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USS Apollo-A
STO Ensign Yellow.jpg
STO Blank Yellow.jpg
Rustyy Hael (Pronounced Hail)
Position Engineering
Rank Ensign
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 236803.27
Age 33
Birthplace Grayling, Alaska. Old America, Earth

Ensign Rustyy Hael, an engineer on the USS Constitution, has the heart of a child and a mind stuck in the 80's.

"I'm not crazy I swear, I was just born in the wrong time"


  • Full Name: Rustyy D Hael (Pronounced Hail)
  • Race: Terran
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: None


  • Height: 5'5" (and 3/4's)
  • Weight: 220lbs
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Length of Hair: Blessed with a full head of big curls, he is known for his constant bed head look.
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Skin Tone: He has a reasonable tan, one that was achieved through practically living outside at the academy.
  • Birthmarks, Scars: His Hands and arms have a fair share of scars from tools slipping out of his hands. His knuckles have been roughed up through his constant knocking of them against what ever is nearest. Recently got a tattoo on his inner arm, what it is has yet to be shared.
  • Build: Thick but muscular. His broad chest makes it difficult to climb into tighter areas, but he finds a way to do it anyways.
  • Face: Smooth at the edges but not a baby face
  • Eyes: Observant with a hint of teasery
  • Mouth: Thin lips that seem to have a mind of their own. They can be seen constantly moving even when he's not talking.
  • Arms: Broad shoulders and large forearms. Has big hands and thick knuckles.
  • Legs: Slightly bow legged.
  • Carriage: Carries himself as though he's not interested in what's going on around him. Almost a lazy stance. But is confident when in the engine room, you could say he stands a little taller then.
  • Poses : More often then not, he can be seen leaning against something or standing with a hip lean.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Below casual standards. He always wears long sleeves, even if it means sweating to death. His mama bought him old styled jeans for his graduation, which he wears all the time. two of the three pairs support rips. Uses suspenders to hold them up.
  • Shoes: Lace up steal toed boots. Never know when you might need to kick something and not hurt your toes.
  • Voice: Baritone with a hint of southern drawl. Tends to butcher the standard language. The more hurried he is the worst his speaking gets.
  • Handedness: Right


  • Quarters: A mess. Clutter everywhere. Stacks of schematics; old trucks, muscle cars, and starships. Best of luck finding anything.
  • Favorite Room: Tucked away where no one can see him. Usually close to the Warp Drives, the hum makes him fall asleep.
  • Habits: Runs his hands through his hair, never making it any better. Grunts at everything. At the Academy he was called the "Noisemaker" for all the strange noisies he makes. The most interesting ones come out when he's focusing. Singing 80's and 90's, if not older, songs under his breath. A guitar or drum solo is also not uncommon. Uses chewing tobacco when he can get a can.
  • Mannerisms: Stand off -ish, due to his sense of humor. His mind runs on slap stick and tong in cheek skits. His blunt honestly it matched only by his constant need to 'lighten the mood'.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Pulling things apart and attempting to put them back, emphasizing on 'attempting'. Humming songs and drumming on anything close by. A raised eye brow had only ever encouraged him to be over dramatic in his air guitar skills. Looking through old truck and muscle car pictures and schematics of ships.
  • Likes: Big dogs. refurbishing old things. Arguing and bickering commonly called debating. Drinking, it makes him even more out going. Chewing tobacco
  • Dislikes: Selfish people and those who take themselves to seriously. Big bugs, found that out during his final test at the academy....
  • Ambitions and Goals: Not to die because of his mistakes. It would only take one set of bad wiring, and life support shut down....
  • Achievements in Life: Graduating school, (all of them)
  • Disappointments in Life: None... Yet
  • Temperament: He has a short fuse and can get angered quickly, but he covers it up with a unique sense of humor that bats at people around him.
  • Mental problems: To many to list, but just to name a few; he has been known to talk to himself out loud, he is his own music play list and entertainment. He considers inanimate objects to be alive, with their own personalities and to have feelings of their own.
  • Physical Limitations: Humidity, heat does not bare well with the artic tundra land lover.


  • Marital Status: Nope
  • Children: Bad idea
  • Parents: Steve and Sabrine Hael
    • Father: Steve Hael, Bar tender at "Frosty's"
    • Mother: Sabrine Hael, Waitress at diner 'Truck Stop"
  • Siblings: Seven; five boys two girls.
    • Rustyy (me) oldest
    • Jackson (3 years younger)
    • Vivian (5 years younger): Mentally slower then the rest of the children, and Rusty's favorite sibling
    • Colt (8 years younger)
    • Lily & Sabastian (Twins - 10 years younger)
    • Diesel (11 years younger)


Rustyy was born in old Alaska in Grayling, a one horse kind of town. In that kind of wilderness you have to be tough or you wouldn't do well. Rustyy was always short for his age, so he grew up fighting. In most cases just for fun, in others it was defending his younger siblings. Rustyy would always get a far share of broken noses and bloody lips.

His sister Vivian was slightly slower then the rest and many of the other kids made fun of her. Rustyy never had a problem with hitting a younger boy. Vivian was Rustyy's favorite sister. Fighting is what got Rustyy into so much trouble. Fearing the influence Rustyy had on his younger sibling, his parents sent him to Star Fleet, to make something of him self.

At first Rustyy didn't know what to do when he got to the Academy. He was good at combats and thought security/tactical would make him feel right at home. But tinkering seemed to get the better of him. So long as it wasn't theoretical tinkering.

Rustyy joined the Academy and excelled in propulsion engineering and components engineering. He showed a good understanding of things that existed and how to repair them. The Engine room was just a big thing for him to tinker with.

Rustyy's instructors, on more then one occasion, caught him calling the main engine room a "Chop Shop". When asked why he simply said, "Because all we do is blow or chop it up and piece it back together."

His interest in such things came long before the Academy though. Rustyy spent most of his free time rebuilding snow machines and the local replicator. If he was lucky, and someone else not so much, he got to work on newer models of landlock shuttles.

Before Rustyy had left Alaska to travel to the Academy, he decided to stop off at a shabby tattoo parlor. Without his parents knowing of course, Rustyy gave himself and parting gift. A tattoo on his left inner forearm. Ink wasn't common on campus and it was something rather personal for him. So even during the scolding heat, Rustyy would always wear longs sleeves.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239202.17 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineer
STO Ensign Yellow.jpg
Ensign 239202.17 USS Apollo-A Engineer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Service History
Ribbons Names Dates Reason
Coming Soon - - -

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
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Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
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Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
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Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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