Victory Monthly Mission Report


Mission Reports

Every month, one of the Victory crewmembers writes a monthly summary about all ship activities.

These summaries are written to give you a global idea of what happens aboard the fine Intrepid Class starship. To that end, a certain level of detail is being maintained. Personal b-plots and personnal experiences will not be mentioned unless important for the main plot. The entries below are sorted by stardate.

Stardate: 238307

With warp speed climbing to 8.9, Lt.’s Chris Wadham and Ben Hunnicutt (Terrans) worked at a fever pitch to get the ship’s systems back to normal and in control.

In the holodeck on deck five, Lt. Xavier Proud and Lt.Cmdr. Julia Harden (Terrans) fired phasers and watched as several sections of the holodeck began to collapse. Quickly, they made their way to the bridge where their tiny Commanding Officer, Captain Robin Phoenix (Terran, shrunken by a transporter accident) was standing on the seat of her chair, short and proud, leading her crew.

On deck 12, Lt.Cmdr. Cura Stone (Betazoid/Argelian hybrid), in desperation, slammed her fist on the console and the holodeck disabled the remainder of the program. Sniper had been put in his place and Lt.Cmdr. Paul Diamond (Terran, XO) was back in control for good.

Not believing him, Lt. Fanel fired on Mr. Diamond, the shots absorbed by the light saber Paul still held. The three made their way to sickbay, accompanied by a heavy discussion over Paul’s ability to stay in control and Cura’s perceived undermining of Fanel’s authority as Security Chief.

Lt. Hunnicutt had cut the power to the engines but he had fried the Warp engines to do it. Harden & Proud, after testing the gel packs and finding that they were not infected nor the cause of the Victory's problems, set about fixing a few minor inconveniences like lights and a limited number of ]]ma:Combadge|communication badges]].

Dr. Harden turned the problem of the captain’s size over to the Lab Rats, Tina and Rena (NPCs). They came up with a cure, but it would leave Captain Phoenix with increased strength. Their only other hope was to reverse the transporters and in turn, reverse the impairment to Robin’s body.

Upon investigating Gosport Galley, Lt.Cmdr. Stone found that the vortex that was absorbing the energy from the gel packs had collapsed. Just as everything looked like it was nearing normalcy, Captain Phoenix and Cmdr. Diamond were relieved of duty by Dr. Harden. Lt.Cmdr. Cura Stone, as the next highest ranking bridge officer, was placed in command of the USS Victory.

Stardate: 238306

The USS Victory NCC-362447 went into a tailspin of malfunctions. Guesses included electo-magnetic interference from a nearby source. Lt.(jg) Xavier Proud (terran) took a guess that it may be a cascade effect progressing downwards from the upper decks. No one could pinpoint the exact problem.

The crew split into teams. Lt. Ben Hunnicutt and Lt. Chris Wadham (terrans) went to Engineering to see if there was a way to safe-guard the engines. They were able to bring several systems back online for a short time before the controls shorted out leaving them in the dark.

Lt. Cmdr. Paul Diamond (Terran, XO) Lt. Commander Cura Stone (Betazoid/Argelian hybrid) and Lt. Jacen Fanel (terran) made their way to Gosport Galley. There, Cmdr. Diamond fell hitting his head. That was all it took for his Warrior Spirit, the Sniper Persona, to take over. Chasing after the lieutenant commander, Stone and Fanel found themselves trapped in a holodeck where Diamond was holed up in a cave, Stone was rescued by a gallant young hologram named Jonathan and Fanel was leading a military team trying to get everyone back together again.

Lt. Cmdr. Julia Harden, Lt.(jg) Xavier Proud and Ensign Josh Overmont (terrans) followed a gel pack hypothesis in which there might be a virus. Meaning to stop at sickbay, they discovered they were on deck six instead of deck five. The holodeck kept changing scenarios while the team tried desperately to find the controls.

Lt. Aresee Ventu and Lt(jg) Tyler Brooks stayed with Captain Robin Phoenix (all terrans) on the bridge. As the systems overloaded, Capt. Phoenix ordered the computer to beam everyone to the nearest Jefferies Tube. The captain was the last to be beamed away. Regrettably, the bridge blew up just as Captain Phoenix was being beamed to safety leaving her stranded in the cargo bay in the body of a very small person. With the help of Cmdr. Diamond’s pet Dragool, she was able to make her way back to the bridge.

In the main shuttlebay, hull integrity failed. As the bay decompressed, the Victory was pushed forward. They were now headed toward an asteroid field. Steer-less and powerless.

Stardate: 238305

The USS Victory NCC - 362447, after hard work on the great mystery, solved the issue of the missing mother of our counselor Lt.JG. Aresee Ventu (terran). Though the exact details have been deemed classified by Starfleet Intelligence and it’s future sister organisation, it is safe to say time will never be the same.

After a change in heading and some time to take care of routine post mission protocols, Captain at Large Mal Avatar (Andorian) of the USS Columbia NCC – 85279 visited the Victory. After docking the Columbia’s Captain’s Yaught the Kumari in a paralel heading, Avatar beamed aboard to take a role in the upcoming promotion ceremony aboard the Intrepid class vessel.

Lt.Commander Julia Harden (terran) and Lt.Jg. Ben Hunnicutt (terran) had been in charge of redecorating the Gosport Galley, Victory’s mess-hall, and done an outstanding job. Everything was in order for the ceremony and the after-party, Victory style. Captain Avatar took the spotlight on the podium first, and officially promoted Commander Robin Phoenix (terran) to the rank of Captain, and transferred the official codings and responsibilities to her.

After this, the newly promoted Captain issued some promotions of her own as many of the crew received one. Amongst them were some of the newest Victory crewmembers as well as older seasoned officers. The party followed, as some crewmembers decided to make a party for their own. Avatar, Phoenix, Commander Paul Diamond (terran) and Harden decided to leave the party and do some much overdue talking and adventure sharing.

During this private party in the Captain’s quarters, it soon became clear the quiet time between events was about over. A mysterious replicator malfunction was one of the first signs something was quite wrong aboard the USS Victory. Soon, doors, lights and turbolifts started to malfunction at random.

Captain Avatar was called back to the USS Columbia, and beamed back aboard the Kumari. Meanwhile, yellow alert was initiated and the entire senior staff called to the bridge for emergency conference. Upto now, no cause of the increasingly serious system malfunctions have been found. It is hoped a solution will be found before more critical systems start breaking down.

Stardate: 238304

Cmdr. Phoenix (Terran) (Acting Captain) and Lt.Cmdr. Diamond (Terran) (First Officer) settled into the captain’s ready room to discuss their next actions.

Mysteriously, an object manifested itself in the mess hall (Gosport Galley). The thing was made up of dozens of sides, about two meters tall, with an interesting gleaming mix of gold and silver. Previously, Matilda Taylor-Ventu (counselor Ventu's mother)had an object removed from the back of her neck. Now, she rushed into the room darting quickly into the strange object with that same component. While her daughter, Counselor Aresee Ventu (Terran) watched, the object and her mother disappeared.

Meanwhile, Cmdr. Janatra (Romulan) was entertaining the Tal'Shiar on board the IRW Falcon. After two hours, Janatra had managed to convince his interrogators that he did NOT just complete a mission between his ship and the Federation ship, USS Victory. Soon after that, he rendezvoused with that same ship to collect his son and crew.

The investigation into the mysterious object ended with speculation of Chroniton Particles and Time Travel.

The marines were transported to a ship that would return them to Federation space and their base. Three ensigns had been assigned to the Victory and had arrived during the mission on Celipentha Station.

An added enigma leant more mystery to the USS Victory: Lt. Jacen Fanel (Terran) (Chief Security/Tactical Officer) was discovered to be a double agent, his other occupation being with Starfleet Intelligence.

Stardate: 238303

Team Alpha, led by Lt. Cmdr. Julia Harden, (Terran) (CMO, Acting First Officer), located the auxilliary engineering and computer controls. Also locating the prison cells where the Starfleet marines undoubedly were being held, they then signaled Bravo Team that it was safe to exit their hiding place. Alpha team carefully and stealthily moved back into the corridor where a Green Alert (the Romulan equivalent of Red Alert) was sounded.

Unknown to either team, Matilda Tayler-Ventu (Terran), Counselor Ventu’s mother, had taken a shuttle from the Victory and is now on Celipentha Station (running amok) which had triggered the alert and sent Romulans and Starfleet trying to capture her.

Bravo Team, led by Cmdr. Robin Phoenix, (CO) (Terran), was discovered in their hiding place by a Romulan inspection team. Acting swiftly, the Starfleet officers overpowered the Romulans and escaped into the station. Startled to find a bomb attached to an energy core, Cmdr. Phoenix decided to put her life at risk to disarm it.

Alpha Team was able to blend in with the other Centurions. Unexpectedly they came face to face with Lt.Cmdr. Paul Diamond (Terran), who was there to recover a stolen data chip. Teaming up, Cmdr. Diamond acted as a prisoner in order to bluff their way into the tightly guarded cell block.

With the bomb ticking and time running out, Alpha Team found the marines and beamed them to safety aboard a cloaked Romulan Shuttle waiting there for that purpose. Lt. Hunnicutt (Terran), defied orders to help Cmdr. Phoenix disable the bomb but found they were unable to do so. They did find out that it would be detonated remotely. Cmdr. Phoenix managed to hold the bomb together with her mental abilities until she passed out. Lt. Hunnicutt had her beamed off the station onto Shuttle #2.

The contingent of Marines, several Romulan prisoners and a few other species also being held were liberated and beamed to Shuttle #1 then taken to the Victory. The bomb exploded taking part of the station with it.

After getting the diverse species settled into guest quarters and the wounded sent to sickbay, Cmdrs. Harden and Diamond met with Cmdr. Phoenix in her ready room where she asked Cmdr. Diamond to accept the position of First Officer of the Victory. He accepted.

Stardate: 238302

Having been appointed the Commanding Officer of the USS Victory, Commander Phoenix (terran) finds herself planning and executing a highly delicate mission on behalf of Starfleet Intelligence.

A platoon of Starfleet marines was supposed to rendezvous with the USS Nubulus near the Acmar System. Whilst this was a routine operation, a navigational error caused their troop transport ship to end up somewhere between Romulan and Klingon space, where it vanished. Starfleet Intelligence has informed Cmdr Phoenix that the Romulan Tal Shiar has taken command of a derelict station left from Dominion War, outside Romulan Space, which they identify as Celipentha Station. They believe that the Romulans use it as a prison for enemies of the Empire and have incarcerated the marines there. It is also believed that the station is a platform for Romulan intelligence missions against the Klingon Empire.

Unfortunately, because the marines are not held prisoner officially by the Romulans, the Federation is unable to use diplomatic means to secure their release. To solve this problem, the USS Victory is ordered to go on a black mission (top secret and unofficial) to free the Starfleet Marines. Cmdr Phoenix is ordered to retain full invisibility and stealth during the operation. Although the station is not officially Romulan or even officially exists, failure could mean international incident resulting in another war.

Cmdr Phoenix elicits that assistance of Commander Janatra, a Romulan who has played a role in some former and current Victory member's career and lives. Having earned each other's trust, Phoenix is forced to call in quite a big one favour. The Victory and Janatra’s vessel, the Romulan Starship Falcon, rendezvous in a nebula close to the Romulan border, where their plans are developed. Janatra agrees to transport two small Starfleet teams, heavily disguised as Romulans to the station.

The three person Alpha team, led by Lt Cmdr Harden (Terran) (MD, and acting First Officer), successfully (albeit temporarily) fool the Tal Shiar security as they enter the station in their disguise. Their plan is to access auxiliary engineering and computer controls within the space station. Team Bravo, led by Cmdr Phoenix, is beamed across by the Falcon in a cargo container. The plan is for team Alpha to safely lead team Bravo to the marines’ cells, from which a daring extraction plan will be executed.

However, the unexpected arrival by shuttle of Matilda Tayler-Ventu, Counselor Aresee Ventu’s mother, has caused this well laid plan to go awry.

Stardate: 238301

A few days into the investigation regarding Captain Jordan Hurne’s (Terran) disappearance, Starfleet Command contacted the Victory’s acting CO. Admiral Decilla (Terran/NPC) ordered the crew to cease the investigation and contact Captain at Large Mal Avatar (Andorian) of the USS Columbia NCC-85279. The Captain instructed the USS Victory NCC-362447 to rendezvous with the Columbia’s Captain’s yacht at Galordon Core, near the Romulan neutral zone.

Onboard the Victory, the crew was having difficulty letting go of the investigation to their missing Captain. How could Starfleet expect to drop an important thing like this? Luckily, Captain Avatar managed to ease the tension upon his arrival, as he informed the crew of what really had happened to their former CO. It appeared the Captain had been recalled to join a certain department within Section 31, for which the Captain had worked as well during his Starfleet career.

After this information, Captain Avatar and Commander Robin Phoenix (Terran) discussed the Victory’s future. The former FO was granted the title of commanding officer, but to make the title official she had to pass the exam. A dangerous mission, devised by Starfleet Intelligence. However, before the crew started working in this new task, they were treated to a long overdue promotions ceremony and the distributing of this year’s awards. Avatar and Phoenix presented the promotions and awards together. After the ceremonies, Captain Avatar left the ship and returned to his own.

Commander Robin Phoenix and Lieutenant Commander Nugra (Gorn) had been appointed as the new command team. However, before their first mission together could commence, Commander Nugra was recalled to the Gorn confederation. Lieutenant Bennit (Orion) also left the ship for a transfer.

Currently the Victory is planning and preparing their classified mission, despite of the lack of senior officers.

Stardate: 238212

The USS Victory NCC 362447and her crew had a tough time during their mission in the Tanuga System.

As a rescue team led by Commander Nugra (Gorn) struggled to free the First Officer, Commander Robin Phoenix (terran), from the medical experiments performed by the terrorist Tanugans, all personnel was called back aboard the Victory for safety reasons. After the rescue, which almost ended in disaster because the enemy outnumbered the team, the Tanugan government send in special forces to secure the terrorist compound.

Upon their return aboard the Victory, the rescue team and FO were patched up by Doctor Julia Harden (terran) and her team only to be send back down again for a cloak and dagger mission. Information had been found during the last mission explaining the organizational structure of the entire Tanugan terrorist cells. One of the leaders appeared to be a highly respected man, the commander of Tanugan security himself.

A small team of four people was formed and headed back to the planet in ashuttle that had been made virtually invisible by CEO Ensign Ben Hunnicutt(terran). Meanwhile, the Victory faked her leaving the system and hide behind the second moon of Tanuga IV. Leaving the altered and pre-programmed shuttle in orbit, the team managed to beam down without being detected and took their positions in one of the key terrorist warehouses stocked with illegal Klingon, Breen, Romulan, Ferengi and Federation weapons.

Upon the arrival of commander of security Plaiax (Tanugan) and his posse, the team sprang the trap. The battle went swift and organized, using the element of surprise in overpowering the opponents. As ordered, Plaiax and one other lead figure were captured and returned with the team to the shuttle still in orbit. As the shuttle headed back for the Victory, still behind the moon, they were detected and attacked by five Tanugan shuttlecrafts. Fortunately the Victory came to the rescue.

As the team returned to the ship, it had became clear Captain Jordan Hurne (terran) was missing. Although and investigation is currently continuing, no sign or explanation of his disappearance have been found so far. Although an unidentified code, possibly from Starfleet Intelligence, has been found in the Captain's last log and the primary transporter room. Also two mugs have been found in the Captain's quarters, suggesting Captain Hurne had at least one guest.

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