Drawoh-Hilzarie, Rocar/Personal History: Starfleet Years

< Drawoh-Hilzarie, Rocar
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Crew of the USS Victory
Rocar Drawoh


Professional   ·   Personal  ·   Medical
Notable Relationships
Walter Brunsig   ·   Gwen Hilzarie.   ·   Cyrus Webb

  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Commanding Officer
  • Rank: Rear Admiral
  • Race: Ktarian
  • Spouse: None (separated)
  • Family:
    • Hilzarie, Cheliz (daughter)
    • Hilzarie, Xan (son)

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NB: For Rocar's Personal History before Joining Starfleet see: Rocar's Early Years (Before 2379)

the year 2379

Rocar as a Junior Officer

Having served as an Ensign for two years in the Diplomatic Corps, Rocar overcomes the aprehension he picked up after his experiences as a field medical officer in the Dominion Wars. He feels it is time for a change and more active duty. He therefore returns to Starfleet Medical and In 2379 Rocar is posted to Starbase 118 as Assistant Medical Officer to Dr Yavanna. He arrived on the base in the middle of a Naeveus epidemic, which he and the other medical staff eventually managed to cure.

Once life had returned to normal on the Starbase, Rocar was part of a small team that boarded a Ferengi vessel and discovered that it was part of their prototype fleet -all equipped with cloaking device.

After a nerve racking moment when everyone thought the Ferengi ship was set to self destruct, Rocar took the helm of the vessel and once disaster had been averted returned the ship to Starbase 118 where the cloaking device was removed and transferred to the Starbase for safe keeping.

Times are rarely quiet on the Starbase and shortly after being promoted to Lt. Jg. Rocar was forced to receive his first combat experience during a terrorist attack on his new home which nearly made him resign from Starfleet. Latter that year Rocar became romantically involved with the Starbase's counsellor, Gwen Hilzarie. Although Rocar had thought he could never fall in love again, the beautiful Betazoid woman managed to prove him wrong. Rocar continued to live a very happy life on the Starbase where he now feels fully at home and amongst friends.

Towards the end of 2379 Rocar was temporarily assigned to the Prometheus class USS DOMINANCE as part of the crew sent on a diplomatic mission to Ferenginar to negotiate with the Ferengi over their development of cloaking technology that Rocar, Hebron and McCall had discovered on a Ferengi ship earlier that year.

the year 2380

Jytzell Fluid & The Corbarian Punishment Chip

Following the successful completion of this mission, Rocar returns briefly to the Starbase where he studies a dangerous substance known as Jytzell fluid before once again leaving on the USS Dominance for a three-month tour of duty in the Delta Quadrant.

During this mission to the Delta Quadrant, Rocar was taken prisoner by a humanoid slave race called the Thiasis. They wanted the doctor's help in preventing a medical condition, which their rulers (the Reptilioid Corbarians) were using against them. The medical condition was in fact an advanced accelerated genetic mutation which turned the Thiasis into the big foot like, hairy, Slothian Soldiers (who were loyal to the Corbarians.)

Forced to violate the Prime Directive, Rocar found a way of preventing the mutations. Although the Thiasis were left with access to information on how to treat the condition, the original device was found by the Corbarians and used to charge Rocar with plotting to overthrow the Corbarian expanse and crimes against their people. These crimes were punished with the insertion of a tiny microchip deep into Rocar's nervous system. The exact effects of this chip are not yet clear and could not be fully studied until the USS Dominance returned to the Alpha Quadrant.

Betazed & the Daris Colony

Returning to Starbase 118 on Stardate 238006.15; Rocar was taken off the Medical Roster due to the Punishment Chip affecting his medical abilities. With most of the Ops staff on another mission to the Daris Colony; Rocar was unable to join the USS Constitution due to the unexpected death of Counsellor Hilzarie's Father. Instead he accompanied his partner to Betazed for the funeral ceremonies and tried to support her as best he could. The couple travelled to Betazed aboard the medical ship USS Braveheart, where Roar's old friend Jan T'Yai used her staff and medical facilities to further examine the chip's affect on the Ktairan's Neurology. Eventual treatment was conducted whilst on Betazed by Neurological surgeons at the University and although the effects of the punishment chip could not be completely removed or prevented they were counteracted and have been limited.

Cleared for active duty but not for medical practice, Rocar still has to under go two hours of the punishment chip each day, though he can choose when to take his dosage. Leaving Betazed, he and Hilzarie headed out to join the USS Constitution in the Daris sector where they joined the away team that were examining the mystery of the abandoned federation colony on Daris II.

Rocar worked out a way of using a starship's deflectors to deionise the planet's atmosphere to allow free transport and communication with those on the surface. However, this also had the surprise effect of killing the zombies, which were posing a dangerous threat to the Starfleet officers. Although an effective solution, the method was not without it's costs as the colony and the planet were both destroyed in the process.

Transfer to the USS Constitution & Promotion to First Officer

Luckily the away team were rescued just in time and returned to the Starbase. It was here that Captain Hebron personally asked Rocar to join him in permanent reassignment to the USS USS Constitution which they once again planned to take out on a mission of deep space exploration. Accepting, Rocar transferred out of Medical and accepted the position of Chief Science Officer and the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Setting out on an exploratory mission of the Delta Quadrant the USS Constitution left the Starbase and passed through the Sector 118 wormhole anomaly. Arriving on the campsite planet the crew undertook some shoreleave time before the unexpected discovery of Borg activity in the region. This prompted a call-back of Capt.Y'Shirad by Starfleet command and Rocar was forced to step up as First Officer. In the job for barely a minute, Rocar and the ship found themselves trapped in an area of dead space and in combat with a Borg cube. Sacrificing the Saucer section to dispower the enemy vessel, the USS Constitution anaged to survive but badly damaged and reduced to minimum operating capacity. Rocar was therefore then sent with an away team to the recently discovered USS DEFIANT 1764 in an attempt to find an alternative power source for their ship which would allow it to break free of it entrapment in dead space.

Whilst onboard the USS DEFIANT 1764; Rocar team inadvertently triggered a temporal time loop by positioning a shuttle, the starship, a tractor beam and an energy transfer at the same points in subspace at three different points in time. The result was that the DEFIANT 1764 once again began to drift and Rocar, was lost in time with Ensign Dar. Luckilly, both he and the team mates on the shuttle calculated what had happened and soon repositioned everything to join up the energy transfer and complete the time loop.

Given a second chance, the team gather the energy manually whilst fighting off an encounter with the Borg. Rocar was forced to shoot a young Ensign who had been assimilated and although he knew it was the only humane and command solution at the time, the Ktarian still harbours great regrets. It was then that he discovered a chip in the back of the Borg drones' necks 'similar to the corbarian punishment chip he'd had attatched to his nervous system. Ripping out the Borg's spine along with the chip he returned the finds to his lab on the USS Constitution for further examination in the hope of solving his problem 'breaking free of his punishment.

Returning to the USS Constitution by shuttlecraft; Rocar finds the Captain missing 'on a mission to the nearby Borg cube, then as the Borg cube exploded a shockwave hits the USS Constitution (further damaging the vessel which was scarred by entering the deadspace and lost it's saucer section to the encounter with the Borg) As Rocar was thrown to the deck with Gwen and the rest of the crew, he suddenly proposed to the Betazoid woman against the amazingly bright backdrop of the exploding Borg cube that had triggered of a chain reaction in a set of spatial threads. This massed explosion allowed for an opening in dead space and using the energy they had brought back from the DEFIANT 1764, Rocar ordered the ship out of the deadspace and back to safety.

Captain Hebron and his away team survived but were all ridden to sickbay, so it fell to Rocar to get what was left of the once powerful starship back home. Crossing the sector 118 wormhole anomaly was not easy; the route was far from calm and the ship's beaten stardrive section took a further battering as she was flung out of the wormhole and did a double forward role, plummeting spectacularly into an asteroid field. This was in stark contrast to the USS Constitution ’s torpedo salute departure from the Starbase earlier that year, and Rocar sat with shame in the command seat as the USS DOMINANCE, USS TIGER and USS PHOENIX came to their rescue and toed them home.

the year 2381


Back on the Starbase shoreleave was announced; and Rocar spent the time buying new possession to replace those lost on the last mission. This included a brand new Ktarian grand piano! He then did some wedding planning with Gwen before they retreated for some private time on the Holodecks. Days latter they were interrupted as Rocar received a summons to a preliminary court-martial hearing for the loss of the USS Constitution .

In full dress uniform, Rocar and Hebron attended the hearing in front of three admirals and justified their choices on their last mission. Eventually aquited, the pair were given use of the experiemental ship USS DOMINANCE whilst the USS Constitution would spend the next 6 months being rebuilt. Rocarhad been dismissed from the end of the hearing and still wonder how Hebron managed to get them off the hook, but the Ktarian never did find out beause as he was about to ask over diner the captain received news that his wife was divorcing him.

Encounter with Soul Vampires

As shoreleave came to an end; Rocar and the others reported to the USS DOMINANCE and they set out on their next mission. No sooner had they passed through the sector 118 wormhole anomaly did they come across a massive, abandoned and unusual carrier starship. Rocar lead an away team to the strange vessel; here, they soon discovered hundreds upon hundreds of sleeping refugees taken from all races for one purpose 'use of their minds. Rocar recognised these very creatures from Ktarian legends as being soul collectors where as others felt they were better described as soul vampires. But the threat was clear. The Alien carrier ship had been seized by this race of telepathic energy beings who had been attracted to the ancient vessel due to the power source of trilithium which offered these being energy and sustanance. These beings had then travelled the galaxy, kidnapping individuals from each race they encountered and feeding off their minds.

Rocar was attacked by one of these energy beings; but his link with Gwen Hilzarie meant the strong telepath and Cura Assanti both managed to rescue him, despite being on different ships. Having only been half consumed the Ktarian then fell under the control of the telepathic beings. They did not have his mind, but they could control his actions. Before this could happen, Rocar's team thought they'd killed the beings by ejecting and firing upon the alien ship's unusual trilithium warpcore. As this happened the possessed minds of all the different sleeping races were freed and throughout the alien ship the sleeping victims of the creatures all awoke and chaos followed as the confused victims wondered where they were and what had happened. Rocar had them beamed to the USS DOMINANCE's cargobays and then returned with the team.

All this would have worked but the enemy creatures were not about to give up and instead, with the loss of the trilithium energy source, they were attracted to and made do with the USS DOMINANCE's diltihium warp core. Since the telepathic beings were attracted to dilithium energy, the USS DOMINANCE's resourceful engineering staff trapped the telepathic beings inside the warp core reactor. However, the creatures soon escaped this prison and spread throughout the ship by taking the memories of the ship's bio-neural gel packs. They then seized the Ktarian's mind, his body was trapped in the command chair and died as his psychological self and mind became one with the USS DOMINANCE.

At this point, Rocar's being entered a new plain 'essentially he was the starship; and yet under the control of the starship's telepathic energy parasites he began to lock out the ship's crew and began to work against his former friends and colleagues. Controlling all ship's systems with a single thought, the Ktarian was at one with the starship and his presence was everywhere, yet his actions were under the control of the telepathic beings. He could erect forcefields to block security, use the EMH to attack others and ever control where the ship went all at a single thought. Being everywhere throughout the ship and having use of the internal sensors he knew all that was going on. But the telepaths onboard the ship's crew joined together to reach the Ktarian, and although this was not enough to combat the enemy's control, it did remind him who he was and as he discovered his Fiancée was pregnant with twins, Rocar's psyche had a desire to once again be who he was and save the ship.

Rocar managed to take the same energy form as the being who had controlled him and purged himself out of the systems, ultimately sacrificing himself to save Ensign Yladro, by forming an energy cloud of himself infront of the ensign to save her from a phaser blast. This by all predictions would have been Rocar's end; but by chance the bridge officer's had chosen to rip the Ktarian's dead body from the Command chair where it had been joint to the ship and the coma-like biological self had been left fallen on the deck. As the energy of Rocar's psyche was hit byrt the phaser blast if fell into the deck and the mind's energy dispersed until it was guided into the Ktarians former body, where mind, soul and corpse were once again rejoined.

Reuinited with himself; Rocar took some R and R time, but it soon became clear that the Ktarian was in better physical state that he had been before. Biologically his body was the most rested it had been in years; having essentially had a long sleep and rest, where as the mind was greater than it had ever been from the excperience. Feeling fine, Rocar went to the holodeck with Lt.Cmdr Sheriden and had had his first experience of earth football , and then organised a big party for all the crew in his quarters.

Taking Centre Chair to find an awol Captain

Wiser and relaxed; the Ktarian now knew he was to be a father with the woman he loved, but it also became clear that wrinkles were appearing round his eyes and his hair had begun to take a canon gray tint. Soon after the party, Rocar was not able to return to a quiet ship life when once again he found himself thrust into the command chair. This time the Captain had run away from the ship, having kidnapped three female officers in what was a Brikkar adolescence ritual. The irony of Rocar getting old whilst the CO he'd always called “the oldman” entered puberty was not lost on the Ktarian but he could not laugh for long. Knowing the Captain was not in control of himself, Rocar was forced to take command.

Although slightly annoyed with the chief medical officer and counsellor for not warning him about the Captain sooner, Rocar devoted all his energies to getting the captain back. He dispatched away teams in three different shuttles; himself remaining on the USS DOMINANCE with two other officers. They needed to get the systems back online since Capt.Hebron had locked them out as part of his escape. During this time, Rocar dealt diplomatically with a group of Yukki who wanted to claim salvage rights of the Dominance under the quadrant's interstellar laws. Rocar's eventual solution was trick the chicken-like aliens into running away by telling them it was all a Corbarian test and the two approaching Corbarian war cruisers were coming after them. Although he had gotten rid of the relatively armless Yukki and engineering ahd returned all the ship's systems to full operating capacity 'Rocar still had a problem to deal withâ???¦ the two approaching Corbarian vessels that were not really after the Yukki but coming to confront the DOMINANCE.

When Rocar was a Lt.Jg; Cmdr Fire-claw had been CO of the DOMINANCE and warned never to return to Corbarian space with her starship. Although not in Corbarian space, they were close and their presence and identity had been recognised. A casual warning soon turned into a confrontation when the Corbarians recognised Rocar as one of their convicts; yet realised they had no readings from the punishment chip that should have been active in his nervous system. It soon became clear that the reason Rocar had been able to perform first aid to an injured officer and had not had any punishment nightmare visions recently was since the corbarian punishment chip had de-activated when the Ktarians mind had been seized by the telepathic beings and his body died. Eager to re-activate Rocar chip; the Ktarian was forced to use the DOMINANCE in a game of Cat and Mouse with the two Corbarian ships.

Splitting the vessel into three sections; they confronted the two ships, irritated them by flying in close on the attack and slowly lead them to a massive Ion storm which had been detected into the area; performing what could almost be text-booked as the Rocar manouevere the three parts of the DOMINANCE tricked the Corbarians into being dragged down into the vicious Ion storm whilst they escaped, reformed and proceeded to a class-M planet in the next sector to pick up the away teams and the aprehended Brikkar; time was of the essence since the Ion storm was on a direct course for that location.

Seeing Hebron's rejuvination in sickbay; Rocar finished up a few duties on the bridge, his last act as CO being to rescue a visiting Bajoran vessel with a religeous delegation that whished to come onboard the starfleet vessel and iscuss an issue involving one of their officers. Rocar agreed to let the deleggation onboard and then atteneded a memorable staff meeting where he transferred command back to Fleet Captain Hebron and was relieved to return to his position as First Officer 'having received a promotion to full commander. He then began to introduce their next mission of chart gaseous anomalies and spatial ionide build-ups in the sector. After an hour of lecturing and boring the senior staff with science, he was interupted by a call from the bridge where they'd received a distress call from a Vemlin vessel trapped in the growing Ion storm

The Sentience of the Vemlin

The Vemlin were rescued, but it turned out that they were a race of Android slaves belonging to the Landaru. One of the few on the USS Constitution who did not regard the androids as sentient life forms, the Vemlin request federation memvbership and a court hearing was held. During this hearing Rocar presented the case against the Vemlin. The matter was resolved a little backhandedly however, the Landaru tricked into thinking the Vemlin had been destroyed whilst they were secretly moved to settle on a small planet.

===Marriage & Birth of the Twins

Returning to the Alpha Quadrant the crew transferred back to the newly rebuilt USS USS Constitution and proceeded to Betazed where Rocar and Gwen were married on stardate 238107.02 and latter that year their two children Xan and Cheliz were born.

the year 2382

First Command & The Premier's Fiancee

On Stardate 238112.27, Commander Rocar accepted a transfer back to Starfleet's diplomatic corps. Assembling a small hand-picked crew, he and his family made boarded the USS Resolution once more and headed toward their new assignment: Duronis II

Accepting the post of Federation Ambassador to Duronis II, Commander Rocar waited for the Laudean Prime Minister to accept his credentials. The ceremony was a little more colourful than expected when the Laundean premier's fiancee was kidnapped by a terrorist group who'd gained access to the Prime Minister's pallace by an unknown secret passage. The fact the Laudean Kidnappers knew of the passage seemed to indicate they might have ties to the former Laudean Aristocracy -royals familiar with the pallaces secret layout.

With the Federation having granted Asylum to the former Laudean Crown-Prince, the task ahead was difficult for Rocar. A great distrust of both him and the United Federation had already developed amongst the victorious Laundean revolutionaries. Eager to impress, Starfleet Security personnel worked alongside the Laudeans to trace the kidnappers but the Romulans were also all to eager to help.

Following the successful locating of the Premier's fiancée, Rocar was installed as Federation Ambassador. The Ktarian's first official act was to throw an official ball, which was attended by Embassy staff as well as Laundeans, Romulans and even Zalkonians. At this event Commander Rocar was promoted to Captain in rank.

Investigating the Sandbar

Following his new promotion, Captain Rocar was approached by a team of Laudean scientists. Unbeknownst to the Federation, one of the trio was infact a coven leader, sent by the Fielding Leagues' elders to monitor the untrustworthy scientists progress as they aimed to further change the minds of the Laudean people. The team wished to run tests on the sandbar, but the Laudean crafts were not ready and would delay their project for months.

Eager to gain diplomatic trust amongst the Laudeans, Rocar offered the services of the USS RESOLUTION. Part of the Ambassador's new job was to ensure the success of Federation trade interests on Duronis II. With the Duronis system's sandbar preventing warp travel (except through a single narrow corridor,) it was also in Rocar's best interest to have his science teams find out what they could.

What ought to have been a prosperous expedition soon turned to further damaging Laudean-Federation relations.

After pressure from the science institute on Duronis II, Rocar agreed to take a long awaited team of high ranking Laudean scientists to study the sandbar, a spatial anomaly that has prevented warp travel through this sector. Rocar took the science team aboard the USS Resolution, a Nova class science vessel.

Once in space sensors picked up readings of a vessel trapped within the sandbar, as space faring protocols dictate it is our duty to lend aid to these poor souls. Rocar quickly ordered a rescue mission lead by his First Officer. On arrival into the "sandbar" the spatial anomaly comes into it's own, temporal distortion, quantum fluxes and back ground radiation had concealed that two other ships were with in this vortex of peril, a Romulan Science vessel that has the more suspicious members of the crew climbing the walls. Eventually, Rocar’s crew were able to perform a successful rescue mission and return the injured to hospitals on Duronis II.

The Omega Hoax

Later that year, Rocar was surprised to find an old friend (and former superior officer) turn up (unnoticed by security) in his office… Captain Michael Rourke, Starfleet Intelligence, turned up in a quiet corner in the office of Rocar’s office in the Federation Embassy to Duronis II . Having sent his staff on a diplomatic assignment to the province of Manaria, Captain Rocar followed Captain Rourke’s guidance and examined the planetary scans for pollution. Sure enough, there was an unusual power source being detected: Omega.

Meanwhile at Starbase 185, the nearest federation outpost to the Duronis system, the USS Hatherleigh (NCC-73105) was just returning from a three year mission of deep space exploration when her Captain received a request from Captain Rocar for assistance with the detection of an Omega particle. Having traced the Omega to “The Great City” of the Laundean Fielding League in Damadaora, Captain Rocar implemented the Omega directive; both he and Captain Rourke setting out for Damadora. Leaving the Embassy unannounced, Rocar and Rourke implemented the omega directive and left to locate the Omega and destroy it, despite the diplomatic consequences. With “the Great City” being the seat of Duronis II’s religious leaders (the fielding league’s Elders and Feldleser,) one thing was disturbing –surely given their fielding ability to sense energy sources they too were aware of the Omega’s presence, even if they weren’t aware of what it was.

As the main senior staff recovered from their injuries and wondered where their Commanding Officer had disappeared to without them, the USS Hatherleigh (NCC-73105) arrived in orbit. Yet in a cruel twist of fate, Captain Theodore Montgomery, commanding officer, ran several level-1 scans of Duronis II and could not detect a single trace of the Omega that he’d come to help with. Beaming down to the Federation Embassy, the sternly strict militaristic Captain found the installation in a state of chaos and assumed command.

Presuming Rocar and Rourke to be AWOL, Captain Montgomery will led Rocar’s own staff on a mission to track down their missing CO.

This sternly strict militaristic Captain was a stark contrast to Captain Rocar’s command style and quickly met with opposition from the crew. Lieutenant Junior Grade Cyrus Webb, Chief Engineering Officer, and Lieutenant Commander Gwendolyn Hilzarie, Ambassador’s wife at the time and Embassy Counsellor, went AWOL to mount their own search for their missing C.O. Meanwhile, the rest of the Staff followed Captain Montgomery on an undercover mission to the Great city in Damadora –their goal to trace down and bring back Rocar before a diplomatic incident was caused by his quest for a non-existent Omega particle.

Whilst the Staff overcame various challenges to gain access to secret passages and follow Captain Rocar, more sinister things were afoot. Deep in the tunnels below the sacred Cathedral of Diamoclease I, a Reman and Romulan Tal’Shiar operative were hard at work in collaboration with a Laundean coven leader who wanted all off-worlders off Duronis II. Having created a device powered by Chroniton the Romulans had managed to imitate an omega particle signature on and off and were luring Rocar into their trap. This was why Montgomery was unable to detect the same signature Rocar and Rourke had and also why sometimes their tricorders detected it and sometimes they did not.

Rocar had walked straight into the Romulan trap and having fallen through a opening in the ground sustained major injuries. With the Chroniton having kept them out of phase (and also had side affects knocking certain Starfleet officers on the rescue mission out of phse for a short while), the Romulan operatives quickly left the device by the lumbering Ktarian and made their escape. By the time Montgomery and the Embassy staff reached the injured Ktarian and found the Romulan device it became apparent that the omega had never really been there; it was faked by the Romulans to lure the Federation CO.

Realising they had been duped by a cunning Romulan trick, it was too late. Having been notified by the Laudean coven leader conspiring with the Romulans, a team of Covot guard (the Fielding leagues private army and protectors of the great city) caught the Starfleet officers in the off-limit tunnels beneath one of the most sacred places of worship on Duronis II. Although the Embassy staff escaped, this violation of the fielding leagues holy grounds caused outrage with Laudeans all across the planet. Following the international outcry, the Federation were far from being the most popular off-worlders with diplomatic ties to the Laudeans. Having been forced to eat their own tails, the Starfleet officers have take a few days off on “shore leave” to get over their recent ordeal. Meanwhile, the backlash of the last mission quickly hit with the diplomatic trade negotiations Ambassador Rocar had been working on with Govinda Province falling through at the last minute. Disgraced by the Federations recent actions against their religion, the Laudeans of Govinda instead signed a trade negotiation with the Romulan Star Empire. It became clear that the Romulan Ambassador’s cunning plan to disgrace the Federation and win the exclusive diplomatic deal had worked perfectly from the start.

the year 2383

Skiing Holiday with the Twins; The Borg & The Holodeck

After some tough times, Rocar granted shoreleave to his staff at the start of the new year. Taking some time off for himself, the Ktarian took his two young children, Xan and Che, skiing for the first time. Heading for a chalet in high up in the Quentisi Mountain Range (Duronis II province of Devi) Rocar’s wife cancelled on the trip at last minute and Rocar headed up to spend some quality time with his children until Gwen could join them. Like their father, the children quickly enjoyed learning to ski, despite Xan having a minor accident. The winter sports holiday was cut short, however, when a Starfleet relay station intercepted a coded message that a uniquely-shaped Borg vessel is on a direct course to Duronis II. Starfleet Command contacted Chief Johansen who in turn contacted key personnel for an emergency briefing. On updating Ambassador Rocar on the situation, he called a general quarters meeting in the Embassy Briefing Room to disclose the matter to the embassy staff.

Rocar led a crew to the USS Resolution where, despite all odds, some unorthodox spatial tactics meant they were able to overpower the borg. The personnel of the Embassy were understandably tired and now ready for some long over due leave and R&R which had previously been interrupted. That was not to be the case on this occasion however as they were soon catapulted into a strange fairytale fantasy world of Knights, Wizards and fluffy white rabbits... During a promotion ceremony where several of the crew were honoured for their very hard work and dedication to duty the Holodeck they were celebrating on was hit by a computer virus that infected the entire holodeck and beyond. Starting out with the famous holograms appearing at the Ball, the officers and guest within the deck were instantly surrounded by the land of Camelot from and old myth from the old days of earths past history. It took several hours to escape from this nightmarish fantasy where they found themselves attacked by "NI" saying Knights. Naturally the staff had to dorn costumes including some respectable officers walking around dressed like peasants.

Eventually the personnel on the outside of the Holodeck were able to break those trapped inside free using several very ingenious ideas. The Embassy staff have now been given a long weekend in which to recharge their batteries. Business as usual at probably the most unusual Embassy in the entire quadrant...

Civil War

After a very hard month of beating back the Borg , Rocar decided that now would be a nice time for a break. Despite having saved Duronis II, Laundean public attitude had reacted by turning against off-worlders. The Ambassador packed up his most trusted staff and to ok them for a short joy ride in space to get a little well deserved stress relief and as a little treat for his kids. The USS RESOLUTION made it's way swiftly to the "Sand bar" A region of space that has become the topic of much research and interest by many scientists, Laudean and others... On arrival at the "sandbar" the resolution was hailed by an Orion freighter that was in some difficulties with it's warp core. Rocar offered to assist the stricken vessel by means of a few well skilled engineers. When they arrived they encountered a ship that had minutes remaining before a complete core melt down, on discovering this the away team ordered the ship abandoned and it's cargo transferred to the USS RESOLUTION. Everything was going to plan until three cryogenic pods were found containing the sustained bodies of three frozen Betazoids.

Ordering his crew to interrogate the Orions it became clear to Rocar that they were faced with three cryogenetically frozen betazoids, which the Orions were supposed to deliver to the Zalkonian Embassy. Science teams could not determine the Betazoids use, but one theory was that the Zalkonians intended to use them to change the outcome of the Laudeans elections. As election results came through it became clear that no single political party had a clear majority. Both the Popularist Party and the Neo-Modernist Party would be able to form a government if they entered a coalition with the Naturalist party. However, Ahishma Chandra, leader of the Naturalists, was nowhere to be found. Dismayed at the outcome, Laudean Society prepares for its second night of unruliness as protesters take to the streets, violence and terrorism is rife.

As the Federation Ambassador, Captain Rocar Drawoh, had to deal with these unusual situations, and responded by carrying your some ‘dodgeball diplomacy’ with Grandmaster Zamadora, Zalkonian Ambassador. He also sent out three teams of his staff on away missions. Lt.Cmdr Taboo, Deputy Chief of Mission, leads a team to locate Ahishma Chandra and ensure her safety –but there are man y looking for this innocent politician tonight. LtCmdr Yladro, Chief Administrative Officer, leads an Undercover operation. Her specially selected team have undergo ne alterations and attempt to infiltrate the Zalkonian Embassy to finally find answers to the frozen betazoid mystery. A third team is on a mission to locate and destroy an arsenal of terrorist weapons before they can be used to cause more disaster in an unstable climate.

The embassy's guests, two frozen Betazoids with incredible powers were revived and made their introductions to Ambassador Rocar and his family. During this time, the embassy staff was divided up into three away teams. One was sent into the northeast area to hunt down insurgents. Keely's team found and eliminated a group of mercenaries and a hidden base camp storing weapons. Visiting the base camp at the same time was known crime boss Balvido Gaev and his fiancee terrorist Rena. Once the outside threat was upon them, Gaev and Rena sought flight from the area after bombs were placed and detonated. Gaev was able to escape but Rena was captured by Keely's Team and returned to the Embassy.

A second team was sent out to find the Laundean political leader Anishma Chandra who alone held the swing vote to decide the planetary leadership of Til'ahn. Once the team found her, the team was soon captured by Romulans who initially said they wanted Chandra but in realit y had planned the elaborate capture just to kidnap Lt Cmdr Taboo, Embassy depty chief of mission. While the others were making their escape, they were able to beam Taboo off a Romulan shuttle.

A third team left in-disquise for the Zalkonian Embassy to find the whereabouts of a missing Betazoid woman who arrived to Til'ahn in a frozen state and under clandestine circumstances. They found their Embassy under siege from Laundean demonstrators who were throwing incindiary devices. Once they were able to gain access to the building, Ensign Webb found the corpse of the missing Betazoid in the Embassy's morgue. Facing arrest or death by Zalkonian guards trying to enter the barricaded room they transported out, inadvertedly leaving Lt Sabdok behind due to the Embassy's activated defences, however he was rescued soon after.

In various areas of the planet, civil unrest was wreaking havoc due to the political chaos pitting Popularist Party Leader Paetra Zrong against his brother, the incumbent Prime Minister. Outside the Embassy, demonstrators were demanding the release of Anishma Chandra, the Laudean Naturalist Party leader who was just rescued by Taboo’s team from the Romulans and was brought to the Federation Embassy for medical care. Amongst the chaos outside the Embassy gates, Laudean Popularist Leader Paetra Zrong publicly ceded his candidacy to his brother and pleaded with the people to disperse and end the planetary riots. He was shot by an unknown rioter and transported inside the Embassy for medical care. Ahishma Chandra was realeased and aided by General Pantera (head of the Laudean military) led a mob of people to storm the Premier’s palace and carryout a coup d’état.

Boxing Tournament to Mayhem

With a couple of weeks off heavy duty, the Embassy played host to a boxing tournament. Rocar entered along with the rest of his crew. Eventually making it to the final but losing in the last round.

Along with the recent political upheaval in the global government of Til'ahn (Duronis II), a new threat has arrived that could bring dire consequences for all off-worlders, namely the Federation. A new addictive, pleasure inducing substance called 'Green Blit Mayhem' after the street-price on Til'ahn (commonly referred as 'Mayhem') is gradually becoming very popular in areas of the three Quadrants. Considered an addictively hedonistic substance elsewhere across the known universe, on Til'ahn, Mayhem has an entirely different effect on Laudeans - enhancing the "fielding" in children while driving adult Laudeans to engage in psychotic acts of murder, arson and general mayhem. In the recent uprising (in which Ahishma Chandra and her General seized power over Duronis II and acceded to the seat of Prime Minister) it is thought much of the rebellion and violence on the street will have been aided by adults under the influence of Mayhem.

Just as the planetary government made the discovery of the substance's abuse, two Federation citizens were caught smuggling a cache of Mayhem and were summarily arrested. Realizing the imminent backlash the incident could cause against the Embassy, Ambassador Rocar dispatched two teams to bring back answers. One team lead by Commander Taboo, Deputy Chief of Mission, was sent to the detention centre to represent the Federation citizens. Once they were able to enter the facility, they were split-up. Lt JG Brell with Lt Commanders Dar and Rowax were captured by a brutally-savage Laudean prison official and thrown into a cell without being charged for any crime. Their attempt to escape by setting-off a fire alarm backfired and they fell unconscious in the smoky cell. Commanders Taboo and Sabdok met with the two captured Federation citizens and began to scheme on a way for them to escape.

Another team led by Lt Commander Yladro left in-disguise for a university in the province of Bryque. Disguised as Laudean students, their objective is to obtain a sample of the illicit Mayhem and to discover its secret. The 'older' members of the away-team plan to integrate with the University students while the considerably younger-appearing Yladro intends to purchase Mayhem from students in the adjacent prep-school. Intel specialist LT Creed had previously arranged for the arrest of the school's incumbent janitor so that he could take his place. Aside from seeking to purchase Mayhem from University students, Dr's Hilzarie and Laroque plan to work with Lt Xoet to de-engineer the substance. Meanwhile, Ambassador Rocar and Captain James met aboard the USS Ronin to discuss an effort to locate the source of Mayhem and to somehow stop its distribution and the Ambassador realised how long it’s been since he’d been in space on a starship.

The staff of the Embassy on Duronis II, struggled to hold on to what can only be described as a very volatile situation.. After the global interest and election of a new Prime minister to Lokesh she has made quite a name for herself. The new Prime minister is very set in her ways and wants to take Til'han back to it's roots and the good old days, she and now her subordinates shun any "Offworlders" and take great pride in making every little mishap that involves Starfleet a breach of trust between the two people... Within this upheaval there is the new discovery by Commander Taboo that there seems to be Founder presence in the area that is directly linked to the introduction of the narcotic, "Green Blit Mayhem." Sense Captain/Ambassador Rocar has had this information brought to him the more things tend to appear that there is indeed some kind of covert propaganda campaign against anyone not Laundean.. As time goes on senior staff are more and more anxious about the safety of the Embassy and indeed the very logic of an impossible treaty with Duronis II which seems to be heading for another civil war or worse, Spanish Inquisition. Accepting the political change, Rocar and his staff accepted that they would have to make the best they could of a difficult and changing situation.

Weeks later, the staff of the Embassy were just beginning to settle down into their daily routine after a very difficult mission, there were plans to hold a presentation/celebration ball but they were cut short when a shuttle craft crashed into the parimater of the Embassy grounds, at present it is not clear whether or not this was an accident or a deliberate act and Rocar ordered an investigation..

The staff of the Embassy on Duronis II were then called away on a priority mission to aprehend the USS Constitution and Fleet Captain Hebron, whom it was rumoured that the crew are AWOL after commiting treson against Starfleet by stealing the USS Constitution and failing to answer hails. Taking command of the USS Resolution, Rocar led the search for the USS Constitution and crew who have been reported missing now for several weeks. The Crew of the Resolution have split into two away teams, one tasked with retrieving the USS Constitution and her crew and the other is going to try and help the Brikkar resolve their civil war.. Early suspicions are that the mirror selves have been plotting to put a foot hold in our universe, hopefully the crew of the Resolution once friends and comrades of the Constitution crew will be able to find them, bring them home and end the Brikarian civil war.

the year 2384


In early 2384, Rocar seperated from his wife Gwen Hilzarie due to constraints of their individual duties to Starfleet and lack of time spent together. The relationship had been strained for over a year, most notably when Gwen Hilzarie nearly left Duronis II with the Children. Indeed, earlier in 2383 Gwen Hilzarie and Rocar had already spent time apart with Gwen Hilzarie returning to Betazed for a couple of months just prior to Rocar's taking command of the USS Constitution. Gwen Hilzarie left with Rocar's two twin children Cheliz and Xan.

Taking Command of Starbase 118

Shortly thereafter, Rocar relinquished command of the USS Constitution and transferred to take command of the much larger facility: Starbase 118. Trying to avoid a big welcome ceremony he nonetheless ended up in a formal reception to meet his new senior crew. An occasion which was marred by a terrorist attack as retibution for actions on Magnus IV. A number of Rocar's new senior staff were injured and his new first officer was killed on his first day on the job, Although there were casualties and Rocar was caught without a phaser, the Captain was unarmed on this occasion. In the aftermath of the attack Rocar prepared for a diplomatic exchange meeting with the Klingons and Romulans, but as the delegates arrived on the Starbase it soon became clear that not all was as it seemed.