James Kolk

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Known History

Jackford "Evil Jack" Kolk is a version of Jackford B. Kolk who was a Starfleet Lieutenant and Chief Engineer on Deep Space 17 in an alternate universe (Universe 107-LS9) until he was arrested for insubordination, and perhaps even treason, by his commanding officer, Station Commander Danny Wilde of the alternate universe. Before any further action could be taken against him, he escaped and accidentally crossed over into our universe.

Once here, he made his way onto the USS Ronin to seek his revenge on this universe's Lt. Commander Wilde but was briefly apprehended until a subspace surge from the first warp-capable Sya-Negan ship knocked out many of the Ronin's systems, including the brig's forcefields. He managed to severely injure Lt. Commander Wilde, shooting him five times, at close range, with two phaser rifles, but was then knocked out by a swift kick from Dr. Adair. He was then placed in a stasis pod that was beamed to the Ronin's brig. From there, his stasis pod was placed in the custody of DS17's Security Department.

Some time later, the Alternate Danny Wilde posed as the real one and had Evil Jack released into his custody, in order to kidnap Idril Mar and kill her (by then) husband LtCmdr. Danny Wilde. The kidnapping didn't go so well for the Alernate Danny, but Evil Jack was pleased. This universe's Danny Wilde survived, Idril was poisoned (by Evil Jack), and the alternate Wilde died trying to save her. In the end, Evil Jack ended up making off with Alternate Wilde's personalized shuttle, the SS Idril Mar, and heading off toward the Ithassa Region to do whatever evil villains do.

In Ithassa, rumor has it that he was responsible for the destruction of an FTU Trading station in the Delphis system shortly before picking up Lt.J.G. Shepard from Layte and dropping him at DS17 with a message about how the Lt. had broken the Prime Directive. From there, he headed off toward Gorn territory and it is believed he means to enact revenge on them for the destruction they caused in his universe.

He has since sent a transmition to LtCmdr. Kolk from the Cardassian system of Arawath with two sets of coordinates and the cryptic message, "Hic Iacet Iackfordus, Tyrannus Quondam Tyrannusque Futurus." (In Latin, it means, "Here Lies Jackford, the Once & Future Tyrant.") Intelligence reports indicate that the Arawath System was destroyed by a supernova at roughly the same time as when the transmission originated.

Unconfirmed sightings suggest that he spent several months posing as an Ensign Henry Jackal in the Science Department aboard the USS Independence, NCC-1776-A. No further contact has been made.


Set down to a nice cup of chocolate milk, he would likely complain about being confused with someone from the "Mirror Universe." He would insist that his universe isn't nearly as barbaric as that, and in this one he's very misunderstood. He's just trying to make a life for himself in a universe where everyone is against him... Of course, if I were you, I wouldn't get too sympathetic in that discussion; he might slit your throat in an instant if it served his purposes.

Physical Characteristics

  • Distinguishing Features:
    • Tattoo: The words "Brethren of the Ronin", on his left bicep. (Those who were members of the command staff of the USS Ronin on Stardate 238510.31 believe this tattoo to be on Jackford Kolk's bicep, but they unknowingly branded his alternate instead.)


Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Assignment Post
001-Cadet4th-White.png Cadet, 4th Class 237909.01 - 238007.31 Starfleet Academy,
San Fransisco,
Major: Communications/Operations
Minor: Astronomy
002-Cadet3rd-White.png Cadet, 3rd Class 238009.01 - 238107.31
003-Cadet2nd-White.png Cadet, 2nd Class 238109.01 - 238207.31
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 238209.01 - 238307.31
004-Cadet1st-Red.png 238308.01 - 238309.13 USS Centris-A
Event: Gorn War Escallation 238309.13 Training Cruise Cut Short
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign 238309.14 - 238310.04 Deep Space 17 Engineer
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant J.G. 238310.05 - 238402.24 Assistant Chief Engineer
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant 238402.25 - 238404.11 Chief Engineer
Event: Transphasic Rift at Deep Space 17 238404.11 Openned Rift. Commission Revoked.
Escaped to Universe 001-A01.
Event: Capture & Transfer to
Deep Space 17 Custody
238410.31 Captured Aboard USS Ronin. Escaped,
Maimed LtCmdr. Wilde. Recaptured.
Event: Kidnapping & Poisoning of Captain Mar 238507.25 Released by Alt. Wilde. Kidnapped Mar.
Escaped to Ithassa Region in SS Idril Mar.
Former Lieutenant 238507.25 - Present SS Idril Mar Wanted Criminal
Event: Attack on Golarem IV 238512.13 Attacked mining facility at Golarem IV posing as Cardassian.
Disabled freighter, killing crew.
Event: Arawath Disaster 238603.03 Destroyed Arawath System posing as Gorn.
Escaped to Universe 107-LS9.
Event: Creation of Vulcan's Harp Wormhole 238702.25 Inadvertantly intercepted USS Ronin's warp-coridor propulsion test, creating half-stable wormhold in Vulcan's Harp Nebula. Returned from Universe 107-LS9.
01-Ens-Blue.png "Ensign Henry Jackal" 238801.20 - 238808.20 USS Independence-A Subspace & Multi-Dimensional Physicist
