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Denali Station
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
PICstyle-end blue.png
Position Historian and Archaeological Officer
Rank Lt. Commander
Species Vulcan/Romulan
Gender Female
Birthplace Imperial Romulan Warbird Hexce
Writer ID I238301T10
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GornCampaign 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Bajoran Campaign Ribbon
Purple Heart
Explorer's Ribbon
Extended Service Ribbon
Klingon Invasion Ribbon
Gateway Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Medical Science Ribbon
Prometheus Ribbon
Gorn Campaign Ribbon
Distinguished Service Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon

Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost CochraneAward 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards Special Kalendra 2011.jpg
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Awards General 10Year 2011.jpg
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png

Cochrane Award
Neelix Award
Nebula Bar
B-Plot Award
3-year Member
Sheathed Sword
Kalendra Award
5-year Member
Silver Palm
10-year Member
Pathfinder Award
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement Second Class

Top Sim of the Year
Badge 1.png
Top Sim Set Winner
Badge 2.png
Top Sim Round Winner
Badge 1.png

Lieutenant Commander T'Lea serves aboard the USS Constitution-B.

  • Full Name: T'Lea


  • Race: Vulcan/Romulan hybrid
  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • Place of Birth: Imperial Romulan Warbird Hexce
  • Age: 32 (apparent age, Mid-20s)
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T3 Telepathic/Empathic Scale


  • Height: 5'7"
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Birthmarks, Scars: There is a small scar hidden within her hairline from a brain surgery.
  • Build: Tone
  • Carriage: Vulcan postured
  • Voice: Smokey
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous


  • Quarters: Her living space pratically void any personal decorations or belongings. There are several rare artifacts that are displayed on a single shelf along side a Romulan Military Award that belonged to her mother.
  • Habits: The famous Vulcan eyebrow
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: A mild following in the teachings of Surak
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Holodeck docu-novels of famous historical events. Research in her occupational field. A devout study in the Vulcan Martial Arts and neuropressure points.
  • Likes: Exploring exotic locations with historical significance. Mostly a vegitarian, but will eat fish on occasion.
  • Dislikes: Being lied to. Meaty foods. Children.
  • Ambitions and Goals: To discover the Lost Planet of Salvania.
  • Temperment: It is a constant struggle for T'Lea to find a balance between Vulcan logic and her emotional, irrational side.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): A fear of rat-like creatures, bunny rabbits included.
  • Physical Limitations: Cold weather slows her down. She has poor marskmanship skills, especially hand phasers. She is only slightly better with a rifle.


  • Marital Status: Single.
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Keros, Vulcan Counsel Member, deceased.
    • Mother: Raivus, Romulan Tal Shiar agent gone Rogue. She assassinated her husband, Keros, for the Romulan Empire. She is now under the protection of SFI Black Ops. Division.
  • Siblings: None.

Personal History

Childhood Years: As a child T’Lea traveled extensively with her uncle, Zadok, to various archeology expeditions across the galaxy. She was exposed to many cultures, languages, and sometimes certain behaviors that young children should never witness. For these reasons, Zadok had T’Lea’s tutors put an extra effort into making her study and practice the Vulcan teachings of Surak. T’Lea hated every second of her lessons and often went out of her way to provoke emotion from her ridged and strict teachers, as well as her guardian. Early on, Zadok learned that there would be no taming T’Lea’s mischievous, rebellious Romulan side, but he would never stop trying.

Young-Adult Years: As T’Lea reached maturity she found herself growing more independent, angry and more defiant of everything Vulcan. During the exclusive excavation of an ancient civilization on N’Dallis Prime, located in the Bogon system, T’Lea left the unpredictable sandstorms of the desert dig-site and sought refuge in the inner city. She quickly found her place as the Alpha Female in a notorious and deadly gang. For four long years she carved out her reputation as the most lethal, heartless, and cunning ruler of the streets -- earning the name, "The Butcheress of N'Dallis Prime" -- and along side her mate Dragus, Alpha Male of the gang, their empire was quick to threaten established enemy territories. Soon opposition fell at the duo’s bloodstained hands, but T’Lea’s lust for power, and the inherent legacy left behind by her mother, once again lead to the ultimate betrayal. Seeking a higher social status, T’Lea conspired to have her mate, Dragus, murdered in exchange for a privileged political rank. The sinister plan went awry. She not only saw to the destruction of her mate, but successfully destroyed herself as well.

Fleeing the city a broken and shattered mess with a Warrant for Vengeance on her head, T’Lea returned to her guardian Zadok, hoping that he would get her off the planet before the Sentinels and/or Bounty Hunters found her. With T'Lea in a comatose state, Zadok fled the Bogon System and arrived on a remote, illegal medical science facility, where he enlisted the expertise of an Ullian to rewrite T’Lea’s memories -- making her docile, peaceful, and logical. With a new Vulcan foundation in place, T’Lea’s violent memories were tamed, and she was completely unaware of the involuntary memory reprogamming she’d suffered. As far T’Lea was concerned, she gave up her brutal past and found sanctuary in the teachings of Surak. Under these false pretences T’Lea studied at the Vulcan Science Academy, and later joined Starfleet. Although she still struggled with her suppressed Romulan side, she managed to work her way through training with logic and Vulcan integrity.

Over time the memory reconstruction procedure slowly started to deteriorate. During the Ambrosia mission, Ethereal creatures finally broke down the memory barriers and revealed the truth about T’Lea’s past. The shocking revelation thrust T’Lea’s Romulan side to the forefront once again, and forced her false Vulcan half into a deep meditative state. T’Lea is now ruled by her manipulative Romulan heritage and the intense drive to find her estranged mother.

Expedition 1.0: While trying to uncover the mystery behind an Iconian Artifact, Lt. Cmdr. T’Lea and 1st Lt. Dade Adarnis were kidnapped by N’Dallis Prime bounty hunters and taken back to fulfill a warrant for T’Lea’s arrest. After enduring two days of torture for her crimes, a Romulan Tal Shiar agent, named Tomal, who had arranged the kidnapping in the first place, also arranged for their escape. The premise behind this deal was that T’Lea would lead him to her Uncle’s old dig site where they would find the last clue to the Iconian Artifact. It was discovered that the Iconians built a gateway here and the artifact was a power source. Upon opening the gateway a backlash of cataclysmic events began. T'Lea and Dade passed through the gateway to the other side, but it is unknown precisely what happened to T’Lea and Dade when they went through the gateway. Shortly after they were safely returned to N’Dallis Prime. The gateway is buried under a ton of sand in the desert.

Present: After a failed career change with Starfleet Intelligence, T'Lea found her self in a prison for a few months for breaking the Director of SFI's nose. With a demotion she was returned to service as a Lieutenant and the Historian/Archaeological Specialist of the USS Constitution-B. But all was not well with the Romu-vulc. Enduring months of mental and physical torture at the hands of her mother, and the corrupt Black Ops. Director, T'Lea teetered on the brink of insanity when she was released back to duty. Black Ops. wanted information that was protected by a telepath-inhibitor chip, which T'Lea implanted in her own brain. The information they seek is the location of the Iconian artifact and the gateway. With the help of Counselor Della Vetri, the Romu-vulc has made a full recovery in her mental health. However, Black Ops. is still watching and waiting for the opportunity to take another crack at the hybrid.

As the T-inhibitor chip started to rapidly degrade, T’Lea was faced with the reality of death or permanent brain damage if the implant was not promptly removed. Consequently the T-inhibitor was the only thing keeping Black Ops. from telepathically ripping vital information from her mind. Therefore, it was necessary for a secret surgery to be arranged with the help of Commander Toni Turner operating. Unable to face her own demise, T’Lea approached Counselor Vetri about hosting her Katra while the delicate medical procedure was performed to extract the failing implant. After much consideration Della agreed to the request and soon the Trill was not only playing host to several past lives, but one shady Romu-vulc as well. During their time together Della and T'Lea became extremely close, learning intimate details about each other and their past, but with the operation a success, thanks to the skilled hands of Commander Turner, Dr. Diamond and some unique nanites, it was time for T’Lea’s Katra to return to her own body.

Now with a fully functioning, intact brain, and her Katra in place, T’Lea is back to perfect health. However, with the T-inhibitor chip removed, she must live with the fact that Black Ops. may find out that she is no longer protected by the implant, and seek to bring her back in for interrogations.

  • Notes: T'Lea is pronounced, T'Lee.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238111.23
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Current Assignment: USS Constitution-B
  • Duty Post: Historian & Archaelogical Officer


  • Vulcan Science Academy
  • Anthropology, Astral Anthropology
  • Archaeology, Exoarchaeology
  • Mythology, Xenomythology
  • Starfleet Academy
  • Spatial Anomaly, Wormholes, etc.
  • Stellar Cartography
  • History, Ancient Civilizations
  • Linguistics, Ancient and Classical Languages
  • Cryptography

Awards & Commendations

  • The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1: 238301.06.
  • The Cochrane Award: 238301.06
  • The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement Second Class:238401.11
  • The Neelix Award:238502.22
  • The Nebula Bar:238502.22
  • The B-Plot Award:238601.28


USS Columbia, Chief Science Officer

Starbase 118, Chief Science Officer

USS Challenger, Chief Science Officer

Starbase 118, Historian and Archaelogical Officer

USS Indria-A, Historian and Archaelogical Officer

USS Constitution-B, Historian and Archaeological Officer
