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|style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;" | '''Early Career: SS Velikan NAR-56260'''
|style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;" | '''Early Career: SS Velikan NAR-56260'''

Christopher's first assignment was on the SS Velikan NAR-56260, a Federation registered Antares-class bulk freighter. The ship often operated on the fringe's of Federation space near the Bajoran sector. During Christopher's tour on board the Velikan, the ship had run-ins with both Nausicaan pirates and the Tzenkethi. On one occasion Nausicaan privateers boarded the freighter but were successfully repelled by the crew. At one point, Christopher took the helm and flew the freighter into an unstable region of an asteroid belt in a effort to evade Tzenkethi forces, whilst his efforts were successful the Velikan did not escape unscathed.
Christopher's first assignment was on the SS Velikan NAR-56260, a Federation registered Antares-class bulk freighter. The ship often operated on the fringe's of Federation space near the Bajoran sector and towards the Ferengi Alliance. The ship had a number of hostile encounters. On one occasion Nausicaan privateers boarded the freighter but were successfully repelled by the crew. At one point, Christopher took the helm and flew the freighter into an unstable region of an asteroid belt in an effort to evade Tzenkethi forces and whilst his efforts were successful the Velikan did not escape unscathed.

Revision as of 00:40, 8 November 2024

Crew of the USS Astraeus


Lieutenant Christopher Caldwell
"Non-action has repercussions, just as action does. Sometimes a rash decision now is better than a thoughtful one five minutes from now."
- James T. Kirk

Lieutenant Christopher Caldwell is currently serving as a Helm Officer aboard the USS Astraeus.

Personal Data

  • Full name: Christopher James Caldwell
  • Date of birth (Age): 21st of July 2372 (29)
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him


  • Height: 6ft (1.84 m)
  • Weight: 171lbs (77.5 kg)
  • Ethnicity: White, European
  • Hair colour: Brown
  • Eye colour: Brown


  • Christopher is highly competitive, loves a challenge (so long as he can actually achieve it), and can be both a bad loser and a bad winner.
  • While his competitiveness often results in him striving to perform his duties well, it also results in perfectionism and trying to hold himself to very high standards. As a result, he is sometimes paradoxically proud while still being disappointed in himself.
  • He is often outgoing and routinely makes jokes, either for the amusement of others or just for himself. When frustrated or stressed, his humour tends to become sarcastic.
  • He is typically flirtatious and appreciates those that reciprocate his playful behaviour; he enjoys the thrill of the chase, and his amorous disposition means that he typically views romantic pursuits as an entertaining challenge.
  • Despite his openness, he is typically far more reserved when dealing with much more senior officers.
  • Christopher is used to and appreciates directness, especially from senior officers, liking to know where he stands and what is expected of him.
  • While usually a tactical thinker, he can easily become impatient with others, often favouring bold action over indecisiveness.
Meikonda 2022.png
Captain, Age 37, Caitian

Christopher has a great deal of respect for the Captain and feels a growing loyalty towards him as a result of the Captain recognising his potential and supporting his development.

Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Romantic Interest, Age 31, Trill

Christopher is convinced he is in love with Esa Kiax but is fully aware that she is out of his league, nevertheless he enjoys the thrill of the chase and hopes that, despite some rebuffs, she enjoys it too, even if she pretends otherwise.

Charles Matthews LtJG.png
Friend, Age 29, Human

Christopher likes and respects Charles and the two usually get on well and are occasional drinking buddies, despite this the two have nearly come to blows in the past.

Alix Astraeus En.png
Complicated, Age 28, Human

Christopher feels Alix is something of a kindred spirit, both being naturally competitive and taking pleasure in taunting the other. He enjoys their rivalry with his personal highlight being the time he defeated her in basketball.

Colleagues, Age 28, Bynar

Christopher is intrigued by the Bynars and feels somewhat protective towards 000. He doesn't quite understand the connection that exists between the two of them but it's something he is envious of.

Sevan Saa Ensign.png
Colleague, Age 27, Betazoid

Christopher appreciates Sevantha's skill as a doctor and her genuine concern for his wellbeing. Despite this he feels uneasy around her as a result of her telepathic abilities, something he actively tries to frustrate during more sensitive conversations.

Gwen'ora Tasen LtJG.png
Colleague, Age 152, Ba'ku

Christopher hasn't spent much time around Gwen'ora and is a little worried he hasn't made a good impression on her, something he is keen to correct.

Caldwell Mom.jpg
Mother, Age 54, Human

Rachel Caldwell is an artist living in England. She is exceptionally proud that her trouble maker son as grown into a man his father would have been proud of, serving as a Starfleet Officer.

Caldwell Dad.jpg
Father, Deceased at Age 38, Human

Ethan Caldwell was a Civilian Engineer who was off planet supporting the reconstruction of Cardassia following the Dominion War when died in 2377. Christopher was only five when his father passed.


Caldwell Childhood.jpg
Childhood: England, Earth

Christopher Caldwell was born in Cambridge, England on the planet Earth to Rachel Caldwell, an artist, and Ethan Caldwell, a civilian engineer, on the 21st of July 2372.

Caldwell Childhood.jpg
Childhood: England, Earth

Christopher was raised by his mother after his father died in 2377 while off planet, supporting the reconstruction of Cardassia following the Dominion war. Christopher was an unremarkable child who struggled at school at a young age, something he later attributed to the way in which he was taught, preferring practical learning where he could experience and, through that experience, understand the underlying mechanics of how things worked over learning and regurgitating facts on command. From a young age, he had an aptitude for sports, routinely competing against children in older age brackets in order to get proper competition. His sporting prowess and academic struggles led to him becoming highly competitive and making himself a bad loser and sometimes a bad winner as well.

Caldwell Duffle.png
Leaving Home: The Commercial Sector

His disillusionment with formal education resulted in him leaving school as soon as he could. Eager to find somewhere to fit in, Christopher considered Starfleet as a way to see the galaxy and learn by experience, he was however put off by the thought of more 'school' if he were to join Starfleet Academy to become an officer and still didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and thus couldn't commit to a specialisation, which also ruled out joining Starfleet as a non-commissioned officer. Instead, he turned to the commercial sector, signing up to serve on board a freighter. This gave him the opportunity to see the galaxy, but as part of a far less rigid command structure.

Caldwell Freighter.png
Early Career: SS Velikan NAR-56260

Life onboard freighters and merchant vessels, where most crew members had to serve in numerous different positions, allowed Christopher to develop a well rounded and practical experience of life in space and on board a ship. With the Federation being a largely post-scarcity economy with goods, services, and information being either free or practically free as a result of a combination of abundant resources and advanced large-scale replication technology, many of the best business opportunities existed just past the fringes of Federation space in non-aligned sectors, this gave Christopher the opportunity to experience some of the more exotic and unsavoury parts of the galaxy, teaching him many important life lessons and a handful of key survival skills.

Caldwell Freighter.png
Early Career: SS Velikan NAR-56260

Christopher's first assignment was on the SS Velikan NAR-56260, a Federation registered Antares-class bulk freighter. The ship often operated on the fringe's of Federation space near the Bajoran sector and towards the Ferengi Alliance. The ship had a number of hostile encounters. On one occasion Nausicaan privateers boarded the freighter but were successfully repelled by the crew. At one point, Christopher took the helm and flew the freighter into an unstable region of an asteroid belt in an effort to evade Tzenkethi forces and whilst his efforts were successful the Velikan did not escape unscathed.

SFA SanFrancisco.png
Joining Starfleet: San Francisco, California

After almost half a decade, he decided once more to consider Starfleet, both seeing it as a challenge and looking for a career that he could be truly proud of. Christopher believed his real-world experience would serve him well at Starfleet Academy and mitigate his lack of interest in traditional academia. As hoped, his greater age and practical experience served him well at the Academy both socially, where he was viewed as a charismatic leader amongst his fellow students, and academically, where he graduated near the top of his class having majored in Security and minored in Com/Ops, a combination he felt rounded out and built upon his previously established experience and allowed him to keep his future options as open as possible.

Starfleet Academy Diploma and Transcript


Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet4 gold.png
Cadet 2397 - 2401 Starfleet Academy
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Ensign SD 240101.23 - 240105.28 USS Astraeus
USS Astraeus-logo.png
Helm Officer
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Lieutenant JG SD 240105.28 - 240108.18 USS Astraeus
USS Astraeus-logo.png
Helm Officer
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Lieutenant SD 240108.18 - Present USS Astraeus
USS Astraeus-logo.png
Helm Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Stardate 240101.23
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Romulan Campaign Medal Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Romulans.
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in a mission within an alternate universe.
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Silver Star Stardate 240103.17
USS Astraeus
Awarded for successfully piloting the USS Astraeus through a wormhole.
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation Stardate 240105.28
USS Astraeus
Awarded for demonstrating potential and for saving lives.
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal Stardate 240108.18
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Borg.
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Frontier Day Ribbon Stardate 240108.18
USS Astraeus
Awarded to those who participated in the defense of Earth and the Federation during the Frontier Day crisis of 2401.
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
UFP Medal of Freedom Stardate 240108.18
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who shows conspicuous heroism in the defense of a UFP member world.
Starfleet Medal of Valour.png
Starfleet Medal of Valour Stardate 240108.18
USS Astraeus
Awarded for assisting in the evacuation of survivors from Sol Station.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart Stardate 240108.18
USS Astraeus
Awarded to an individual who sustains injury in the line of duty.


NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png
Commanding Ofc.
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Divya Tam Ensign.png
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Wyatt RalLT.jpg
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Sulok Art.png
Science Officer
Alix Astraeus JG.png
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
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