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Ensign Syrrlys is currently serving as an Engineer aboard the USS Ronin.


Name : Syrrlys of the Que'gh'aeth Clan Age : 102 Cycles (36 Earth Years / Born : May 8th 2332) Species : Saurian Gender : Male Hair color : None Eye color : Green Height : 6'3 Complexion : Dark Red with orange patches FAMILY: Parents : Que'gh'aeth Clan (No precise parents, they are raised by the whole clan) Siblings : 11 Hivebrothers / 16 Hivesisters Spouse : None Children : Unknown


Syrrlys was born on Saurion III over 36 years ago, he was raised by his kins in the hatchery for 15 cycles (1 cycle = about 130 earth days). After his first maturation he left the hatchery to go to the temple of knowledge with the other younglings of his age. When he reached the age of 60 cycles he got tired of learning and decided to start living, so he left the planet and did some hitchhiking for some years until he got enough personal experience to get hired in the saurian merchant fleet. After that he spent the next 32 cycles shipping saurian brandy around the sector, where he learned to patch the ship up working as a junior apprentice in the engineering team. This time spent in space also taught him about how to deal with other traders, and ferengi in particular. It is only when he was offered his own ship by the company, that he took some time to think about what he really wanted in life. He decided to take a leave, and realized after a while that his place was among the stars... But it was not to ship cargo around the quadrant. After much tought he decided that a life in starfleet would put his skills up to a real challenge and be used for a greater good, so he never came back from his leave and took a shuttle to earth hoping for a better future.

Psychological Profile

The dealings he had in his previous job gave him some good people skills among aliens, even If his speicies is not known for being social creatures. He developped a knack for the game of tongo which he practiced almost everytime he was among the ferengi.

His time in the merchant fleet also gave him a lot of engineering skills, but those were not up to starfleet recommendations, he had a lot of trouble in his first years at the academy learning not only to solve a problem, but to solve it the right way, with the right tools.

He has difficulty appreciating other species music due to the fact that he has very little hearing in the high frequencies. Even tough, he likes to play rhythmic music using drums and tambourines when he has the time.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
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