Razor's Edge (Darwin-A)
Season 2, Episode 3 |
USS Darwin-A | ||
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A series of rifts related to the Prometheus Event have been opening in the isolated Skalur Expanse. New technology recovered from the Sicarians has the potential to close these rifts. The Darwin is sent to establish a network of these Sicarian satellites to stabilize the region, under the command of Acting Captain Lt Commander Kael Thomas. When they arrive in the Cadaka system, they detect a distress beacon coming from the third planet in the system, Brut III. An away team, consisting of Acting First Officer Lt Commander Maxwell Traenor, Ensign Kurt Logan, Ensign Graeme Cook and Ensign Mathias Duncan, is formed to go investigate the distress signal on the surface. Meanwhile, Lt Commander Luna Walker, Lieutenant JG Iniko Mpeba, Ensign Michael Jellico and Lieutenant JG Graham Block begin assembly of the primary satellite in Cargo Bay I. Lieutenant John Valdivia directs the deployment of the repeater satellites from Astrometrics, with the assistance of Ensign Mason Quinn and Mission Specialist Lieutenant Ayla. Lieutenant JG Lyldra joins them on the bridge.
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Shortly before the Darwin’s arrival, a mercenary patrol craft ran afoul of the rift and crash landed on Brut III. They are holding a captive, an Ash’lie name Lyna Namid. Trapped on the planet, awaiting rescue by the other members of their organization, they prioritize safety. The captain of the little ship, Ankia Viljoen orders one of the crewmembers, Duccio Turrisi, to set up traps to stall any potential wildlife on the planet. While he is working on that, the ship becomes unstable, and they are forced to evacuate, setting up a temporary camp in the jungles outside the patrol craft. Turrisi ties Lyna up to a tree to keep her from escaping while they finish setting up defenses, but Lyna immediately begins to work through the rope in an attempt to escape. Back in the camp, a scout returns bringing word of Starfleet's approach. Viljoen begins organizing the mercenary crew in preparation for their arrival.
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The team assembling the satellite runs into an unexpected complication when Cmdr Walker is abruptly transferred to the Apollo. Lt Mpeba is left in charge in her absence, and is very nervous about the additional responsibility. They finish the initial phase of the assembly and don EVA suits, then move the satellite out into space to complete the more delicate work. Ens Jellico is worried about having a panic attack during EVA work and is working hard to keep himself under control. They initially plan to move the satellite into its final position first, before doing the rest of the setup, but when they contact Ens Quinn on the bridge for precise positioning information, they are informed that there is too much interference on the sensors. While he attempts to get a more precise read on their position, they decide to finish setting up the satellite. Lt Block and Jellico work from inside the satellite to activate and monitor systems while Mpeba stays outside to do visual confirmations and hands-on repairs. Unfortunately, the rift is acting up, and threatens to overload the communications array on the satellite. Mpeba notices an odd glow surrounding the communications array, along with some sparking. When they get the comm array back under control, Block reports that the lateral extender mechanism is overheating. Mpeba goes to investigate and notices the same odd glow as on the comm array.
Meanwhile, the Away Team headed by Cmdr Traenor head to the surface of the planet. They are forced to land some distance away due to the dense jungle, and have to do some hiking with packs of equipment to reach the crash site. Ens Cooke wonders if, being a doctor, he really needs to carry a phaser, but Cmdr Traenor requests that he takes one as a precaution. They have an unpleasant walk, and hear the explosion of the mercenary shuttle long before they arrive at the campsite. Ens Logan notices a humanoid running away from them towards the crash site as they walk. Ens Duncan uses his empathic abilities to try to get a sense of what lays ahead of them. Mostly he senses only fear and confusion. Everyone sets their phasers to stun as they arrive at the edge of the jungle, and they take cover as Traenor calls out to the people in the camp. Back on the Darwin's bridge, Lt Lyldra, who is very pregnant, is beginning to feel ill, and is having a difficult time concentrating. Cmdr Thomas calls Cmdr Icavoc up to the bridge to assist. Ens Quinn reports increased activity from the rift. Cmdr Icavoc and Lt Ayla speculate that it might be due to the Darwin's sensors and warp traffic in the area, and propose reducing their Delta radiation to compensate. Luckily, just then Lt Valdivia and {nrank|Lieutenant|Brell} in astrometrics call up to announce they have a program ready to run which will do just that. Lyldra has been feeling increasingly bad while this conversation has been going on. The twins are becoming violently active, which she suspects is due to the increased activity of the rift. Overwhelmed by pain, she suffers silently for a little, unable to muster any words, while before finally calling out and then collapsing. Thomas has Lyldra transported immediately to sickbay, where Lieutenant Janel Tarna tries to diagnose the problem.
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The distraction of the Away Team's arrival at the mercenary camp gives Lyna the chance to make her escape. She knocks over one of the gravitic field posts on her way out, unsure of what it is there for, but hoping to cause some chaos for the mercenaries. She runs off into the jungle to hide, with no plan beyond escaping the barbaric mercenaries. On the other side of camp, Viljoen and Turrisi welcome the Away Team with open arms, concealing their villainous natures. They invite them into the camp, luring them to an ambush. Ens Cook, unsuspecting, attempts to administer medical attention.
Far above, the team on the satellite are still dealing with systems failing unexpectedly. They are unsure whether the cause of these failures is related to badly designed parts, since they are unfamiliar with the source for the parts, or if it is due to rift activity. Either way, Ens Jellico finally manages to get the comm array working without overloading it. With that out of the way, Lt Block finds that the source of the heat that caused the extension mechanism to overheat. |
REV SD 239208.23 |