Rafael Lozano

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USS Eagle
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Rafael Maria Lozano Vega

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  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Psychiatrist
  • Ship: USS Eagle
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Race: Human
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Rafael "Felo" Maria Lozano Vega is currently a Counselor on the USS Eagle. He is a good natured, down-to-earth fellow, but a little too good at his job to maintain an actual social life. He deals exclusively with the most serious of cases. If you are in his office, there is a good chance you are about to be declared unfit for duty.

Oh, and he boxes. But that's a secret.


  • Full Name: Rafael Maria Lozano Vega
  • Goes By: Rafael Lozano
  • Nickname: Felo, Doc, Golden Boy (In the Ring)
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: Baracoa, Cuba
  • Date of Birth: April 12th
  • Age: Mid-Forties

Life Before Starfleet

If you were to ask Rafael Lozano about his life before entering Starfleet, you would get the simplest of answers. "I was born in Baracoa, studied in California, and had a private practice for several years beforehand."

More realistically, he was born to Carlos Lozano Rivera and Maria de Luz Vega de Soto, possibly the wealthiest couple in the city of Baracoa. Old money. Very old. And of Castilian origin. The Lozano boys, three in all, were a lively, mischievous, athletic, well-educated brood, and intelligent to boot. They were inseparable, and rarely competed for anything other than bragging rights. When the time came, they had their pick of any university. But only Rafael, being the youngest, was "given permission" to pick a career beyond the limits of their city.

He chose medicine. His college life was typical. Plenty of partying the first few years, followed by an abrupt onset of maturity. For Rafael, it hit a little harder, as his father died during his senior year. After finishing school, he returned to Cuba for a year, and then it was back to America for medical school, his residency, etc... By the end, this new country was his home, and so he elected to set up a private psychiatry practice. After the death of his mother, his brothers jointly took residence in the family estate. Rafael was expected to return to Cuba and join them, but chose to remain in the United States. This remains a point of contention, putting it mildly.

The next decade was spent dutifully on his career and he became quite renown in the field. Plans to start a family slowed and then came to a complete halt. The eligible socialite bachelor had been transformed into a man who could think of work as his only mistress.

And what led to Starfleet? He was recruited. With counseling being one of the least sought focuses in the Academy, recruiters have been forced to look to the outside. Seeing the opportunity as something greater than himself, Rafael accepted with hardly a hesitation. He studied at the Academy at an accelerated pace and was assigned to the USS Eagle immediately upon graduation.


  • Height: 5' 11
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Style of Hair: Short; Typically uses product
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Complexion: Tan
  • Birthmarks/Scars: A few scars on torso from boxing matches, keeps them well hidden. Has been known to support the occasional black eye, or facial bruise, but as it is his job to deal with the mentally unstable, this is never really questioned.
  • Build: Compactly muscular and deceptively trim, meaning you can't tell just how athletic he is until he's got some skin exposed. He could do some real damage, but one might not expect it. And he absolutely will do some damage to you in the ring.
  • Carriage: Walks with classy air about him, good posture, stately movements, but not stiff
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Everything he owns is either directly from Cuba, or replicated to look the same; Most items seem appropriate for much warmer weather; Light colors, loose fitting shirts
  • Voice: Tenor, with a Cuban accent
  • Handedness: Left-Handed


  • Temperament: A friendly person, regarded by all as a really nice guy--and that he most certainly is. And classy, too. Almost unfortunately, he is exceptionally good at his job, performing some of the darker and more emotionally grueling tasks aboard on a daily basis: namely, reviewing the most serious mental health cases and determining who is unfit for duty. Such a difficult job has somewhat worn on him over the years, but he could not possibly imagine doing anything else. Frankly, he is a workaholic; his job so exhausts him that he rarely has time for anything other than sleep when not on duty. Of course, he considers himself to be constantly on duty.

Given the time to indulge in a life outside of work, he would be a highly desirable friend: loyal, selfless, and drama-phobic. He was once known to be a blast at parties, in the best possible sense. And even though he might be considered devastatingly handsome by many, it's almost as if he has no idea. Noble and virtuous, Rafael is a rare sort of person. Maybe one day he'll realize it.

Of course, there are negative traits as well, mostly centered around his inability to maintain a social life. He prefers not to get too close to people, because he cannot give friendships the time they deserve. The same goes for romantic relationships, doubly so. All work an no play has made him slightly moodier than he would like, as well as fatigued. And lately he's been wondering if the stress of work might send him to an early grave.

  • Talents: Plays guitar and sings well, or would if he had any time to do it. A good cook and a bit of a foodie when he indulges.
  • Habits: Naturally messy. His office is decorated only by piles of paperwork, though he claims he has "a system" and "knows where everything is." Generally has the minor and mostly inconsequential bad habits of someone who had most things provided for him in life--not cleaning up after himself, poor sleeping patterns. On the positive side, he is very polite and socially adept, always greeting people warmly... even if there's rarely time to chat.
  • Mannerisms: Smiles easily, usually with teeth. A very warm and approachable smile. Always gives the impression that he's bogged down with work, which he is.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Catholic (Sometimes Practicing)
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: On the record, there's no time for hobbits. He occasionally collects trinkets and anthropological items. Sometimes he even displays them. Off the record, he indulges in "underground" boxing matches, more often as a competitor than a spectator. Calls it his release. Also plays soccer.
  • Likes: Gourmet cuisine, Cuban beverages, warm weather, all sports especially boxing and soccer, Cuban cigars
  • Dislikes: Cold weather, people who make drama
  • Ambitions and Goals: Having achieved all he has set out to do with his career, his remaining goals are deeply personal. He's just searching for a little more happiness here and there.
  • Disappointments in Life: Blood proved a little thinner than water...
  • Mental State: Healthy and positive; extremely bright and socially adept; but has been known to tire easily.
  • Quarters: Spare, but rather cozy. The furniture he keeps is plush and comfortable. The walls are blue, the windows are covered with wooden blinds, most other things in the room are earth toned. And it is usually kept at a warmer than most would find comfortable. On the whole, it looks like a wealthy man's bachelor pad. Usually a mess, though he rarely notices until it's out of control.


  • Father: Carlos Lozano Rivera (Deceased)
  • Mother: Maria de Luz Vega de Soto (Deceased)
  • Siblings: Juan Carlos Lozano Rivera and Hugo Teresa Lozano Rivera
  • Marital Status: Single, Basically celebate
  • Number of Children: None

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
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Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
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Science Ofc.
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Medical Ofc.
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Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
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Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
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Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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