Fleet Captain Toni Turner is currently assigned as Commanding Officer at the Embassy on Duronis II, and aboard the USS Thunder-A.

Embassy Duronis II
Rear Admiral Toni Turner

  • Rank: Rear Admiral
  • Ship: USS Thor & USS Thunder-A
  • Installation: Embassy Duronis II
  • Position: Commanding Officer
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • DoB: 235806.05
  • Birthplace: Georgia, USA, Earth
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 125
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Telepathic Status: Non-Telepath


Ships Commanding Officer-USS Thunder-A

  • Thunderpin.png

Commanding Officer-USS Thunder

  • Resolution Pin.jpg

Commanding Officer-USS Resolution

  • Commanding Officer-USS Ronin

Featured Bio for August 2014
Featured Bio Team Member
Holidays: Mission Possible
Star Trek Lives
Subconscious mind
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Other duties are: Facilitator of the Monthly Fleet-wide Chat; One of the judges of the bimonthly Writing Challenge. She also served as the first Cadet Steward, welcoming new applicants to the UFOP: Starbase 118 Academy for seven years.


  • Personality: Friendly, personable, good sense of humor, emotional to some extent, and has excellent communication skills. She is not afraid of taking on anything new as long as it holds her interest. Anything that does not present a good challenge is deemed boring. She is competitive by nature.
  • Personal Assessment: "I am a "loner" - unconventional by most standards. I enjoy solitude, but know that is not always possible." In spite of it, her Southern hospitality comes natural and is evident in the way she accepts new people.
  • Personal Beliefs: "I believe that people are like fledgling birds. Some stand around flapping their wings, reluctant to leave the nest. Some take off running and fall to the ground. And some go to the edge of the nest, flap their wings and take flight, catching the first breeze and begin to soar. And oh, how I love the solitude of soaring."


  • 236006.05 - Born in Georgia, USA Earth, to James H. Turner and Elizabeth Williams Turner. James was a farmer by trade, and an avid outdoorsman. Elizabeth was a school teacher to children with special needs.
  • 236304.21 - When Toni was three years old, Elizabeth died of in a shuttle crash on the way home from a Teacher's convention. James gave up farming, opting to be a hunting and fishing guide, so that he could stay home to take care of Toni. He home-schooled Toni, and also taught her survival techniques, including hunting, trapping, shooting rifles, bows and crossbows, as well as other hand weapons.
  • 237302.17 - Won her first crossbow competition. James died the same day of unrecorded causes.
  • 237302.23 - Toni was sent to her Godfather, her Uncle, Lt.Cmdr Franklin J. Williams on the USS Phoenix Star. It was through his encouragement that Toni decided on a life in Starfleet.
  • 237809.20 - Toni entered the Federation Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, studying to be a counselor.
  • 238309.15 - Toni graduated with honors and was sent to serve at the Federation Embassy on Duronis II.
Rear Admiral Toni Turner

Blockbuster Campaigns
Awards & Service Ribbons:

Galactic War with the Borg

Vaadwaur Invasion
(Operation Bright Star)

Romulan Conflict

Bajoran Campaign
(Battle for Bajor)

Klingon Incursion

Gateway Bluegill
Invasion 2390

Prometheus Incident 2392

War of Shadows 2393

Other Awards &
Service Ribbons:

Starfleet Academy
Graduate Ribbon

Medical Science Ribbon 2390

Prisoner of War Ribbon

Joint Meritorious Unit 2390

Hobus Heroism Ribbon

Purple Heart

Joint Meritorious Unit 2389

Peacekeeper Ribbon

Department Chief Ribbon

Starship Commander Ribbon

Gold Excellence in Training Ribbon

Captain's Commendation

Sarpeidon Award

The Kalendra Award

Scotty Cross

Prantares Ribbon

Voyager Medallion

Silver Palm

Data Artistic Award

B-Plot Award

1 Year Member

3 Year Member

5 Year Member

10-Year Member

Boothby Award

James T. Kirk Cross
Staff Member Of The Year

Christopher Pike Pendant
The Picard Award
The Sarek Star Medal
TOSMA II (Retired Award)
Merria Medallion
(Retired Award)

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Major Heath West

  • Married to Major Heath West on 238507.15 - Courtship and Marriage
  • Their marriage produced two children, Vee by adoption, and Garth by natural birth. Their three-year marriage dissolved due to Kerelian Law marriage dictate, and the fact that Heath was MIA presumed dead. For the sake of their children, Toni had to move on with her life.

Vee and Garth's Godparents: Major Dade Adarnis and Lt. Commander T'Lea

1st Lieutenant Brick Wallace

Ambassador Tallis Rhul Just when Toni thought she would concentrate on her career and children, and love would pass her by, a spooky Halloween night prove her wrong. Dressed as Helen of Troy, she met her Paris, each not knowing who the other one was, but before they could reveal their identities, they lost sight of each other. However, she had hopes that they would someday meet again, and they did.

After her marriage to Ambassador Tallis Rhul, a Bajoran, Toni maintained the name as Toni Turner professionally, but when accompanying her husband, she used a name more fitting for Rhul's Bajoran heritage - Tallis Antonia. Unfortunately, and officially, Ambassador Tallis Rhul was killed defending Til'ahn from a Bluegill infestation that came through an ancient Iconian Gateway, ending their seven-month marriage. Toni was two months pregnant at the time of his death. That pregnancy produced a daughter,Breeana Turner-Tallis, born 239102.15.


Ensign Turner

After graduation, Toni was assigned to her first post as a counselor at the Embassy on Duronis II. It wasn't long before the CMO noticed that she had an aptitude for a career as a Medical Officer and began training her to take over his job when he retired. The more she learned the more she wanted to learn, so she enrolled into a correspondence course studying for her degree and interning under the CMO's direction. Most things she learned from watching him, and when he retired, she stepped into the role of CMO, but kept up her studies until she had enough credits to become a full fledged Doctor of Medicine.

In 2388, immediately after the Destruction of Romulus and Remus, rioting broke out as anti-Romulan protesters took to the streets in an attempt to drive Romulan forces from the planet. The Romulan Ambassador was recalled to help with more pressing diplomatic issues elsewhere, but a number of Romulan operatives remained in control of government ministries. The Laudeans, having watched their culture deteriorate during their alliance with the Romulans, took the opportunity to contact the Federation, inviting them back to Duronis II for protection from renegade Romulans, the fragmented Tal Shiar, or any other opportunistic species that could endanger their culture. The Federation agreed, and sent the crew of USS Thunder, captained by Toni Turner, to reopen the Embassy, and serve as its staff.

By the time the USS Thunder arrived, the Laudeans had ousted the remaining Romulans, and had taken over the Federation Embassy for their own office use. Prime Minister Ahishma Chandra, now back in office, gave the Federation representatives, the newly renovated Romulan Embassy instead as insurance that the Romulans would not try to reoccupy it.

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 1st Class 238209.20 Graduated Counselor
  Ensign 238209.28-238212.08 Duronis II Embassy Counselor
  Lieutenant (j.g.) 238212.08-238301.02 Duronis II Embassy Counselor
  Lieutenant (j.g.) 238301.02-238302.08 Duronis II Embassy Medical Officer
  Lieutenant (j.g.) 238302.08-238304.01 Duronis II Embassy Chief Medical Officer
  Lieutenant 238304.01-238312.08 USS Challenger Chief Medical Officer
  Lieutenant Commander 238312.08-238402.06 USS Challenger Chief Medical Officer
  Lieutenant Commander 238402.06-238501.12 USS Challenger AFO & COO
  Lieutenant Commander 238501.12-238503.01 USS Peregrin ACO
  Lieutenant Commander 238503.01-238508.30 USS Challenger SO & COO
  Lieutenant Commander 238508.30-238511.30 USS Geronimo ACO
  Commander 238511.30-238601.30 USS Challenger SO & COO
  Commander 238601.30-238605.26 USS Challenger First Officer
  Commander 238605.26-238610.21 USS Resolution Commanding Officer
  Commander 238610.21-238611.18 USS Constitution-B Medical Consultant
  Commander 238611.18-238707.23 USS Constitution-B Intelligence Officer
  Commander 238707.23-Present USS Ronin Commanding Officer
  Captain 238801.17-238801.20 USS Ronin Commanding Officer
  Captain 238801.20 - 238902.13 Embassy/USS Thunder Commanding Officer
  Fleet Captain 238902.13 - 238912.24 Embassy/USS Thunder Commanding Officer
  Fleet Captain 238912.24 - Present Embassy/USS Thunder-A Commanding Officer


Embassy Duronis II Missions (First Post)

  • Threat of the Borg Cube
  • Holodeck Gone Awry
  • Election Terrorists

Commander Turner

USS Challenger Missions

USS Resolution Missions

USS Constitution Missions

  • 4 Missions - unnamed

USS Ronin Missions

Embassy/Thunder Missions


Academy Training
  • Accelerated courses in Psychology, counseling, diplomatic, with some combat, Intelligence, and Security training.
  • Graduate of the Federation Academy.Medical Majors and Minors
  • Xenobiology PhD.
  • Accredited Counselor and holds a Ph.D.
  • Academy Medical training.

Other Medical Training

  • Internship at the Federation Medical Unit at Embassy on Duronis II.
  • Chief Medical Officer Ph.D. at the Federation Embassy Medical Unit on Duronis II.
  • Accredited Micro and Reconstructive Surgeon
Operations Education

Operations Majors

  • Ship Operations
  • Helm/Navigation
  • Computer Technology
  • Mapping Sciences
  • Cryptology
Communications/Operations Major
  • Operations personnel study a program designed to give them a working knowledge of all other divisions in StarFleet Ops officers are frequently trained to become commanders themselves. The Ops cadet usually minors in, but any other field where a minor is offered is acceptable.

NPC Listing   ·   Embassy/USS Thor Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Toni Turner
Executive Officer
Geoffrey Teller
Chief of Security
Krindo Pandorn
Security Officer
Dar Elandra
Marine Ops.
Hannibal Parker
Rode Mitchell
Wes Greaves
Second Officer/HCO
Ben Garcia
Chief Medical Officer
Addison MacKenzie
Medical Officer
Quen Deena
Medical Officer
Chief Counsellor
Alexander Brodie
Chief Science Officer
Lorian Lovar
Science Officer
Tara Wilkins
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