Ash MacKenna

Revision as of 19:46, 29 February 2012 by KNicholotti (talk | contribs)
Crew of USS Arrow
Ash MacKenna


  • Gender: Female
  • Position:Chief Intelligence Officer
  • Ship: USS Arrow
  • Rank: Commander
  • Race: Human

  • DoB: 236312.29
  • Weight: 110
  • Height: 5’5’’
  • Eye color: Green
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Birthplace: Scotland, Earth

Secondary of Kalianna Nicholotti

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Character Information

  • Full Name: Ash Tristan MacKenna
  • Race: Human
  • DoB: 236312.29
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female


  • Father: Carlton MacKenna (Farmer and Historian, Archeologist)
  • Mother: Marian Crawford-MacKenna (Farmer, Storyteller, Archeologist)
  • Siblings: N/A


  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 110
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Grey/Green
  • Skin: Fair
  • Build: Slender


Ash was born in a small town in Scotland. Of traceable Scottish decent, she grew up following the stories and traditions of the older days. She has no siblings, and was able to lead a quiet life in the highlands of the area where few people still live. The relics of broken and derelict monuments and castles were her playgrounds, and she spent lots of time on her father's farm. Ash is well versed in how to handle a variety of animals, plants, and has an uncanny interest in the weather and geological phenomenon of long ago. When she was old enough, she enlisted in Starfleet in order to expand her knowledge and provide a route for her endless seeking of knowledge.

Ash is extremely shy and does not like to be around people. While some of this is just being unable to connect socially, some of it stems from the mocking her fellow cadet's bestowed upon her in the Academy. Most of them were jealous, and because she was given a provisional commission, they told her that she would soon fail. Taking this knowledge with her into her first assignment aboard the Resolution, she is always wondering if she has messed up. No matter what she does, she over worries about doing it right, and when it looks like she didn't or that her idea or theory was not good enough, she panics.

Most people see Ash as extremely nervous, and she has been known to literally run away from social situations. She will hide in corners if forced to attend social functions, and her favorite place to be is a small, out of the way corner of the Astrophysics Lab. If you were to watch her work, you would see her do multiple things at one time, generally having one screen full of code relating to a visual representation which is on another screen. Watching code, and understanding it, calms her down and helps her forget the social interactions she is forced to have. She will generally carry a PADD around for the same reason, as a way to cope with situations where she would love to run away, but cannot for one reason or another.

Being assigned to the away mission to Duronis II provided Ash with the chance to build her confidence, and thanks to the poking and pushing of senior officers, namely Lt. Commander Jaxx and Lieutenant Kora, she is starting to gain confidence in her new Starfleet role.

During the last mission, as Major West returned with Commander Turner from being kidnapped, Ash came in contact with Borg nanites that were wreaking havoc on the Major's body. Attempting to perform scientific analysis, Ash was pricked by the Major, thus beginning her own assimilation process. In the attempt to resolve the issue quickly, Marine Captain Iolo Llewelyn chose to cut off Ash's hand to prevent the process. Due to the trauma and the need for a proper prosthetic, Ash was transferred to Starbase 185 for treatment. Though she will miss the one close friend that she had made on the Resolution, Katy Orman, she once again ventures into the unknown.

Fitted with, and well versed in the use of her new hand, Ash was placed back on active duty and reassigned to the USS Eagle as a science officer. Currently on assignment in the Gamma quadrant, she travels accompanied by two other officers to the ship.

Still excelling in anything science related, she has risen through the ranks quickly. Slowly overcoming her overly shy nature, she is learning to trust in the abilities that she has. Although she still questions herself before she speaks, her scientific advice is usually dead on even in theoretical situations. She has the budding talent of making up theories on the fly, and she is learning that sometimes you just need to speak up. Even if you aren't right, others that are working on the problem can often jump off of what you have started.

Having overcome most of her paralyzing shyness, and once again working under the command of Lt. Commander Andrus Jaxx, Ash took the assignment of Chief Science Officer on the USS Victory.

When Admiral Rocar disappeared, and then was found injured and had to be transferred to Earth, Ash stepped up to help with command of the ship as Lt Commander Webb stepped into the first officer role. Upon returning for shore leave after a grueling mission into the Azure nebula, Jaxx was promoted to commanding officer of the ship and offered Ash the permanent position of First Officer. She accepted, and now is beginning a new path in her Starfleet Career.


Educated at home until she left to join Starfleet. Very high grades in sciences and mathematics, but falters in just about any other area.

Ash keeps to herself, and transfers all of her efforts into her studies. As a result, she excelled in the Academy and far outdistanced her classmates. Because she was so far ahead of them academically, she was offered a provisional commission aboard the USS Resolution, a science vessel that had just been commissioned.


Ash's parents are both archeologists that have been dispatched throughout the galaxy to study various civilizations. When Ash was born, they decided to settle on Earth in the land of their forefathers in order to share their love of history and the traditions of the human race. Since she joined Starfleet, they have returned to their old occupation on a limited basis. They still have the farm, however, which is always taken care of even if they are off world working.

Ash stays in touch with her parents on a regular basis. Her horse, Duster's Red Dawn, still remains on the farm for her to visit when she can.

Relationships of Interest:

Makal Kora - The Chief Science Officer aboard Ash's first assignment, the USS Resolution. Provided feedback and support, helping Ash grip the new role as a Starfleet officer.

Andrus Jaxx - Unofficially, Jaxx has always been a mentor to Ash. He was her first First Officer, the XO of the USS Resolution, when she was first assigned there as a provisional ensign. Over the years, the two have served on various ships together including the USS Eagle as well as the USS Victory. Jaxx provided support and guidance throughout her time as a provisional member of Starfleet, as well as through her career and personal growth. Unbeknownst to her, he has kept tabs on her throughout her career when they were not assigned to the same ship.

Katy Orman - Ash first met Katy when stationed on the USS Resolution. With an assignment that put Ash in the position to bring Katy up to speed on the current situation, Ash found herself spending lots of time with the woman. They discovered similar tastes and got along quite well. Over time, the two have formed a bond that Ash holds dear. When Ash lost her hand, Katy gifted her Mr Squishypants, and when Katy took an extended leave, it was on Earth that she went to spend the end of said leave with her best friend. Ash has no clue of the depth of Katy's feelings.

Radi Rais - Mr. Rais and Ash have not known each other long, but there seems to be a distinct attraction between the two. Having been on a couple of 'dates' and spending time together throughout their first shore leave, Ash has decided to allow the relationship to progress further despite her distinct lack of experience in that area of life. In fact, her first ever romantic kiss was experienced shortly before the USS Victory was sent to help with the Romulan evacuation while on the holodeck with Radi.

Adriana Morgan - Ash has only just met her new assistant, but has developed a positive first impression of the woman.

Professional History

  • 237911.02 - Accepted into Starfleet Academy
  • 238605.26 - Assigned to USS Resolution as a provisional ensign due to extremely high aptitude for science.
  • 238609.01 - Lost right hand due to Borg infiltration of the ship.
    • 238609.01 - Promoted, Full Ensign. Received Starfleet Commission and all privileges associated.
    • 238609.03 - Arrived, Starfleet Medical, Earth
  • 238610.01 - Reassigned to USS Eagle
    • 238610.08 - Promoted, Lt. Jg.
    • 238611.05 - Promoted, Full Lieutenant
  • 238706.18 - Reassigned USS Victory
    • 238706.21 - Assigned as Chief Science Officer, USS Victory
    • 238710.03 - Promoted, Lieutenant Commander
    • 238711.26 - Assigned as First Officer, USS Victory
  • 238807.02 - Relieved of duty, placed on medical leave.
    • 238807.10 - Transferred to StarBase 118 Ops
    • 238810.10 - Reinstated as Science Officer

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
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