy of Battle 1 Three 2.9 Academy Main
Tactics Strategy of Battle 2 Three 3.1 Academy Main
Tactics Leadership Four 3.7 Academy Main
Engineering Base-Mode Operations Three 3.9 Star Fleet Engineering
Engineering Operations and Command Functions Three 3.9 Star Fleet Engineering
Engineering Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems Three 3.8 Star Fleet Engineering
Astrogation Navigation of Starships, Sublight Four 3.9 Academy Main
Astrogation Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed Four 4.0 Academy Main
Degree Major Credit Hour GPA Honors
Commission Advanced Science 161 3.795 Magna Cum Laude

Star Fleet History

Star Fleet History

Career Overview
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Warrant Officer 238410.03-238604.02 Deep Space Research Station Project Manager
  Cadet 4th Class 238605.26-238610.08 Earth Science Officer Cadet
  Cadet 3rd Class 238610.08-238711.05 Earth Science Officer Cadet
  Cadet 2nd Class 238711.05-238803.15 Starbase 118 Science Officer Cadet Training
  Cadet 1st Class 238806.01-238909.12 USS Centris-A Cadet
  Ensign 238909.15- 238911.22 USS Mercury Science Officer
  Lt. Junior Grade 238911.22- 238012.13 USS Mercury Chief Science Officer
  Lt. Junior Grade 238912.13- 239002.11 Embassy Duronis II Astrobiologist Science Officer
  Lt. Junior Grade 239002.11- 239009.11 Deep Space 17 Chief Technical Science Officer
  Lieutenant 239009.24- Current USS Tiger-A Mission Specialist



  Jessie Hess, Fighter Pilot
First Love
Ian and Jessie meet in a small San Fransisco bar and became the best of friends of over a few games of pool, darts and a few drinks. It was not long before they started dating and then moved in with each other. But as fate had it. Duty got in the way. Jessie went off on a training mission and was killed by a computer malfunction on the fighter.

  Ensign Chris O'Hanlon:
Best Friend
Ian Meet Chris when the two of them ran into each other on Deck 19 of the USS Mercury. Chris and Ian almost froze to death with each other when locked into a part of the ship when power lose sealed them in the lower cargo hold. The developed a nice strong bond. Ian often thought about a relationship with the Doctor but was scared to bring the idea up. Then he transferred off the ship. He keeps in touch with Chris as a pin pal now.

  Lt. Commander Roshamara Rahman:
Friend / Former Co Worker
Ian meet the Chief Engineer over a cup of coffee, when she requested a cup of sugar. Then a few days later found his self trapped in the Mercury's computer core with her working to track down a glitch. When a Hologram appeared from the core.

  Lt. JG Rick Rawden:
Friend / Former Co Worker
Ian meet the engineering officer after he feel from a platform. With in ten minutes of meeting the Lt. JG, Ian was preforming emergency surgery on the officers lung. Ian looks forward to getting to know this officer better after his recovery.


Missions on USS Mercury

  • SD 238908: New Alliances

Following the conclusion of their mission to explore and stabilize the derelict station, the Mercury stayed on station for the arrival of SCE reps and equipment for the revitalization of the station, and her crew was the first to hear of Starfleet’s intent to make it a deep space station. The crew enjoyed a short leave before being recalled prematurely when Commander Kells received unusual orders to head to Cardassia Prime to retrieve Prianna, a member of the Detapa Council, and her staff, and then to ferry them to Romulan space to give aid to those colonies that had been attacked by Klingons. The crew went above and beyond in preparing for the councilor’s arrival and, once she was aboard, kept her and her staff comfortable and entertained during the trip to Betazed to rendezvous with the USS Apollo.

Missions on USS Tiger A

"Beyond the Pillars of Hercules"

Beginning Mission Parameters

  • Title: "Beyond the Pillars of Hercules"
  • Summary:

After a bad encounter with a mysterious entity that had the ability to grant wishes, the USSTiger-A landed uncontrolled on the ocean floor of an uncharted planet. With the ship badly damaged and without power, and the crew suffering many casualties, the Senior Staff wasted no time getting to work. Under the guidance of Fleet Captain Sidney Riley, the crew was split into three teams; one team to work with Engineering to effect repairs and restore power, one team to set up triage centers to treat the injured, and the final team to perform search and rescue operations throughout the ship.

As the hours passed, the crew proved themselves to be resolute and progress began to show as the injured were found and treated and the ship’s systems and power grid were repaired and brought back online. While the Engineering team was in the process of restoring the structural integrity field, a strange old man dressed in robes appeared in Main Engineering. This strange old man introduced himself as the Guardian and said that the Tiger was trespassing on land controlled by the Iconians and that if they did not leave he would destroy the planet and everything on it. After a discussion with the Command Staff, this Guardian decided not to destroy the planet and revealed the presence of a nearby Iconian Gateway shortly before he vanished. With the news of a nearby Iconian Gateway, the crew found themselves posed to launch a full scale investigation.

Additional Information

Fleetwide Service

NPC Listing     ·     Tiger-A Staff Roster     ·     Crew History
CO: Flt Cpt Sidney Riley   ·   XO: Lt Cmdr Darius Clack
   MSp: Lt Cmdr Ian Lane West
CE:Lt Cmdr Alex Blair  ·  EO: Ens Francis Logan  
EO: Ens Rocko Stevens  
CTO: Lt Brayden Jorey  ·  TO: Ens Samuel Braddock   
CoS: Lt Brayden Jorey   ·   ACoS: Lt JG Chloe Mannin   
Sec: Lt Francis DeMarc
CSO: Lt T'Mihn Ah'mygahn  ·  Sci: Ens Bowrapiquis Jetseen   MO: LtCmdr T'Pen  ·  MO: Lt JG Gabriel Warwick   
Coun: Lt JG Zinna  
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