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OOC Rank History

Starfleet Promotion & Assignment History
Dates Insignia Rank
238607.12 DS9style-cadet4 red.png Cadet, 1st Class
238607.15 - 238609.23 DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign
238609.23 - 238701.07 DS9style-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant (j.g.)
238701.07 - 238706.07 DS9style-lt gold.png Lieutenant
238706.07 - 238804.28 DS9style-ltcmdr red.png Lieutenant Commander
238804.28 - 238812.02 DS9style-cmdr red.png Commander
238812.02 - 238904.12 DS9style-cpt red.png Captain
238909.11 - 238911.23 DS9style-ltcmdr black.png Lieutenant Commander
238911.23 - 239008.04 DS9style-cpt red.png Captain
239008.04 - 239106.01 DS9style-fcpt red.png Fleet Captain
239106.01 - 239107.11 DS9style-lt black.png Lieutenant
239202.27 - 239204.18 DS9style-lt teal.png Lieutenant
239204.18 - 239207.15 DS9style-ltcmdr black.png Lieutenant Commander
239207.15 - Present DS9style-cmdr red.png Commander

Main Character History

File:Talliscrew.jpg Herreracrew.jpg Chensq.jpg File:Sheridansq.jpg Chensq.jpg
Tallis Rhul Diego Herrera Chen Vance Sheridan Chen
238607.12-238912.10 238912.10-239106.01 239106.01-239107.11 239202.27-239204.18 239204.18-Present

Secondary Character History

Herreracrew.jpg Herreracrew.jpg File:Talliscrew.jpg Chensq.jpg Iysq.jpg File:Kellansq.jpg
Diego Herrera Diego Herrera Tallis Rhul Chen Iy Kellan Joran
238707.20-238808.10 238811.28-238904.12 238912.10-239008.29 239104.15-239107.11 239203.28-239207.15 239207.15-Present

Command History

Ronin.jpg Mercury.jpg Vigilant.jpg File:Vigilant-A.jpg
USS Ronin USS Mercury USS Vigilant USS Vigilant-A
238808.10-238812.02 238812.02-238904.12 238912.10-239103.10 239103.10-239106.01

List of Characters

Chensq.jpg File:Kellansq.jpg File:Greirsq.jpg Nocrew.jpg File:Sheridansq.jpg Herreracrew.jpg
DS9style-cmdr red.png DS9style-lt gold.png DS9style-blank silver.png Card-Glinn.png DS9style-ltcmdr teal.png DS9style-fcpt red.png
Chen Kellan Joran Greir Reinard Lerinas Vance Sheridan Diego Herrera
Primary PC Secondary PC Active PNPC Active PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC
File:Mendessq.jpg File:Rasconthumb.jpg File:Anderssoncrew.jpg File:Borrthumb.jpg R'Marr.jpg Hallamsq.jpg
DS9style-wo black.png DS9style-ltjg gold.png DS9style-ltcmdr gold.png DS9style-recruit gold.png DS9style-ens teal.png DS9style-cpt red.png
Mendes, Johnny Daz Rascon Steffen Andersson Lucas Borr R'Marr Christian Hallam
Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC
Nocrew.jpg Mourathumb.jpg Nocrew.jpg Nocrew.jpg Nocrew.jpg File:Talliscrew.jpg
DS9style-ens teal.png DS9style-crew3 teal.png DS9style-blank silver.png DS9style-blank silver.png DS9style-blank silver.png DS9style-amb red.png
Aareth Abiona Moura Hawkes Karen Harrigan Reinard, Gjord Tallis Rhul
Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Inactive PNPC Active PNPC K.I.A.
Nocrew.jpg Solorthumb.jpg File:Menarnonunif.jpg File:Sobancrew.jpg T'Rellathumb.jpg Lukicsq.jpg
DS9style-blank silver.png DS9style-lt teal.png DS9style-1lt green.png Baj-1st Lieutenant.png DS9style-ens gold.png DS9style-wo black.png
Rori Reinard Solor Lex Menar Tallis Soban T'Rella Adrijan Lukic
238707.20-238808.10 238707.20-238808.10 238707.20-238808.10 238707.20-238808.10 238707.20-238808.10 238707.20-238808.10

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds PIC Uniform.png
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Doz Finch 2402.png
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
USS Gorkon-logo.png
Samira neathler xo.png
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Russell Standish Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Taelon AO2.jpg
Science Officer
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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